Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 12 Power Pill

Ergou summarized his experience of cooking pig food and figured out how to make the powerful pills.

It would not work if it was all white rice. People who have eaten rice all their lives would definitely taste it in one bite.

You need to mix some wild vegetables in it.

He picked up the hoe and walked to the edge of the rice field, where a small patch of wild vegetables was planted.

It was the chicken drumstick that he had transplanted before.

Because there was food to eat now, except for watering it every now and then, he had never dug it out to eat.

At this moment, he dug a hoe and found that the chicken drumstick in the field had grown thicker than a fist. If all were dug out, each plant would be more than one meter long.

He picked up a chicken drumstick, peeled off the skin, and the inside was white and crystal clear, and it was crisp and sweet when he bit it.

The originally ordinary wild vegetables were cultivated with gourd water, and they grew so big and tasted so good.

According to the growth of these chicken legs, the yield is much higher than that of rice.

I plan to reclaim the wasteland next time and plant more chicken legs.

At this time, Ergou dug a few chicken legs, washed them, chopped them together with the leaves, and cooked them with rice.

Then pour these things on a smooth stone slab, and repeatedly crush and beat them with stones.

Finally, it turned into a large lump of light yellow-green mud.

Ergou grabbed a ball and stuffed it into his mouth. He found that except for the ugly appearance, it tasted quite good, soft and sticky, with some sweetness.

Then rub the mud into thumb-sized balls and dry them.

After drying, he tried a few more. They were hard and chewy, but the more he chewed, the more fragrant they were.

To be honest, Ergou was not satisfied with the effect of this finished product.

Because there was no medicinal taste at all, the taste was too good.

With this appearance, it is hard to believe that it is sold as a powerful pill.

This is the temporary solution. I will think of a way to add some medicinal materials that will not kill people, so that the finished product will become darker and more unpalatable.

Put it in the gourd first, and when you want to eat it, just pour out a few pills and eat them. It is very convenient.

Take it to the market in a few days and try to sell it. At least no one can recognize what materials you used.

In a few days, I kneaded a bucket of Dali Pills by hand, dried them and stored them in the gourd.

After storing this kind of Dali Pills in the gourd for three months, it has the same effect as rice, which increases strength and strengthens the vitality in the body.

This year, I went to the town and copied dozens of words with Li Banxian. After finishing, I went to the market to set up a stall to sell Dali Pills, 10 coins per pill.

As a result, not only did I not sell a single pill, but I was also ridiculed.

Others laughed at me for being unlearned at a young age and trying to cheat by making something casually.

There were even rascals who asked, "Other people who sell medicine can break rocks with their chests, but they insisted on pulling Ergou to perform a brick-breaking and rock-breaking performance."

The onlookers also laughed and made fun of him, which made him look embarrassed.

Finally, he hastily closed his stall and left the market with a red face.

On the way home, he was very depressed. Other people who sold fake medicines sold them, but no one believed him when he sold real medicine.

When passing Shexi Village, a girl with two maids tied with red ribbons on the opposite side came running towards him.

"Brother Gou!"


I haven't seen my cousin for more than half a year. My cousin has grown taller. I almost didn't recognize her, but the two of them were still the same as before, without any identity.

"Brother Gou, do you have food now? Are you hungry?"

"Wait here for a while, there are some leftovers at home, I'll go back and get them."

Xiao'e was about to turn around and go back, but was pulled by Ergou.

"Xiao'e, I rented a few acres of land on Shek Kyi, and now I have food to eat."

"Oh, that's good, as long as I have food to eat!"

Xiao'e seemed to finally let go of her heart that had been hanging for a long time, but she thought of the various legends about Shek Kyi.

"Brother Gou, I heard that there is a snake demon on Shek Kyi, have you seen it?"

The child was a little afraid of the legend of the snake demon, but more curious.

"No, it's a story made up by the old man to scare the child."

Ergou shook his head, and he really didn't find anything unusual.

"Oh, by the way, you beat up your second brother last time, and he cried all day at home and didn't go out, not even to school."


Xiao'e remembered that her second brother's face was swollen like a pig's head after being beaten last time, and she couldn't help laughing.

"You should be careful too, your eldest brother said he would beat you, and he said he would beat you every time he saw you..."

The two stood on the roadside and chatted for a long time, and they were very happy.

When the two were about to leave, Ergou remembered the unsold Dali Pills.

Since they couldn't sell them anyway, it would be nice to give some to Xiao'e as a snack, so he took out a pack immediately.

"What is this?"

"Dali Pills, bought at the market, it is said that after eating them, bricks will be broken on the top of the head and rocks will be broken in the chest!"

Ergou was embarrassed to tell his embarrassing story, so he found a borrower.

"Oh no! You've been cheated. This doesn't look like a pill. The color is wrong and it doesn't smell like medicine at all."

"Let's go and settle the score with 놛! Get the money back."

Xiao'e 떚 dragged Ergou 떚 away, but Ergou 떚 didn't dare to go, as he would be exposed.

"No, that person left long ago!"

"놖 tried it, it tastes good, let's keep it as a snack, what if it works?"

"Okay then."

Xiao'e was still a little bit upset, but there was nothing she could do. She picked up a grain and put it in her mouth and chewed it slowly. She found that it tasted really good, very chewy, and the more she chewed, the more fragrant it became.

After saying goodbye to Xiao'e, she went to Huang Laocai's house.

The rent was about to be paid, so she came to take a look first.

When she walked into Huang Laocai's house, she saw that the courtyard, the hall, and the room were all piled with golden rice.

In addition to some of the land that Huang Laocai rented out, he also planted more than 100 acres of his own land. It was the autumn harvest, and there was too much food to store at home.

So he had to deal with the food at home first, free up some land, and then collect rent.

"Ergou, you came at the right time. Let's go to the county town later."

"Okay, what's the matter, boss?"

Ergou agreed very readily.

"It's autumn harvest time, and we have to go to the county government to pay taxes. We don't have enough manpower, so we need everyone's help."

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely come when the time comes."

Ergou was actually quite excited when he heard that he was going to the county town.

The farthest he had been since he was a child was Sancha Town.

I heard that there were two or three-story houses in the county town, and there were horse-drawn carriages, storytellers, and jugglers.

I heard that the biggest official in the county town was the county magistrate.

I heard that the county magistrate had meat for every meal, and he had to ride in a big sedan every time he went out, and the servants in the county government all wore flowery clothes.

In Sancha Town, I had seen brides from wealthy families riding in sedans before, but I had never seen a carriage.

In my childhood imagination, the county magistrate sat in a big sedan, holding a chicken leg in his left hand and a bottle of honey water in his right hand, looking very majestic!

Looking back now, my childhood was too naive.

Also, the people in Sancha Town were ignorant and didn't know my powerful pills. They might sell them in the county town.

Moreover, the county town was so far away, so I could sell things more casually without worrying about being found.

I had to save money as soon as possible and buy the land on the snake from Huang Laocai, so that I could feel at ease.

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