Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 166 Give Up

After the county magistrate brought the more than 1,000 evil practitioners back, he was indeed merciless this time. After torture, he killed them in batches.

And he did not stop there, but killed another batch of people related to the evil cult.

In total, he killed one or two thousand people.

If it were an ordinary small county, there would not be many people. Killing one or two thousand people at a time would have been a long time ago, and there would be no land to farm.

Anchang County was different, because it had a halo of the blue sky and became the most desirable county in the entire Zhou Dynasty.

Every day, there was a steady stream of people migrating from all over the country to Anchang County.

Therefore, when the surrounding counties were desolate, only Anchang County was thriving and full of people.

One or two thousand people died, which had no impact at all. It was just right to make room for the new people.

Er Gouzi hadn't been out for a long time recently. He was a little shocked when he got the news from Sun Wangcai.

It felt that the county magistrate was finally decisive this time.

But this time, the decisiveness of the killing made me a little strange.

However, the evil cult is a cancer, and the harm is too great. Just kill them.

In addition to practicing every day, Er Gouzi has been picking up stones around Shekou.

There are a lot of stones in this area, even more than soil.

After the land was reclaimed, a lot of stones were dug out. In addition to building houses, there were still a lot of stones left, which were randomly piled up.

He put all these stones into the gourd, and then arranged them neatly inside to expand that small piece of land.

I lived in the gourd for a few months. The land was only a dozen feet wide, and it was too cramped to live there.

Now I pick up some stones in my spare time every day, put them around the small land, and then spread a thick layer of soil on it.

It’s easy to pick up some stones, but it’s more troublesome to dig the soil.

The soil in my own land has been reclaimed to grow crops, and I don’t want to dig it.

I would rather ride a goose every day and fly to a farther wasteland, and dig the soil with a door panel and a heavy sword.

The soil dug out must also be cleaned up with tree roots and weeds, and then put into the gourd.

At this moment, Er Gouzi dug a pile of soil with a heavy sword.

He squatted on the ground with his butt sticking up, picking up tree roots and weeds.

These tree roots and weeds are full of vitality. If they are collected in the gourd and watered, they will soon grow into a grass, much faster than the spiritual medicine.

Goose stood beside him with his head held high, looking disdainful, and had no intention of helping with the work.

"Goose, let's pick up weeds together!"

Goose ignored what 놛 said, continued to hold his head high, and remained arrogant.

"It's actually very simple, I'll teach you!"

"The hard-working goose is the most beautiful..."


Er Gouzi talked for a long time, and white foam appeared at the corners of his mouth, but Goose remained indifferent.

The words that used to be very effective on Yu 껚 and Chang Ling'er were useless to Goose.

"Come here, dead goose!"

Goose turned his head and glanced at the incompetent and furious Er Gouzi, and walked to 놛 with a proud step.

That means I'm here and I won't work, what can you do?

Forget it, do it yourself.

Er Gouzi lowered his head and continued to scrape grass roots from the soil.

He regretted in his heart that he should have raised a few chickens and ridden a rooster to fight more majestically.

At this time, he even felt that feathers were pretty good.

Finally, the tree roots and weeds in the soil were cleaned up, and they were put into the gourd and piled on the stone.

A five-foot thick layer of soil was piled up, which was barely enough to plant some ordinary spiritual medicines.

If you want to plant trees, the soil layer is still too thin.

If you pour some more water in the gourd, these environmental defects can be overcome.

After being busy for a while today, the land in the gourd has added another piece of land about ten feet wide.

Watching the land change day by day, it is quite a sense of accomplishment.

When the land is wide enough in the future, I will build a big house here.

I will keep ten wives in the house and let them take turns to farm, cook, feed the dog and give birth to babies.

At that time, I will lie still and let a group of wives take turns to serve me. The food will be fed directly into my mouth.

Er Gouzi put a pile of soil into the gourd and was about to go home when he saw Huang Laocai and his son walking past the official road in front.

"Master Zhang!"

Although Huang Laocai was a little blurry, he quickly saw Er Gouzi, and the father and son bowed to him.

Er Gouzi walked over curiously.

"Where are you two going?"

"Thanks to Master Zhang, we are planning to go to the county city to take the exam."

"Oh, don't worry, I've already made an appointment. I'm ranked 17th, not bad."

"Thank you, Master Zhang!"

Huang Laocai bowed to Er Gouzi again and took Huang Mancang to the county city.

"Dad, I think it's better to work under Master Zhang than to take the martial arts exam."

"Why do you only let my brother stay there and not let me go too?"

Huang Mancang walked behind Huang Laocai and asked in confusion.

My elder brother Huang Fugui helped Er Gouzi to make friends and taught him by the way, and he often received elixirs as rewards.

Comparing strength, any of those village rough men under Shekou is better than Wu Xiu.

I suffered a loss at the hands of a runny-nosed child the first time.

"Mr. Zhang is very kind, and it is really good to work under you."

"But if you two brothers are separated, you can still support each other if something happens."

"And if you think about it, although Mr. Zhang has strength, he has no fame."

"In the future, if by any chance I can cultivate to the point where I can build a foundation, so many people will not be able to get the foundation building pill."

"Only by passing the martial arts exam, you will have a chance to make contributions to the court in the future."

After Huang Mancang listened, he felt that Jiang was still very spicy, and his admiration for his father deepened.

It took the father and son about 10 days to get to the county town with stops and starts.

As the martial arts examination approaches, the county town becomes a lot more lively again.

On the streets, many people are discussing the young heroes who took the exam this time.

Somebody has already made a list of all candidates for reference.

Attached is each 그’s origin, family, cultivation and other information.

Although Huang Mancang's quota has long been decided, in order to know each other, Huang Laocai also bought a list.

Back at their residence, the father and son took the list and read by midnight, working harder than usual.

"I have heard about it a long time ago. The Xia family is the strongest family in the entire Qingzhou area. If you want to meet the Xia family, be sure not to offend them."

"Even if you are a little angry and swallow your anger, it is still better than losing your life."

"We, a single family, cannot compare with those families."

While looking at the list, Huang Laocai taught his son not to provoke others.

"Hey! Dad, have you noticed? There are not many people named Xia in this list."

Huang Mancang was young and read quickly. He quickly read through the list, but did not find a few candidates named Xia.

"It's impossible. In previous years, at least half of the candidates were named Xia."

Wang Laocai also roughly read this list.

As expected, there were not many candidates named Xia.

Xia Qingzhou's surname is 꺶, and the 꺶 part is inextricably related to the Xia family.

Every year in the martial arts examination, candidates with the surname Xia account for at least half of the candidates.

On this year's list, the surname Xia does not even account for one-third.

"It's impossible..."

Huang Laocai couldn't understand why this year's candidate named Xia was so angry?

Is it a coincidence?

Huang Laocai thought hard, but to no avail, so he could only continue to look at the roster.

After reading this roster carefully, I found a problem.

The only candidates on the roster with the surname Xia are all branches of the Xia family.

Among the candidates, there are no children from that special family.

Some of them are children from smaller families, and some even have no background like Huang Mancang.

It can be seen from the list that none of the members of the 꺶 family participated in this martial arts exam and withdrew collectively.

Is it possible to free up space and give more opportunities to poor children?

If Huang Laocai doesn't believe such high-sounding words, there must be some unknown reason in them.

The exam started soon. This year's exam was as usual, very lively.

Huang Mancang has participated in three actual combat examinations. His cultivation level has improved a lot some time ago. His performance in the examinations has been pretty good and everything went well.

Seeing Huang Mancang getting closer and closer to the martial arts achievement he dreamed of, Huang Laocai felt even more uneasy.

I always feel that there must be something wrong here.

"Son, we won't take the exam!"

Huang Laocai thought for a long time and made this decision with difficulty.

"Why? Just because those families did not participate, do we have to give up the exam?"

Huang Mancang felt extremely reluctant to give up.

놛Knowing how hard-won this quota is, 놆expends the little affection he had before and begged Er Gouzi for it.

If you give up this opportunity, will you still have the nerve to ask for help next time? Even if you ask again, you may not be able to succeed.

Things like love will only become thinner the more you use them.

"The opportunity is indeed rare, but it is not as important as life."

"What does the martial arts examination have to do with life?"

Huang Mancang asked incomprehensively. Although he admired his father very much, he really couldn't bear to give up such an opportunity.

For ordinary small landowning families, the fame of martial arts is out of reach, and it is something that they will never be able to reach in their lifetime.

After passing the martial arts examination, he directly changed from a sparrow to a phoenix, and then became a member of the government.

“I don’t know what the inside story is, but based on my experience of living for decades.

It is definitely not a good thing for such a wealthy family to look down on it and even try their best to avoid it. "

The Xia family is the real master of the entire Qingzhou. If there is any trouble, the Xia family will definitely be the first to know.

You will definitely not go wrong if you follow the direction of the Xia family.

Huang Mancang was still reluctant to give up, but finally decided to listen to Huang Laocai.

The next day, Huang Mancang accidentally fell off the competition platform and broke his leg. The game he was determined to win turned into a loss.

In front of everyone, the examiner couldn't tell lies with his eyes open, so he had no choice but to judge Huang Mancang as the loser.

Huang Mancang was injured after falling from the competition platform. He was unable to participate in the next few rounds of competitions and had to give up all the exams.

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