Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 107 Blood Mist

Er Gouzi led a team of two people and swept through them all the way without any effort and encountered almost no decent resistance.

They often see a group of white geese flying in the sky from a distance, and they often watch the geese descend.

In a short period of time, most of the rebels in Anchang County were conquered by him.

However, not a single one of the small leaders with any level of cultivation among the rebels was caught.

They often run away before Ergouzi arrives, leaving only ordinary people with a little bit of regret.

As for the cult's strongholds in various places, they also disappeared overnight.

It's as if the cult has never appeared.

This made Ergouzi very distressed. He only looked for traces of the cult everywhere, but found nothing...


When the whole world is in chaos, only the 놋굜 family village is still as peaceful and peaceful as before.

The villagers here live and work in peace and contentment, with rosy complexions and full energy. Everyone praises the village owner as a benevolent and righteous man.

In the middle of the large reservoir built on the top of the mountain in 굜jiazhuang, there is a small island.

There is a water spiritual vein here, and the spiritual energy is abundant. The famous Crescent Rice is planted on the island.

On the outside of this spiritual field, a large number of iron thorns were planted as a fence to block curious outsiders or thieves.

But no one knows that there is a secret passage in the center of this spiritual field, the surface of which is covered with straw.

Get in through the straw pile and walk a little further into the cave. This bottom is actually a different kind of cave.

The cultists Er Gouzi was looking for so hard, as well as the small leaders who escaped from the rebels, all gathered here.

It was such a rare opportunity that cultists and rebel leaders from all over the country gathered together and had fun, like a family.

We all met each other so late that we toasted, drank, talked about ancient theories, and told some of our heroic past.

In fact, most of them are weak-minded and don't have much knowledge. They can't even recognize a bunch of Chinese characters.

Let's talk about it, it's just the nonsense of killing a few people and sleeping with a few women, nothing new.

However, he rebelled for a few days, became king or general for a few days, and served as a prince or general for a few days.

I feel that I am no longer as good as in previous years, and I have to use a different tone when speaking.

At this moment, a man with a pig-kidney face walked in and met everyone.

"King Zhao!"

"King Zhao!"

All the heroes who were bragging just now stood up and bowed to meet each other.

This pig-kidney-faced King Zhao was exactly the one who had been robberies on the official road back then.

Because he directly participated in the battle to ambush the county captain, he has always held a high status among all the forces that rebelled and became king.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Please come with me."

The leaders of this large group of rebels quickly got up and followed King Zhao into the cave.

The group of people walked forward along the cave. As they walked, the terrain became lower and lower, and they felt a cold atmosphere.

"I'm afraid it has reached the bottom of the reservoir."

"Of course, the water spirit vein is at the bottom of the reservoir."

"I heard that practicing on spiritual veins will get twice the result with half the effort."

There was a hint of excitement in the conversation of these people.

"Okay, here we are."

King Zhao opened a heavy copper door and stood by the door to let everyone in.

"King Zhao, why don't you go in together?"

"놆ah, this is such a rare opportunity, why don't you go in together?"

King Zhao just sighed and shook his head with a look of regret.

"I was unlucky and didn't win the lottery."

"I'm just here to wish you all great success as soon as possible."

King Zhao stood by the door and waited until everyone entered before slamming the bronze door.

But after this group of people walked in through the copper door, they found a completely sealed room with a large pool in the middle.

The ground is also carved with dense patterns.

"Where is this place?"

"There's still a lot of blood in the pool that hasn't dried yet."

"It's so particular that there are so many flowers carved on the ground."

"These patterns look like 놆talms or formations."

Among this large group of princes and generals, there was finally only one literate person who could barely recognize the talisman.

At this moment, the runes on the ground slowly lit up.

"Huh? It's lit!"

"Sure enough, the formation!"

"I also want to show you the knowledge of General Song."

A group of princes and generals looked at the formation talismans on the ground as if they were looking at something strange.

At this moment, a dark wind blew from the top of the room, making people tremble all over.

"Hey, why do I have a nosebleed?"

"I'm bleeding too..."


At this time, everyone in the room was bleeding from their eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

Moreover, they discovered something that frightened them even more.

The group of people who came here have all practiced the Blood Evil Technique, and they all have a certain level of cultivation, ranging from the first level of Qi training to the fourth or fifth level of Qi training.

But now, none of their cultivation can be mobilized at all.

It was as if he had become an ordinary person without any force again.

There was more and more bleeding from the mouth and nose, and gradually, some broken internal organs also flowed out along with the blood...

A few hours later, a large group of princes and generals who had been talking loudly just now appeared.

Now it's all turned into a pool of blood, gathering in the pool in the center of the room, and it's no longer possible to tell who is who.

Gradually, bubbles began to swell in the pool of blood, and bubbles swelled one by one, as if the blood pool was boiling.

"Gulp gulp..."

Countless blood vapors evaporated and turned into blood-red smoke, floating upwards.

All these blood mists gathered in a hole, and along this long and narrow hole, they all gathered in another room.

This room was filled with blood mist, and a man was vaguely sitting in the center of the blood mist, slowly absorbing the blood mist.

Looking at the man's expression and appearance, he turned out to be the owner of the Wo family who had always been respected by Er Gouzi.

The owner of the Wo family had red eyes at this moment, and his skin was glowing red.

As the blood mist entered his body, his aura fluctuated violently, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

All the rebel leaders of the rebellion in Anchang County had been recruited by him and turned into blood mist and absorbed into his body.

This is the last batch.

He must use this huge blood evil force to impact the foundation building stage.

As early as the beginning of the rebellion, he spread the blood evil technique everywhere and provided blood soul pills to help everyone practice.

These rebellious bandits really regarded the technique as a treasure, and they would practice hard without his urging.

It's like sowing a lot of seeds, and now it's finally time to harvest.

At this moment, the owner's body shook violently, and his aura suddenly surged.

Finally at this moment, he successfully broke through from the tenth level of Qi training to the foundation building stage.

After the breakthrough, the remaining blood mist in the room surged into his body like a tide.

All the blood mist was absorbed by him, and his cultivation was stable in the foundation building stage.

After sitting firmly for a few days, the owner slowly got up.

He clenched his fist and felt the surging power on his body.

But he was not satisfied with this.

Let King Zhao continue to lure those cultists into the room and turn them into blood mist for him to practice.

After so many years of painstaking cultivation, it is finally time to harvest.

The owner of the manor showed a simple smile like an old farmer on his face.

The cult forces in the entire Anchang County, as well as so many rebel leaders, are all the crops he sowed and cultivated with painstaking cultivation.

After so many years of hard work, at this moment he finally felt the joy of a good harvest.

Thank you for the gift of heaven and earth!

King Zhao lured those cultists into the room in batches.

But these cultists, compared to those mud legs, are more knowledgeable after all.

After luring and killing a few batches, others have already discovered clues and want to escape or resist.

But the blood evil art they practiced had been modified in advance and was completely suppressed by the master's skills.

He captured and killed them all and threw them into that room to be refined into blood mist.

As time passed, there were fewer and fewer people in this space, and the master's strength became stronger and stronger.

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