Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 48 Pills

Early in the morning, after Gouzi watered the field, he picked up a locust and threw it to the geese to eat.

Maybe it’s because of the drought, but there are a little more locusts today. It’s already autumn, and there are still so many locusts.

Fortunately, geese also like to eat locusts. Most of the locusts that flew up to Shekou Mountain entered the geese's bellies.

After most of this feeding, the geese have grown up, and their white feathers are mixed with a few blood-red streaks, making them look even more gorgeous.

Goose cubs are taller and heavier than their mothers.

Now the dog can fly a mile or two with a 괗 on his back.

괗After the dog fed the goose, he rode a goose and flew down Shekou Mountain.

The house at the foot of the mountain has been repaired.

In fact, it's not that big. There are only a few rooms, a foundation, blue bricks, and green tiles.

These bricks and tiles were all picked by his hired hands from more than ten miles away.

Fortunately, it is a disaster now and people are very cheap. Every 10 bricks brought are exchanged for one liter of rice.

An adult can carry 10 green bricks per load and travel fifty miles back and forth, and can earn one liter of rice a day. If you save a little, you can feed several people for a day.

Many people rushed to do this kind of work, even the five or six-year-old children also participated.

괗Gouzi opened the door and walked into the house. Among the houses here, there are dozens of rice stored in them, and they all go to collect rent.

One room stores some red date and persimmon cakes. After the date trees and persimmon trees on the mountain mature, they can bear fruit if they are watered enough every day.

He did not put these grains into the gourd, because in many cases, these ordinary grains were needed.

There is one main room left that is temporarily empty, with a wooden table and four benches set up.

괗Gouzi didn’t stay in the new house for long, and Ahu had already come to find him.

"My boss, there is no harvest in the fields today. Can you reduce or reduce the rent?"

When Ahu said these words, he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

After all, Zhang Liang's side has already done this before. Although there is a severe drought today, the land should be paid and not a single grain of land rent will be exempted.

Just considering everyone's financial difficulties, all tenants were asked to write IOUs and pay them back after a good harvest.

괗Gouzi usually treats his tenants fairly and generously, with quite a Huang Laocai style.

It's not that Ah Hu is trying to make more money, but that the tenants can only survive and can't save food even if they have a good harvest.

If I owe such a big debt again, I won't be able to pay it back in a few lifetimes.

"How much grain have been harvested today?"

"Including my own acre of land, 51 acres, a total of 73 녪 rice was harvested."

Ahu answered truthfully, because the 50 acres of land at the foot of Shekou Mountain was relatively close to the water source, the harvest was not completely lost, and some of the seed cost was finally recovered.

"Is there any tax reduction from the government?"

"The government has issued an official document. Today, the household tax, head tax, and sunshine tax must be paid. However, considering the disaster and poor harvest, we can postpone the payment for two days."

When Ahu said this, he felt even more uneasy and carefully observed 괗Gouzi놅's expression.

Even the government didn't reduce taxes, so why should he let the land give him rent-free rent?

괗Gouzi didn't speak for a long time, tapping his fingers lightly on the table with a slightly embarrassed expression.

This 뎃놅rent is 100 녪 grains, which is enough for him to eat more than ten 뎃놅.

According to the current price of food, you can exchange it for at least 20 Peiyuan Guben Pills.

Many warriors will beat themselves to death for these 20 Peiyuan Guben Pills.

He grew up stealing pig food, and he didn't have the kindness of Sima Yi.

I live my life on a budget every day. Even a meal of meat feels luxurious. When my pants are torn, I have to change them into pants before wearing them again.

It would be really heartbreaking if the land rent of 100 yuan was just waived.

But seeing Ahu's cautious behavior, he couldn't bear it anymore.

At the same time, he was calculating in his mind that to harvest 73 녪 of grain from 51 acres of land, 56 녪 of seeds alone would be used.

After excluding the household registration tax, head tax, sunshine tax and other miscellaneous taxes, there is still about 20 녪 left, and Ahu's family can barely survive.

If you take away all these 73녪 grains...

괗The more Gouzi thought about it, the more annoyed he became. His unbearable feelings were intertwined with heartache.

"Forget it, I'll waive the rent for you today!"

"Thank you, boss!"

"Thank you, boss!"

Ah Hu lay on the ground and kowtowed to Gou Zi repeatedly, making a loud banging sound, and did not notice the blood dripping on his forehead.

"Thank you, boss!"

"Dongjia Renyi!"

"Get up, it's going to be difficult for everyone today, just get through it and wait until it rains tomorrow."

괗Gouzi said, took out a bunch of red dates and stuffed them into Ahu's arms.

"Take it back to coax the child. Your boy seems to be only five years old. He has done a lot of work with you. He will be a good farmer when he grows up."

Ahu hugged a bunch of red dates and left with great gratitude.

The dog was left alone to sit on the bench in a daze for a while, then he locked the door and went out.

During this period of time, I was practicing in the mountains and didn’t go out much.

Last time I bought various medicinal materials and made them into Peiyuan Guben pills, but I ate them all myself.

The higher the cultivation level, the more 놅ling 꺆 is needed, and the effect of the Peiyuan Gubenwan Pill becomes weaker and weaker.

After all, Peiyuan Guben Pills are just ordinary medicinal materials, not even elixirs.

He read in the "Essays on Cultivation of Immortality of the Great Zhou Dynasty" that it was mentioned that some professional alchemists can refine elixirs into elixirs with wonderful effects.

However, the government strictly controls the alchemy technology, and only the prefecture and county government can set up a special alchemy institution.

The alchemy technology must be strictly confidential, and any leaker will be confiscated and exterminated.

The government can only collect medicinal materials, organize alchemists to refine pills, and then distribute them to various places, sell them in a centralized manner, or reward successful personnel.

Therefore, the price of pills is extremely expensive, and money cannot buy them.

At least, he has not seen any place selling pills in the county town, and this time he goes to the city to ask Sima Yi.

As long as it is something happening in Anchang County, he should know something.

Gouzi has already walked onto the official road at this time, and found that there are many more refugees and beggars on the road than before.

Generally, tenants will not become refugees as long as their families can still make a living.

Refugees are people who cannot survive and take risks. In the eyes of the government, they are no different from bandits.

On the way, he saw a refugee lying on the side of the road, and before he was completely dead, he was carried away by several refugees.

As for what he was carried for, he could guess, because he had heard many people talk about it before.

These refugees can do anything to survive.

It is not winter yet. It is estimated that after winter, if it does not rain, there will be more refugees.

After entering the city, I walked to Huichun Hall and found that Sima Yi was really not doing his job.

He actually cooked a big pot of porridge in front of the pharmacy, and a group of ragged people lined up to get the porridge.

There were so many people here that Gouzi didn't even enter Huichun Hall. He went to other places with a sack on his back and came back at night.

I took a quick look at the market. Now grain is sold for 50 wen per liter, and one liter costs five taels of silver. The price has increased several times compared with the same period in the past.

The price of people is much cheaper.

You can buy a child of about 8 years old at the market with only one dou of rice.

In the past, it would cost at least several taels of silver. If you are pretty, you can sell it for 20 taels of silver.

Now, the 15- or 16-year-old girls in the market who can give birth to children and work in the fields can take away two dou of grain.

And the young wives who have already given birth to children and rent them to other families to give birth to children only need two dou of grain.

Thinking of the 100 yuan rent I exempted Ah Hu from today, which is worth 500 taels of silver, and can buy at least 50 wives, I feel a little sad.

He waved his hand and lost 50 wives.

At this time, he saw a scarred man, with several men, who bought more than 20 people in the market at one go.

And there was no limit on gender, all of them were in their teens or teens.

Gouzi was a little curious and used the Qi-watching technique to take a look, and found that the man had a strong aura in his body, at least at the first level of Qi training.

The scarred man looked only in his teens, but he had already cultivated to the first level of Qi training. In the whole Anchang County, he was considered a young genius.

As for Gouzi, who was only 17 years old and at the fourth level of Qi training, he was a special case. He ate so many good things every day and was a little self-aware.

This scarred man was also a master among the immortal cultivators. Why did he buy so many people at once?

However, this matter had nothing to do with Gouzi, and he didn't like to ask around.

I walked around until it was getting dark, and bought two meatballs at the meat shop for dinner.

I used to buy 10 meatballs every time, but I thought about the loss of 100 food today, so I decided to eat less meatballs.

I ate while walking, and when I arrived at Huichuntang, I found that it was finally quiet here.

Then I walked in.

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