Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 106 Foundation Building Pill

Originally, Zhang Liang had gone through many battles and became the only powerful force around Chazi Town.

The 눓 plate with a radius of more than ten miles is all occupied by 놛.

Now that Zhang Liang has been destroyed and such a large piece of land has been vacated, Ergouzi can't do it even if he doesn't want it.

Sima Yi and Ji Cangdu advised Er Gouzi to occupy these dishes.

If not, this kind of ownerless situation will breed all kinds of bandits and bandits, causing chaos.

But he only has so many people under his command, and the large soil around Snake Creek Village is enough for him to plant.

No matter how much dirt there is, not many people will take care of it.

"Why don't you leave this matter to me."

This time, Sima Yi took the initiative to take charge of this matter.

"After the war, there are still many remnants of the rebels wandering around. We will gather them all and place them in various villages, so that they can cultivate their crops in a down-to-earth manner."

"Okay, go ahead. These are people who are used to eating human flesh. Don't be too kind. Just kill those who deserve to be killed."

"Don't worry, I know that to treat malignant sores, you have to cut out the flesh and remove the bones to cure the disease."

"Doctors are kind-hearted, but they can also use a knife."

After Sima Yi got Er Gouzi's consent, he took 놛's Yizi camp away.

Together with 께'ezi, who was seriously injured but still unconscious, he was also taken away by 놛깊.

Since Sima Yi is willing to go out, it is best to let 놛 do it.

"Qiuyue, take a group of people and prepare more dry food.

I also need to take good care of the sheep I brought back last time, and wait for them to give me babies next year. "

"Sun Wangcai, go to the team and select the 2,000 strongest ones. We will prepare for the expedition in a few days."

After Ergouzi arranged everything for Qiuyue and Sun Wangcai, he approached Jicang again.

"Brother Ji, I want to ask, what kind of treasures do you want to give me?"

놛Thinking about it for two days, I still haven’t figured out what benefits I should order, so I decided to explore Hime Cura’s taste.

"Why, you've been thinking about it for two days and you still haven't thought about it, okay?

Whatever you feel you lack the most, just choose whatever it is, no matter what! "

Ji Cang felt that it was difficult to make a decision. If it were changed to 놛, he could make a decision in just a few breaths.

"I think I thought better of it, but I'm afraid it's too expensive, so I'm embarrassed to ask you."

Ergouzi has been poor since he was young. He feels that he lacks everything, so naturally he cannot think and make decisions like Hime Cang.

"You tell me and I'll think about it."

뀪Jicang's understanding of Ergouzi, 놛Instinctively felt that this guy wanted to trick him, so he didn't dare to talk too much.

"Actually, it shouldn't be anything to you. Just give me 1,000 Foundation Establishment Pills."

Er Gouzi still remembers that when he first sold the big pill to Sima Yi, he set the price too low.

Fortunately, Sima Yi was an honest man, so he did not suffer a big loss.

Don't make the same mistake a second time. I'm afraid you'll suffer another loss this time, so you raise the price a little higher.

The Foundation Establishment Pill is already the most valuable elixir in 놛's knowledge, so 녈 just needs a thousand Foundation Establishment Pills.

When Ji Cang heard this, he looked at Er Gouzi like a fool.

"1000 Foundation Building Pills, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Is it too much 깊 or too little 깊?"

Ergouzi has a little self-doubt in his heart. Could it be that he is too young this time?

Ji Cang was so angry that he laughed.

"It seems that you really don't know how much 1,000 foundation-building pills are, so you dare to open your mouth."

"Is 1,000 pills a lot? Then less, 500 about 300 pills?"

Ergouzi was still confident enough after all, and he cut off more than half of it in one go.

"It's impossible. There aren't that many foundation-building pills in the entire Qingzhou."

"The raw materials for the Foundation Building Pill require hundreds of years of five spiritual grasses, and these five spiritual grasses must grow in special spiritual environments."

"The production of Foundation Establishment Pills is limited, and the demand is high. Every pill is precious."

Judging from Ji Cang's appearance, it doesn't look like he is lying. Ergouzi can make some more concessions.

"How about 50 pills then? You don't even have this little foundation-building pill, do you?"

"From one thousand to fifty, I have made a huge concession. You are from a wealthy family after all, so don't be too stingy."

"Why don't you offer 10,000? From 10,000 to 50, your concession will be even greater."

Himekura sneered and continued.

"Which one of us is stingy, don't you know?"

놛I found that my originally calm and gentle temperament was forced by Er Gouzi to become more sarcastic and mean.

If not for this, after one year, the entire treasury will not be enough to write IOUs.

"It's different. You come from a wealthy family. Even if you pluck a hair, it's still thicker than my waist."

"We, farmers from all walks of life, can be diligent and frugal in running our homes, and we can calculate everything carefully. We can peel some iron from the tip of a needle, scrape some meat from a mosquito's leg, and break a copper coin into two flowers."

"I can give you one Foundation Establishment Pill, but I can't get you more than one. You still have to register at the county government office."

Ergouzi was not disappointed when he heard the Foundation Building Pill, but felt a little secretly happy in his heart.

I have seen it several times in books before. It is said that the Foundation Building Pill is extremely rare and difficult to obtain.

Otherwise, the county magistrate has been around for so many years, plundered so much wealth, and is still a Qi-training monk.

However, I didn't give up just yet.

"One more pill, how about two pills? I'll ask for one for Sima Yi, too."

"No, each person can register to receive one pill. This is the law of the dynasty, and I cannot violate it."

Ji Cang shook his head and refused.

"You gave me a foundation-building pill privately, do you also need to register it at the county government office?"

Er Gouzi didn't quite understand. If two people gave each other a foundation-building pill willingly, why did they need to register?

What does this have to do with the government office?

"Of course, in the Great Zhou Dynasty, every foundation-building pill produced in the alchemy room is limited, and its whereabouts must be known.

We must never let the foundation-building pill fall into the hands of treacherous people, which will increase the instability out of thin air."

"Look at this rebellion, most of the cultists are Qi-training monks, and very few are foundation-building."

"This will make it much easier to rebel, and no matter how big the rebellion is, it will be difficult to become a climate.

If the court withdraws its hands, it can eliminate the disaster in a matter of seconds."

After hearing what Ji Cang said, Er Gouzi nodded, as if it was indeed true.

However, the world believes that the foundation-building pill is extremely precious and rare.

In fact, only a few people know that there is a large backlog of foundation-building pills in the treasury.

These foundation-building pills have long been exhausted and turned into dust because they are too old.

But Ji Cang knew very well that even if these foundation-building pills were rotten in the warehouse, they must not be released at will.

If a person has powerful strength, he will definitely want to get corresponding wealth, power, and status.

Who can be at ease to farm, pay taxes, and perform corvée if he has the strength to destroy the world?

Everyone wants to be the best.

But there is only so much wealth and power in the world, and only by enslaving others can you get power and wealth.

It is impossible to distribute it equally to everyone, and it is destined to be in the hands of a very small number of people.

If people with strength do not get these corresponding powers, they will have many restless thoughts and become the source of disasters.

The world will not be peaceful for a day.

Therefore, the Great Zhou Dynasty strictly blocked the link of foundation-building pills from the day it was founded.

Only a few people who are loyal and reliable to the court and worthy of trust can get the foundation-building pill.

Thus, they can cultivate to a higher level, hold higher official positions in the dynasty, and gain greater power and wealth.

The foundation-building pill is equivalent to a ticket to the upper class of the dynasty, and must be firmly controlled in their hands.

Of course, this kind of operation method is the art of the emperor. Only a few people can learn it, and they can do it secretly, and they must never say it openly.

The superficial reason is that the production of foundation-building pills is rare, which makes it precious.

Before, Er Gouzi asked for a thousand pills, which was equivalent to guaranteeing 1,000 people to become officials.

Even the current Longxing Saint Emperor did not have such a big hand.

Er Gouzi did not realize at this moment that the foundation-building pill sent by Ji Cang had so much gold content and was a ticket to the upper class.

In his heart, he still thought it was just a more expensive pill.

"Since the foundation-building pill is so precious, how did the cult's foundation-building cultivators come from?"

As far as Er Gouzi knows, the cult not only has foundation-building pills, but also the legendary golden pills.

"If the cult can't get the foundation-building pills, they often use some evil magic from the ancient magic."

"The cave layout you used to save Sima Yi last time should be a preparation for foundation-building."

"Some cult members will collude with the Wan Yao Kingdom and get some similar treasures from the Wan Yao Kingdom."

No matter how tight the net is, there will always be some loopholes. There is no way to avoid it.

What Ji Cang didn't say in his heart was that some cult members could even get the foundation-building pills from the government offices.

Er Gouzi got a foundation-building pill and asked about the practice again.

This time, Ji Cang was very straightforward, returning to his usual calmness and agreed without any hesitation.

"I see you are a wild man and like to use a heavy sword, so I will teach you a set of sword techniques."

"But I don't have the original version of the technique. I saw it before and I still remember some of it. I will write it down for you in the next two days."

A day later, Ji Cang took a handwritten version of the technique and threw it to Er Gouzi.

The five big characters "Sword of Opening Mountains and Cutting Waters" were written on the cover of the book, which looked very domineering.

Er Gouzi flipped through it roughly and found that it was a heavy sword technique.

Ordinary flying swords and the like emphasize lightness, flexibility and variety.

This sword technique is simple and unpretentious, without too many changes. To win, it emphasizes breaking all methods with one sword.

If you can cut it in half with one sword, you will never use a second sword.

And this sword technique has a lot in common with the sword light you have learned before.

When performing the move, the true Qi formed a large and long sword light at the blade.

Er Gouzi tried it, and the sword light cut off the heads on the top of the mountain, which was extremely powerful.

During the sword test, he even reclaimed a piece of wasteland, and Yushan was stunned beside him.

"Master is mighty!"

"This is nothing, you pick up these heads, and this piece of land can grow some spiritual medicine."

Er Gouzi wiped his sweat and said casually.

After such a period of stealing, a lot of spiritual medicine has been planted on the top of the mountain.

There are more than ten varieties and hundreds of plants, which is now considered a family asset.

And he also has a rare fire spirit grass in his hand.

If you gather the five spirit herbs together, you can refine the foundation-building pill yourself.

As for the recipe of the Foundation Establishment Pill, I guess it should be in the inheritance of Master Baihe.

As an alchemy master of the ancient Jindan period, if he can't even make a foundation-building pill, how can he say that he is a master.

"Yushan, I'm going out for a while this time, you take care of the house and wait for me to come back."

"Master, don't worry, Yushan will always be your most loyal servant. Master, Yushan has always kept the master's kindness in mind and will repay it with his whole life."

Seeing Yushan so sensible, Er Gouzi was relieved.

There are a total of 42 white geese on the mountain, including 11 spirit beasts, and the rest are ordinary mutant white geese.

Er Gouzi took away 30 white geese this time and left 12 on the mountain to watch the house.

At the foot of the mountain, a team of 2,000 people was ready to go. With Er Gouzi's call, everyone walked out of the village in an orderly manner.

On the way, when they passed a village, they saw a rebel army claiming to be king.

Er Gouzi led a group of white geese and flew directly over the village, dropping a large piece of meat.

With a loud "bang", a house collapsed, scaring the villagers into panic.

"Everyone listen, surrender and you won't be killed!"

Er Gouzi rode on the back of a goose and shouted loudly to the people below.

Under the threat of the giant in the sky, thousands of bandits entrenched in the village surrendered except for a few leaders who fled.

With almost no effort, they successfully conquered a force.

Er Gouzi left a team of people to guard, and Sima Yi took care of the rest.

Our large group of people continued to move forward.

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