Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 120 The thief who can't be found

When Er Gouzi came back, he saw Yushan with a swollen nose and face, being beaten by a group of geese.

"Master, help me."

When Yushan saw his master coming back, he quickly asked him for help.

But he was desperate and tried all kinds of methods.

Er Gouzi took a look at Yushan's swollen face and embarrassed appearance, and then took a look at the spiritual medicine on the mountain and found that there were fewer plants.

In his mind, he had automatically imagined that Yushan stole the spiritual medicine and wanted to escape, and then was caught by the geese and beaten again.


He deserved his punishment for not changing his ways after repeated admonitions!

Er Gouzi squeezed in and kicked Yushan twice.

He even considered whether he should just kill Yushan if he thought about escaping every day?

He looked at the many fields on the mountain that needed to be planted, thought about it, and he could still bear it.

You can't just stop planting the fields because you're angry.

You should strengthen his education, talk to him more often, help him realize his mistakes, reform himself, and become a good bird again.

After the goose beat Yushan up, Ergouzi began to teach him earnestly.

"Master, I really didn't steal the elixir. I'm your most loyal servant and have never thought of running away."

"If I can't see you for a day, I can't eat or sleep. I can't leave you anymore."

"Even if you want to beat me, scold me, kill me, or abuse me, I won't run away."

Yushan still wants to argue for himself.

Alas! This bird can't be taught!

"Look, the evidence is irrefutable. What's the point of being stubborn?"

"Why don't you admit your mistakes bravely? I won't embarrass you. We will still be a family in the future."

Er Gouzi gently persuaded Yushan, who was bruised and swollen.

"Master, this time is different. I really can't help you."

Yushan opened his big dark eyes and looked aggrieved.

I found that since Yushan lived in Shekou Mountain, his big eyes have become darker and brighter.

Because his eyes are often full of tears and are well moisturized.

"Look, you've been caught by the goose, but you still don't admit it. There's no one else on this mountain except you."

"Master, it's like this. I was weeding in the field, and then I saw a spiritual medicine suddenly fly into the air..."

Yushan also recounted what he saw with his own eyes. At the end of the story, he didn't have much confidence in himself.

An ordinary spiritual medicine flew away by itself in broad daylight. It sounds ridiculous.

"You said that the spiritual medicine flew away by itself. Do you believe this?"

Er Gouzi stared at Yushan gently, which made Yushan feel scared.

Yushan shook his head subconsciously, and then nodded hard.

"You are bullying the goose, but you can't speak. Be more serious when you make up lies next time."

In broad daylight, he said that the spiritual medicine flew away by itself.

If Sima Yi or Ji Cang said it, Er Gouzi would think that there are such strange things in the world.

If Yushan, who has a criminal record, said it, few people would believe it.

The same sentence has different meanings depending on who said it.

After being beaten, Yushan didn't have time to apply medicine on his body, and he went down to work with a hoe.

Because the work today was not finished, the weeds in the field would grow more and more if they were not removed in time.

Er Gouzi once taught him that one day's work should be done one day at a time, and tomorrow will be tomorrow, how many tomorrows there are!

Even if you work overtime and don't sleep at night, you can't leave today's work until tomorrow.

Today, because of the beating, Yushan wasted a lot of time, and he was busy until it was dark before he finished today's work.

But from then on, he became more careful and carefully observed everything on the top of the mountain every day.

He vowed to find the thief and not let today's fight go to waste.

Since the day when the spiritual medicine was lost, it has been quiet for a long time, and there has been no spiritual medicine flying away.

Er Gouzi has a lot of things to do every day, and he will not always stare at Yushan.

He has to make pills, practice martial arts, practice swordsmanship, practice magic, and occasionally go to the village for inspection.

Owning thousands of hectares of fertile land, the feeling of getting rich suddenly makes him often excited and unable to fall asleep at night.

Now that the spring plowing has been completed, every time he rides a big goose over the green fields, he will estimate in his mind how much grain he can harvest this year.

One acre of good land can harvest grain in a good year, and in a bad year, it can harvest one or two taels on average.

Tens of thousands of acres can yield tens of thousands of grains.

After deducting the food that tenants kept for themselves and the food that his subordinates ate, he could at least save more than 10,000 tons of food.

In a few years, he would become a wealthy family.

After the spring plowing, the family was not so busy, and he could spare some free time.

Er Gouzi organized them to plant trees on those barren hills, such as persimmon trees, jujube trees, and oak trees.

In addition to being able to cut firewood for burning, they could also produce food, which would be life-saving food in the future when there was a famine.

In addition, he also organized a group of idle people to build a reservoir.

In the last disaster, there were starving people everywhere, and Youjiazhuang lived the best.

Because they had a reservoir.

Er Gouzi wanted to follow suit, and he wanted to build a large reservoir.

He tried to make the 100,000 mu of fertile land in his hands have a good harvest every year.

However, he did not let his subordinates do these jobs. Er Gouzi paid money and grain and hired tenants to do it.

In addition to tenants, there are also poor people in various states who heard that Anchang County is very good and moved here.

Those newcomers had no place to live in the short term, so they just helped him build the reservoir.

As for the more than 2,000 coins bought by his subordinates, Er Gouzi arranged for them to practice in their spare time.

Originally, the imperial court strictly prohibited the private transmission of immortal cultivation techniques, and Er Gouzi did not dare to pass on the techniques to his subordinates for cultivation.

However, his subordinates practiced the techniques, and they were all taught by Ji Cang personally, and a written document was signed at that time to prove that it had nothing to do with Er Gouzi.

Anyone who is dissatisfied and wants to be held accountable can go to Ji Cang on their own.

The opportunity to practice given by God must be seized.

After this turmoil, he realized how important it is to have a strong team under his command.

Only in this way can he defend his own territory and the food and wealth he has recovered.

With his own strength, even if he was made of iron, he couldn't drive a few nails.

However, he was very good at eating during cultivation, and it was common for him to eat a bucket of rice a day.

In order to speed up the progress of cultivation, the most important thing was to save food.

Er Gouzi often stored food in gourds and mixed it into the rations of his subordinates.

After the practitioners ate the food containing spiritual energy, they could eat several bowls less every day.

There were more than 2,000 subordinates. If they saved a few bowls of rice every day, they would save thousands or tens of thousands of bowls a day, and hundreds of grains a month.

In addition, he asked Yushan to make some Peiyuan Guben Pills, which he occasionally distributed to his subordinates.

With the dual blessing of spiritual food and Peiyuan Guben Pills, many people have recently sensed the spiritual energy of heaven and become cultivators of the first level of Qi training.

On this day, the sun was scorching, and Ergouzi was sleeping in the house.

Yushan was pushing the mill in front of him, grinding some medicinal materials into powder, and then rubbing them into Peiyuan Guben Pills.

When rubbing the pills with his hands, he would occasionally think of some things that touched him, and it was inevitable that he would shed some tears and runny nose.

Yushan wiped the tears of excitement on his face while rubbing the pills with his hands.

He was thinking that this kind of pill containing tears of emotion should have a better effect.

At the same time, his pair of big black eyes were still rolling around, observing the spiritual field on the top of the mountain.

He must find the thief who stole the elixir and let his master beat him up.

This kind of petty theft is too evil.

His master is of noble character and never does such sneaky things.

At this moment, a pill of Peiyuan Guben in front of him suddenly floated up.

Yushan was quick-witted and snatched the pill back in his hand.

After snatching the pill back in his hand, Yushan looked left and right, and it was no different from other pills.

He gently put the pill back on the board and put his hand above the pill to prevent it from flying away suddenly.

After waiting for a long time, the pill did not respond again.

Just when he was about to give up, another pill on the board gently floated into the air again.

Yushan quickly slapped the pill back with his palm.

But after he snatched this pill back, he took it in his hand and observed it, and it was still no different from the other pills.

This is strange.

But finally found some clues.



Yushan shouted loudly, but unfortunately Er Gouzi was sleeping in the room and didn't come out for a long time.

He hurried to the room where Er Gouzi was sleeping, but just as he reached the door, he was fanned by a big goose.

Since Er Gouzi raised the big goose, every time he slept and practiced, he let the big goose stand guard for him.

Without his order, the big goose would not let anyone in, even if he killed the goose, it would not retreat.


"Master, come out quickly, we caught the thief who stole the spiritual medicine."

Yushan shouted loudly, and at the same time he had to keep an eye on the road to prevent the thief from stealing the spiritual medicine and running away, and finally getting beaten up.

After a while, Er Gouzi finally came out of the house.

"Why are you shouting?"

Er Gouzi stretched and asked with his head down.

"The thief who stole the spiritual medicine, did you see him again just now?"

Yushan hurriedly reported to Er Gouzi, his big eyes rolling around, carefully observing the situation on the top of the mountain.

"Where is he, what does he look like?"

Er Gouzi opened his eyes wide and searched everywhere, spreading his spiritual consciousness and carefully observing the surrounding situation.

After a long time, he couldn't find anything.

Then he stared at Yushan with an unfriendly look.

"Where is the thief you mentioned?"

"He really appeared just now. He was rubbing pills there, and then I saw a pill floating in the air..."

Yushan described the situation he had just seen in detail.

Seeing Yushan's confident look, Ergouzi was half-believing and half-doubting this time.

He opened his spiritual sense again and searched around the top of the mountain, but still couldn't find any clues.

Ergouzi still had some doubts, thinking that Yushan was making trouble to deceive himself, but he didn't scold Yushan this time.

"You should pay attention, and tell me if you find anything next time."

"Okay! Okay!"

Yushan nodded repeatedly and agreed quickly. This time the master didn't beat him, and he was very happy.

He felt that the master was actually very good.

In this way, in the following period of time, Yushan made several more discoveries.

But when he called Er Gouzi out, he couldn't find anything.

After experiencing this several times, Er Gouzi could guess.

Either Yushan lied to him, or the thief was not strong and hid when he saw him.

For a while, Er Gouzi became more careful and even slept with one eye open, paying close attention to the changes on the surface.

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