Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 105: Change of character

But on Er Gouzi's side, the immortal cultivator who suddenly appeared and ran away, he initially thought it was Zhang Youxin and chased him all the way out.

After chasing him for a while, he discovered that it was not Zhang Youxin, but a cultist.

However, the cultists were also his must-kill targets, and chasing them so far away could not be in vain, so he might as well continue the pursuit.

He wanted to catch a few of the cult members alive and torture them severely.

The cult should have other strongholds in Anchang County.

Originally, running and chasing was Ergouzi's strength.

But this cult monk used a talisman to make his speed become faster and his flexibility also increased a lot.

Ergouzi chased him out of Sanchazi Town and chased him for a long distance, but could not catch up with him.

The two always keep one behind the other, not too far or too close.

Seeing that the distance to Sanchazi Town was getting further and further away, Ergouzi was running and his consciousness was in the gourd.

Last time I got a box of talismans in the cult cave, and there were many random varieties in it.

His spiritual consciousness searched the wooden box containing the talismans, and sure enough, there were a few popular talismans.

At this moment, the cultists who were running for their lives in front suddenly stopped running.

Ergouzi shouted something bad and turned around to run back.

"Little thief, where are you going?"

Behind him, the old man from the cult who was at the tenth level of qi training jumped out and blocked his way.

"Little thief, you destroyed the helm of 놖. Today I will peel off your skin, stretch your tendons, and refine your soul."

The old man looked at Er Gouzi with hatred in his eyes.

In the past two days, he returned to Chengxi Town and took a look. It was simply unsightly. He had lived for decades and had never seen such a shameless immortal cultivator.

All the elixirs in the fields were gone, and so were many of the treasures in the secret room.

In the entire village, except for the brick houses that could not be moved, everything that could be taken away was gone.

늀Even the iron pots and knives in the kitchen were moved away by this little thief.

A group of believers from his divine sect were left to drink from the northwest wind.

He had long wanted to seek revenge from Er Gouzi, but the vague aura of the young-looking young master frightened him.

In the end, he could only devise a strategy to lure Er Gouzi out and then ambush him.

As the old man spoke, he had already launched a flying sword and was about to strike at Ergouzi.

"Old thief, I'll catch you later if you can."

Ergouzi also took a picture of the wind charm on himself.

The talisman, coupled with his already good speed, suddenly jumped forward more than twenty kilometers, out of the attack range of the old man's flying sword.

Immortal cultivators fight with each other, cast spells, and control magical weapons and flying swords. The attack range is similar to their own spiritual consciousness.

Without the control of divine consciousness, all attacks lose the control of divine consciousness, are inaccurate, and do not pose much threat to immortal cultivators.

Ergouzi fled away from the old man's flying sword attack, and immediately used the flying sword to circle around him.

At the same time, the other hand has released the white goose.

If you want to ride a goose and fly to the sky, as long as he goes up to the sky, there will be nothing you can do to him.

However, the old man from the cult had already been prepared for this move. When he saw the white goose appear, he slashed at the neck of the white goose with his sword.

Ergouzi could only use his flying sword to help Bai Goose block the sword.


There was a soft sound, and the two flying swords collided in the air.

Er Gouzi's flying sword was knocked over several times in the air.


Frightened by this, the white goose flapped its wings and flew into the sky, hovering dozens of feet high.

"Go get the reinforcements and call Hime Cang over."

Ergouzi roared at the 꺶goose, and the 꺶white goose flew away without any regrets. I don't know if you understand?

The old man's flying sword failed to hit him, and he struck Ergouzi with another sword in the air.

Ergouzi could only control the flying sword to fight with him.

During the qi training period, immortal cultivators fight mainly with the strength of their true qi and spiritual consciousness.

The stronger the true energy, the more powerful the flying sword controlled, the stronger the spiritual consciousness, the longer the attack range, and the more subtle and varied control.

Ergouzi, who is at the sixth level of Qi training, has no advantage against the old man who is at the tenth level of Qi training, regardless of his true energy or spiritual consciousness.

The two flying swords fought for a few times, and Er Gouzi felt that more than half of the true energy in his body had been consumed.

The old man's flying sword was getting closer and closer to him.

The figure of the old man had already stood outside the scope of Ergouzi's consciousness.

If the fight continues like this, he will definitely lose.

Faced with a losing situation, Ergouzi gritted his teeth, pulled out the door panel sword from behind, advanced instead of retreating, leapt forward, and rushed towards the old man.

The flying sword must not be able to fight, but he has brute force and strength.

Over the past few years, he has dealt with many immortal cultivators and found that his strength is undoubtedly the best.

As long as he can get close to the old man, he can chop him into pieces with one sword.

As for the flying swords in the air, he uses his spiritual consciousness to control them, as long as he can protect himself.

So he ran towards the old man desperately.

The old man's flying sword kept slashing at him.

The distance between the two became closer and closer, and finally they were only two feet away. Ergouzi jumped up and slashed down from the air with his sword.

This sword carried a thousand kilograms of power from his body, flew down from the air, and struck the old man's face directly.

Seeing this power, the old man could only control the flying sword to block it in front of him.


The old man's flying sword, which was about a foot long, was blown away by Er Gouzi's heavy sword on the door panel.

No matter how strong your cultivation level is and how powerful your flying sword is, you will still be knocked away by the huge force.

Er Gouzi's heavy sword was made of hundred-refined silver and copper, mixed with black iron, and the quality was pretty good.

But just after the clash with the flying sword, a deep gap appeared.

However, it was rare to get close to the old man and fight in close combat. Er Gouzi's first sword failed, and the second sword slashed at the old man again.

The cult old man saw that Er Gouzi was very powerful and difficult to deal with, so he dodged in a hurry.

The flying sword that was just smashed away quickly flew back, and then was smashed away by Er Gouzi's sword again.

Gradually, Er Gouzi finally found his advantage.

In terms of magic power and spiritual consciousness, he would never be able to beat the old man.

But now the two are close, fighting with brute force, he is the advantage.

Relying on speed, he entangled the old man and smashed down with heavy swords, but the old man could only parry repeatedly.

The cult old man regretted again and again. He didn't expect this kid to be so strong. If he had known, he would never let him get close.


There was another clear sound, and the heavy sword in Er Gouzi's hand was cut off.

The sword was more than three feet long, and only two feet were left in his hand.

The sword became shorter and the power became a little smaller, but it did not affect his battle.

"Ga ga... ga ga..."

At this time, the goose flew back from the sky again.

On the face in the distance, a strong breath was faintly felt approaching here.

"Little thief, you are lucky today."

The old man saw that Er Gouzi's reinforcements had arrived, and he turned around and fled without hesitation.

When the white goose and Ji Cang arrived, the old man had already run away.

Er Gouzi was not convinced, and rode the white goose to chase for a long distance, but failed to find the old man's trace.

It's a pity that the old man will be on guard next time, and it won't be so easy to get close to him.

When Ji Cang arrived, he was holding a cultist in his hand, who was the one who led Er Gouzi here before.

Er Gouzi tortured the cultist for a while, but didn't get much useful information.

He only knew the general location of another cult's nest, and he didn't know about other nests.

After Er Gouzi finished the torture, he killed the cultist with a sword.

"You tortured the location of the cult's branch, don't you want to shrink back to Shekou Mountain to farm?"

Ji Cang didn't know that Er Gouzi had anything to do with the cult, and asked with a little surprise.

Er Gouzi just nodded slightly, without commenting.

"Brother Ji, do you still have the benefits you told me last time?"

He still remembered that Ji Cang persuaded him to pacify the cult and the rebels, but promised a lot of benefits.

What elixir, magic weapon, technique, elixir...

Er Gouzi was very tempted at that time.

After such a long time, he never forgot it in his heart.

Now he has to be the enemy of the cult anyway, so he took the opportunity to ask Ji Cang for some benefits.

Ji Cang didn't understand what Er Gouzi was up to, why did he suddenly change his nature.

But this is exactly what he wanted, so he nodded immediately.

"Of course, what you said is always valid."

"What do you want? I will write you an IOU now."

As for what specific things he wanted, Er Gouzi was stumped.

The more and more expensive the better, but he didn't know Ji Cang's background and what kind of benefits he could offer.

What if he asked for a watermelon, and then in Ji Cang's eyes, it was just a small sesame seed, then he would lose money.

After all, his vision and knowledge were still a little lacking.

"Let me think about what to write in the IOU for a few days. I haven't decided yet."

"No problem, whatever you want!"

Ji Cang smiled and agreed easily.

"However, why did you suddenly change your personality?"

Er Gouzi pondered for a moment and said seriously.

"You are also a martial artist. I suddenly feel that I should stand up and serve the court in this crisis."

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