Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 121 Cave

One day, Yushan was weeding in the field when he suddenly saw a spiritual medicine flying into the air.

Surprised and happy, he wanted to call his master.

Turning around, he found that Er Gouzi was standing behind him and made a gesture to silence him.

Er Gouzi's spiritual consciousness was fully open at this time, and he carefully searched around the spiritual medicine, but he could not find any traces.

He was used to stealing, and he had accumulated rich experience in using invisibility talismans and breath-holding talismans to steal things.

The theft in front of him was definitely not these two talismans, but a more sophisticated method.

Because using these two talismans only makes you invisible, the body will not disappear.

So you only need to observe carefully, and there will definitely be a trace of the place you pass.

But there is absolutely no entity around the spiritual medicine floating in the air in front of you.

I went to see what was going on.

So I followed the spiritual medicine quietly, without making any noise, to see where this thief would steal the spiritual medicine.

The spiritual medicine floated farther and farther in the air, and soon reached the edge of the mountain top, passing over the thorn bush.

Er Gouzi quickly called the big goose over, rode on the goose's back and followed far behind.

The spiritual medicine floated and came to the foot of the mountain.

There was a spring at the foot of the mountain, and even in a severe drought, this spring water has never been cut off.

The place where the spring water flows out is like a snake with its mouth open, and the name of Shekou Mountain comes from this.

Many legends circulated in Shexi Village are mostly because of this spring water.

When the spiritual medicine reached the location of Shekou Spring, it floated in along the outlet.

Er Gouzi came to the exit of the spring. The cave here is only two meters wide. With the size of the goose and the goose, they can't squeeze in.

This kind of cave is too narrow. If you try to squeeze in, you might get stuck and can't move forward or backward.

Only children of a large size can crawl in.

Because there is a legend that snake monsters eat people in Shekou Mountain, local children have been warned by their parents since childhood that they are not allowed to come here to play, let alone get into this cave.

There are many children under the command of the goose now, but it is not known what kind of threat is there.

The children have poor coping ability and have no fighting skills, so it is not suitable.

So the goose flew to the top of the mountain on Yushan.

Yushan looked out from the edge of the mountain, and a goose was watching him vigilantly. If he dared to cross the line, he would definitely be beaten.

"Master, have you caught the thief?"

Yushan's big eyes shone with hope, and his two big ears fluttered.

After being wronged for so long and beaten so many times, today he finally has the hope of clearing his grievances and getting justice.

"Well, he hasn't been caught yet!"

"Yushan, the thief has caused you to be beaten all the time, and now is your chance to get revenge."

Yushan's big eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Where is the thief? I'll beat him to death."

Yushan finally regained his glory. When he was a lord, he once fought two people alone, and fought against the county magistrate and the registrar together.

Now a bird with broken wings is no better than a goose.

"I'll take you down."

Er Gouzi said, and picked up Yushan with one hand and went down to the cave at the foot of the mountain.

"The thief is hiding in here."

"I can't get in, you are big, you can crawl in and pull the thief out."

Yushan looked at the dark inside, and there was a cool breeze blowing on his body when he stood at the entrance of the cave. In the hot weather, he got goose bumps all over his body.

He was scared.

"Master, I have forgiven this thief."

"It's okay to get beaten. Today's suffering will become the nourishment for my growth tomorrow."

That means, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to find the thief to report, go by yourself.

Er Gouzi didn't expect that he would be defeated by Yushan.

After holding back for a while, he could only show the majesty of the master and force Yushan to explore the cave.

"Yushan, show your courage, don't be afraid, I will always stand behind you."

"Go in!"

Yushan was coaxed and forced by Er Gouzi to go into the cave.

The cave entrance was very narrow, and Yushan could only crawl forward with his height.

But after crawling forward for a while, the front became wider and wider, and gradually, he could stand up and walk.

However, it was pitch black inside, and he could not see anything. He could only rely on his spiritual sense to see the surrounding areas very close.

The cave was already four or five meters high and two or three meters wide.

In the cave, in addition to the sound of running water, there were occasionally some rustling sounds.

Yushan always felt that there was a pair of eyes hiding in the dark, spying on him, but he could not find any traces.

He did not dare to move forward, so he found a big stone and sat on it to rest against the stone wall.

At first, he was a little scared, but he had a rare opportunity to be lazy, and he fell asleep not long after sitting on the stone.

He did not know how long he slept, and felt something cold and moving on his body.

In a daze, he grabbed the thing in his hand.



A snake bit Yushan's hand, finally waking him up.

In a hurry, he grabbed the snake's tail and swung it around in the cave, knocking the snake to pieces.

He didn't know if the snake was poisonous, and he didn't even have a pill to detoxify it.

Yushan could only pick up the stunned snake and return the way he came.

The sun had already set, and Ergouzi was still waiting at the entrance of the cave.

"What's the situation inside?"

"Master, the cave is too deep. I walked a long way inside. There are many snake monsters inside."

"I fought with those snake monsters for most of the day and was bitten by a snake..."

Yushan couldn't say that he slept in there for half a day, so he could only lie.

He also described his battle with the snakes as thrilling, in order to highlight his courage to fight desperately without fear of danger.

"Master, look, this is the big snake I killed."

Er Gouzi took a look at the big snake. It was about the thickness of an arm and barely reached the level of a monster. It was not a big threat.

However, if there were a large number of such monster snakes inside, it would be difficult to deal with.

"Good job, Yushan."

Er Gouzi stroked Yushan's big ears and praised him.

"It's all because of the good teachings of the master. I just vented a little bit of anger."

"I am the most loyal servant of the master. The master only tells me to go west, and I will never go east."

"You did a good job today. It's getting dark. Let's go back first and come back tomorrow."

After Er Gouzi praised Yushan, he took him to the top of Shekou Mountain.

That night, Er Gouzi cooked a fish, stewed a pot of donkey meat, and steamed a piece of bacon for Yushan.

During this period, Yushan was wronged and suffered several beatings for nothing. Er Gouzi felt very sorry.

So he thought of making some delicious food for Yushan to eat, as an apology for the injustice.

Early the next morning, Er Gouzi took Yushan to the entrance of the cave and asked Yushan to go in to investigate.

With yesterday's experience, Yushan walked not far to the front and found a place to sleep for half a day. He was full of energy and in a good mood.

Ergouzi was the only one who suffered. He waited anxiously outside the cave for most of the day and didn't even eat.

Half a day later, Yushan dragged a dead snake out and said that he had fought hard with the snakes for a day.

For several days in a row, Yushan hid in the cave to sleep every day under the pretext of entering the cave to explore. He lived a happy life and gained a pound of weight.

Ergouzi saw that there was not much progress in exploring the cave. The fields on the mountain were not taken care of and were overgrown with weeds, so he had to give up temporarily.

Yushan resumed his fulfilling life of working in the morning, afternoon, and moonlight every day.

The pound of fat he had just gained was lost.

But the tree wants to be still but the wind does not blow. Er Gouzi has no intention to pursue the matter. A thief came and stole a spiritual medicine these days.

Er Gouzi was angry. It seems that if he does not catch this thief, this matter will not end. He will not be able to grow spiritual medicine on the mountain in the future.

"Master, do you want me to crawl in?"

Yushan was very active, but Er Gouzi refused.

This time, he did not let Yushan crawl in again.

Instead, he planned to use a stupid method and use brute force.

He came to the cave alone and drew out the heavy sword from his back.

He chopped down the stone at the cave entrance with one sword.


With a loud noise, a stone as big as a millstone was chopped down by a sword.

He picked up the stone and threw it outside, and then chopped it down with a sword, and a large stone was chopped down by a sword.

I can't get in, but Yushan can, but he's too weak in combat.

This time, I just dug the cave open and dug a way for myself to get in.

This kind of mountain full of stones is still a bit difficult to split with my current strength.

After digging for ten days, I found that the front was getting wider and wider, and I could barely pass without digging.

Yushan didn't tell me this.

So, I picked up the heavy sword, opened my mind, and walked forward carefully.

There are indeed many snakes in this cave.

But these snakes don't bite actively, and Ergouzi walks forward, and they don't block the way.

I don't know why Yushan always fights with the snakes for so long?

Is it because he thinks Yushan is small and easy to bully?

The cave was winding. I walked a long way forward and finally saw a group of snakes that made me shudder.

These snakes were big and small, and the big ones were thicker than buckets, but they were all in a deep sleep.

Only some snakes with larger bodies kept wriggling among the snakes.

Seeing Er Gouzi coming, many snakes kept spitting out snake signals at me.

The strength of these snakes was strong and weak. The few snakes as big as buckets had reached the same level as the foundation building after sensing their breath.

Those with larger bodies and weaker strength were just some ordinary snakes.

It turned out that Yushan fought with these snakes every day. Er Gouzi had to admire his courage.

There was a line of words carved on the stone wall behind the snake group.

It was obviously a trace of action, but it was now blocked by the body of the bucket-sized snake and could not be seen clearly.

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