Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 13 Handsome Young Man

괗Gouzi returned to Shekou Mountain, and 늀 began to prepare for a long trip.

First, he moved some rocks and thorns to block the originally difficult path in Shekou Mountain, making it even more difficult to walk.

He himself had to use a rope to get down Shekou Mountain.

Put all the valuable items, such as hoes, hatchets, iron pots and other belongings into the gourd.

By the way, count all the rice coins in the gourd.

He now has more than 150 stones of rice and a bushel of Dali pills in his gourd.

But the copper coins and silver he urgently needs most now are very few, and his entire net worth is only more than five guan.

According to today's market price, an acre of land costs 20 guan. Just the three acres he cultivates now would cost at least 60 guan.

Moreover, Huang Laocai may not be willing to sell.

괗Gouzi plans to find an opportunity to mention to Huang Laocai this time whether to sell the Shekou Mountain to him.

However, this side is full of rocks, the mountain road is getting more and more difficult to walk, and watering is inconvenient.

For others, the 눓 of Shekou Mountain is of little value, but for 괗Gouzi, it is the most suitable.

I just hope that when I go to the city this time, I will meet someone who knows the goods and sell Dali Pills at a good price, so I can buy them with money.

In order to go to the city this time, Gouzi took off his only set of linen clothes and washed them one day in advance.

Use needle and thread to carefully sew the open seams of the cuffs and armpits.

He also jumped into the Snake Creek to take a cold bath and rubbed all the mud off his body.

Then he combed his hair neatly and put on a pair of brand new straw sandals. He looked energetic and as handsome as Xin Langguan.

When Gouzi went to Huang Laocai's house to pay the rent with five buckets of rice on his back, he felt the eyes of Huang Laocai's daughter's eyes light up as she looked over.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other, which made Gouzi blush all the way to his neck. He lowered his head and never dared to look at the daughter of Huang Laocai's family again.

Huang Laocai's daughter has a round face, a round waist, and a round butt. She is one of the most beautiful beauties in the village, and has attracted the covetous attention of many idle men in the village.

Such a woman is a good hand no matter whether she is doing farm work or giving birth and raising children at home.

But she is the daughter of the richest man in the village, and these tenant farmers want to eat swan meat, but they can't afford it.

"Oh! It turns out to be 괗Gouzi!"

"At first glance, I thought someone's groom was here."

"The older the boy, the more handsome he becomes!"

"If you are so tall, you should have a wife."

Huang Laocai's family has already gathered several strong men, all of whom are tenants of his family.

녊 had nothing to do, and now he saw 괗Gouzi coming, so 녊 could tease him together.

"This kid is still blushing!"

The tenant Laifu patted 괗Gouzi on the shoulder, "When you go to the city this time, I will take you to the secret door to play. For a few cents, I will let you have the addiction of being a man!"

"Go there a few more times, and I'm sure you'll never blush again in the future."

"Uncles, I am still young and not old enough to marry a wife."

Gouzi thought that he had just turned 14, so it was a little early to marry a wife.

"What do you know, kid!"

"As the old saying goes, if you stay with your mother-in-law, you will grow three inches in one night, and if you marry a wife, you will grow even more!"


늀While these rough guys were laughing and playing, a door in the back room opened with a "squeak".

괗Gouzi turned around and saw his cousin Zhang Liang walking out of Huang Laocai's house with a livid face.

Zhang Liangtong also saw 깊괗 Gouzi, but just stared at him and ignored him.

When several tenants saw Wu Xiucai, they hurriedly came forward and wanted to say a few compliments to please him.

"Master Zhang!"

"Master Zhang..."

But the cousin just said "hmm" from his nostrils and left without even looking at the crowd.

"They are all from the countryside, so what airs do they have!"

After the people left, one of the tenants said dissatisfiedly.

His friends quickly stopped him from continuing.

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense. He is now a scholar, and we tenants cannot afford to offend him."

At this time Huang Laocai also walked out of the room.

"Everyone, please wait. Let's have breakfast first. Only after we have a full meal can we have the strength to work!"

Huang Laocai was a very particular person, so he treated everyone to a breakfast of hot white rice with shredded pickles.

When I usually eat at home, I don’t necessarily open my belly to eat a full meal during the Chinese New Year. Now I open my cheeks and eat with all my heart.

Every time they get a good meal, this is one of the reasons why the tenants like to work at Huang Laocai's house.

After eating, Huang Laocai directed everyone to pack the grain into bags and tie it to the wheelbarrow.

One truck holds three stones of rice, which is more than 30 trucks.

Only then did Gouzi realize that almost half of the rent collected by Huang Laocai was used to pay taxes.

He also picked out the best grain and delivered it to the county government honestly. If it was not delivered within the time limit, the county government would send a team of officials to the countryside to suppress the food.

I'm an official, so I'm not that easy to talk to.

You have to serve them carefully. If you don't get what you want, you'll hit people, smash things, or ransack your home. At least you'll have to shed a layer of your skin.

Their group, including Huang Laocai, totaled 50 people, pushing more than 30 wheelbarrows, with a few remaining people helping.

The crowd first arrived at Sanchazi Town along a trail, and then turned onto an official road.

In the past six months, Gouzi has not only grown a lot in strength, but he has also grown taller.

Three shi of rice weighs more than 300 jin. He now pushes a cart alone and walks several miles, and still feels very relaxed.

When he feels his arms are sore, numb and tired, he secretly circulates his vital energy to his arms, and the soreness and numbness will soon disappear.

And the strength of his arms is instantly enhanced.

The same is true when his legs are tired. Just let the vital energy flow through the meridians, and the fatigue will immediately disappear, and he will continue to walk briskly.

Along the way, others have changed hands several times, but he still hasn't changed hands.

The tenants on the same road thought he was hot-blooded and liked to show off.

In fact, he took the opportunity to try to secretly mobilize his vital energy to flow throughout his body while walking.

These skills have never been taught by the master, so he can only figure them out slowly by himself.

Along the way, he practiced without distraction, and felt more and more experienced. Not only did he not feel tired, but he felt more and more relaxed as he walked.


Suddenly, a gong sounded, and a group of people rushed out from both sides of the official road ahead, holding knives and sticks, blocking the way.

Gouzi had never seen such a scene before, so he quickly threw down his wheelbarrow, stood in the crowd, and quietly held the short knife hidden in his arms.

But the tenants who were traveling with him did not seem to be very afraid, and they were still calm.

At this time, Huang Laocai walked forward with a smile, and bowed to a middle-aged man with a pig kidney face.

"It turned out to be King Zhao, I am so disrespectful!"

"I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree..."

The pig kidney-faced man was very persistent in the robbery slogan, and paid great attention to the sense of ritual. He recited this string of words word for word with a stern face.

Then he waved the butcher knife in his hand and chopped a tree on the side of the road.

Several trees on the roadside were covered with dense knife marks, presumably all from this pig-kidney-faced hero.

"Do you know the rules?"

"I know, I know!"

Huang Laocai put on a smile and bowed, took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, and handed it to the pig-kidney-faced man with both hands.

"King Zhao has been maintaining peace in this mountain, and it is not easy to eat and sleep in the open air. Please accept this little bit of your kindness!"

"No need to talk so nicely, I am a bandit who robs the road!"

Pig-kidney-faced man grabbed the silver and weighed it in his hand. He did not appreciate Huang Laocai's compliments at all.

"Brothers, disperse!"

Pig-kidney-faced man pulled the butcher knife off the tree and called out, and the group of bandits shouted and went back into the woods on the roadside.

The bandits came quickly and left even faster. The group continued to push the wheelbarrow towards the county town.

The group had just experienced a robbery by bandits. Although they were not very scared at the time, they were still a little frightened now.

"Although this King Zhao is a bandit, he is also a decent person." Lai Fu sighed.

"I have been following the boss on this road for the past year. As long as he takes the initiative to offer money, he never hurts anyone."

"Not only that, I heard that this road is his business. As long as he collects money and lets us go, no one else will rob us again..."

Listening to the tone of these tenants' conversations, this bandit has a good reputation, and the tenants seem to be quite eager to be bandits.

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