Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 165: Woman's Kindness

Ergouzi worked all night this time, working hard, and finally caught some useless evil cultivators, and finally managed to get a few spiritual stones.

It's the same as Sun Wangcai's side. He didn't get anything, so he arrested a bunch of people.

There are thousands of cult messengers and undercover agents hiding in various places.

Ergouzi didn't dare to waste time, interrogated him all night, and tortured him severely.

He read so many books and learned from Yang Tie.

Now in his section on torture information, pouring pepper water should be regarded as the easiest way to enjoy torture.

After a series of brutal tortures, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore and confessed.

He tortured several people continuously and found two dens in total.

Ergouzi got the information and without any hesitation, he rode the goose and went straight to the other two dens.

As for notifying Magistrate Ding to arrest the cult together, we can talk about it later.

The grass here has frightened the snake, I am afraid that other evil cultivators will escape, so we can seize the time.

However, he hurriedly hurriedly hurriedly, and when he flew to these two dens, they were already empty.

There was not a single figure.

He rode the goose around the area several times, but found no trace of the cult.

It's hard to find clues about the cult, but all are lost here.

놙Can ride the 꺶 goose back to Shekou Mountain.

Looking at the group of people in Shekou Mountain, I felt a little worried.

It's really hard to deal with so many evil cultivators at one time.

Just kill them. Some of them are just farmers. They are just poor and crazy. They are just greedy for the few buckets of rice from the cult. They have not done anything evil so far.

Ergouzi usually fights with immortal cultivators and kills those evil cultivators, but he is never merciful.

But facing these more than a thousand farmers without any strength, he tried several times but still refused to go.

If you don't want to kill people, lock them up. There are no such prison cells, and you have to feed them.

As for release, it is absolutely impossible to release them. If they don't do evil now, it doesn't mean they won't do evil in the future.

This kind of cult practice will end up cannibalizing people as it develops.

If you commit a crime without punishment, how will you convince the public and deter others in the future?

Just when he was still hesitating, Magistrate Ding didn't know how to get the news and had already brought people over.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that you destroyed the cult dens overnight and arrested a group of cultists. I heard the news and came here overnight to help you."

Seeing that County Magistrate Ding was so dusty, he rushed over without even having time to fix his hair.

"Thank you Ding Qingtian!"

Ergouzi went to express his thanks to Magistrate Ding.

"Everyone in the family is serving the country and the people, no need to thank you."

"There are so many evil cultivators hiding in this county. I am ashamed of the imperial court and the common people of Li."

Magistrate Ding said, looking at the group of captured evil cultivators, there was a look of pain and regret on his face.

"Why are you so unsatisfactory and living up to my high hopes for you!"

Er Gouzi saw that Magistrate Ding was showing his true feelings at this moment, like a kind parent facing a group of disobedient children.

Sad for his misfortune, angry for his inability to fight.

"I can't say anything, so just kill me!"

Before, he had angrily accused Er Gouzi of being a dog official, but now he had a stick in his neck and glared at him angrily.

Magistrate Ding glanced at the thousands of people who were tied up.

"I wonder how Zhang 꺶ren녈 plans to deal with these people?"

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Ergouzi answered truthfully, he really hadn't thought about it yet, he was not in such a prison.

It would be good if they were left to work, but they must be tied with a chain in front and supervised with a whip in the back.

We have to constantly prevent them from escaping and causing damage, which is too troublesome.

"Since Mr. Zhang hasn't thought about it, why not give them all to me, and I will take them back to the county government to judge them one by one."

Ergouzi thought about it and found that it was a good idea, so he just handed the burden to County Magistrate Ding.

Magistrate Ding is a well-known Qingtian Lord, so he will naturally deal with it fairly and justly.

His only shortcoming is that he is too kind and a bit womanly.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Magistrate Ding."

"Don't be so kind and soft-hearted this time. Be more ruthless and kill the evil cultivator with all your arrogance to shock the people of the county."

Ergouzi was worried that Magistrate Ding was too kind-hearted and was like him at that time. He refused to go and did not forget to encourage him.

The two of them have similar hobbies, and even their kindness, softness, and shortcomings are so similar that it's hard not to feel sympathy for each other.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang. I will not be merciful when facing the cultists. I will kill them this time."

Hearing what County Magistrate Ding said, Ergouzi felt restless.

When you are an official, you have to be more decisive. Sometimes you are too soft-hearted, so you are not suitable for being an official.

The two of them chatted for a while, and then Magistrate Ding took away the more than 1,000 evil cultivators. Ergouzi was worried.

"Boss, do I still need to continue tracking down the cult?"

Sun Wangcai worked as a beggar for a year, sleeping in the open air every day. Now he no longer needs to pretend to look like a beggar.

"There is no need to investigate for the time being. We will wait for the county government to see if they can find out some useful information."

"It's been a hard period of time, so just practice with peace of mind."

Ergouzi said, and took out a few bottles of Peiyuan Dan and handed them to Sun Wangcai, asking him to distribute them to everyone who had contributed this time.

The matter came to an end for the time being. After a busy day and night, Ergouzi returned to Shekou Mountain to have a good sleep.

When I woke up, I saw Yushan swinging a hoe with both hands, turning like a windmill, working very efficiently.

"Yushan, take a rest, don't get tired!"

It would have been better if Ergouzi didn't say anything. When he shouted, Yushan moved faster, and his hands danced into a group of afterimages.

"Is Yushan sick? I feel like he has become stupid recently."

Chang Ling'er's voice sounded in Ergouzi's mind.

"This is called giving, do you understand?"

"A person who doesn't know how to give will never achieve success."

"You and your little snake baby should learn from Yushan."

In his mind, Ergouzi used his spiritual consciousness to refute Chang Ling'er's incorrect views.

Children should be taught well from an early age so that they can grow up to be useful to the family.

"But I haven't seen what Yushan has achieved?"

Chang Ling'er is quite stubborn and still half-believes what Ergouzi says.

"You can't just focus on the present, you have to look at the long term."

"Moreover, you should pursue a higher level and be happy spiritually."

"Look at Yushan, he is very happy now, he enjoys it."

"When you learn to give, you can experience his kind of happiness."


Ergouzi has read so many sage books, and he can talk about the truth at will. It is still easy to educate a child.

Chang Ling'er nodded silently, it seems to be the case, Ergouzi knows a lot.

Just when Ergouzi was teaching Chang Ling'er, the voice of Sun Wangcai at the foot of the mountain came up.


"Boss, something happened again."

What happened? Ergouzi can jump to the foot of the mountain again.

"Boss, Ma Laoer and Ma Laoji, more than a dozen people from these two families, all died."

Ma Laoer and Ma Laoji were the first two tenants to be caught.

Er Gouzi used them as clues to follow the clues and uncover the cult's lair.

"How did they die?"

"They were killed, and died miserably."

Er Gouzi and Sun Wangcai went to the village where the two were.

The bodies of Ma Laoer and Ma Laoji were hung on the door, and their skin had been peeled off, leaving two bloody and mutilated bodies.

In their homes, their family members were lying on the ground in all directions.

From the way these people died, they were all severely tortured before they died.

Even a 10-year-old child was not spared.

Er Gouzi saw the tragic state of the corpse and was furious.

"Sun Wangcai, continue to investigate!"


"Expand the scope of the investigation, not only in Anchang County, but also in the surrounding counties.

Also, don't focus on the farmers, but also on the landlords and the people in the government office. Check them out quietly."

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Because the clues were provided by the Ma brothers at the beginning, this matter was kept secret and most people didn't know about it.

Until he closed the net yesterday, the cult didn't notice it.

After closing the net, he didn't reveal it to the outside world, but mentioned it to County Magistrate Ding. At that time, there were two important figures in the government office.

This made him a little suspicious of the Anchang County Government.

But since it involves people from the government, we can't say anything without evidence, so we can ask Sun Wangcai to investigate carefully.

Er Gouzi told Sun Wangcai and gave him a stack of talismans.

To investigate secretly, you need to consume a lot of invisibility talismans and breath-retaining talismans.

Since the last time Daoxuan's secret collection, there are more talismans sold in the black market, and the price of talismans has increased by several percent.

Fortunately, he knows how to make pills. There are dozens of acres of ginseng on the mountain, and several acres have reached a medicinal age of more than 100 years, which is just right for refining Peiyuan Dan.

With the increase of ginseng age and the improvement of alchemy technology, he can now refine Peiyuan Dan, and one piece of medicinal materials can refine one pill.

The price of one Peiyuan Dan is one Lingshi, and one furnace can sell 24 Lingshi.

Its main cost is only a hundred-year-old ginseng, and other auxiliary medicines and spiritual charcoal are worthless.

Alchemy is definitely the most profitable business in the entire Zhou Dynasty, except for stealing and robbing.

The only pity is that he can't sell it in bulk as blatantly as the government's alchemy pavilion.

Every time he goes to the black market, he is cautious and dares not sell a few pills, or barter with others.

Because elixirs are monopolized by the Zhou government, if he sells too many, it will be easily discovered.

As a result, the black market is in short supply of elixirs, and everyone is competing for them at high prices.

However, the elixirs in Ergouzi's house are seriously unsalable. They can be used to feed white geese, reward Yushan, and reward people.

The market for elixirs is like ice and fire.

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