Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 49 Scarface (1/2)

Sima Yi was busy for a while, and finally could take a rest in the evening.

Now when I saw Ergouzi arriving, I was half-reclining in my chair and didn't even bother to get up.

"How much strength does 꿷꽭 bring 깊? Count it yourself, I won't get up 깊."

"Are you suffering from kidney deficiency? I read in the book that people like you who have gray hair and a sore back are all suffering from kidney deficiency. Do you want to take some Cistanche deserticola to replenish it?"

Ergouzi has been reading some medical books recently and asked seriously at this moment.

"My kidneys have been weak since childhood."

Seeing that Sima Yi refused to admit it, Ergouzi didn't say anything more, lowered his head and began to count the number of Dali in the sack.

He found that after possessing spiritual consciousness, he didn't need to bother as much as before. His spiritual consciousness swept through the sack and he already knew the specific number in his mind.

"A total of 6530 pills."

"Huh? Do you have spiritual consciousness?"

Seeing Er Gouzi's state, Sima Yi immediately guessed the reason.

Although he is not a cultivator, there are many immortal cultivators in the Sima family, and his knowledge of immortality cultivation is richer than that of Ergouzi.

"It just broke through some time ago."

Ergouzi nodded and didn't hide anything.

"With your cultivation level, you can definitely try to take the martial arts examination."

"If you can successfully pass the martial arts examination, you will become the lightest martial arts examiner in the entire Sanyang County."

Sima Yi sat upright from his chair, looking very interested.

"Then I'd better take the exam in a few days."

Now that Ergouzi has the title of martial arts scholar, he no longer has to pay taxes, and he no longer has to be annoyed by the government officials, so he is not very eager to apply for the martial arts exam.

If it becomes the lightest martial arts exercise, and thousands of people are watching it, it will feel very uncomfortable.

If someone gets upset with him and wants to investigate his teacher for secretly teaching Kung Fu, he won't be able to reap the rewards.

"How come you don't want to make progress anymore?"

Sima Yi asked with a slight smile on his face.

"I never thought about becoming a high official. As long as I have food to eat and can farm in the mountains with peace of mind, that's all."

"Well, you are less enterprising than me."

Sima Yi was very happy and felt like he had met a confidant.

"Yes, this time the strong force should be replaced by Peiyuan Guben, or should it be replaced by something else?"

"I want to ask, is there any way you can get the medicine?"

Er Gouzi thought of the medicine he had seen in the book. Maybe Sima Yi could get it.


Sima Yi frowned when he heard this and thought for a moment.

"This is a bit difficult. The refining industry in the Zhou Dynasty was exclusively provided by the government.

The government spends money to train alchemists and open alchemy rooms, which are then sold by the government.

There are no alchemists in Anchang County. Only in Sanyang County can there be a refining room set up by the government. "

"Anchang County Government will pay a large amount of supplies to Sanyang County every day, and the county government will distribute a few pills of medicine.

My family has a spiritual field, and every time I can harvest a few medicinal plants that are barely enough, I take them to the county refining room and exchange them for one or two pills. "

"So the medicine is more wolf than meat, so it's very expensive, very expensive!"

"My uncle usually gets one or two 뀑 pills, but he is reluctant to take them. When he is about to break through, he takes them out to help break through."

After listening to Sima Yi's explanation, Er Gouzi had no hope in the medicine, but he still hadn't given up.

"How expensive is it approximately?"

"Take the cheapest Peiyuan 뀑 as an example. The price of one pill can buy you 100 shi of Dali꼍."

"The Peiyuan Guben that everyone eats now is said to be made from common medicinal materials based on Peiyuan's recipe."

Ergouzi almost gave up this time.

An ordinary 100-stone 꼍 can be sold for almost 30,000 taels of silver.

100 shi of Dali 꼍 requires almost 100 shi of grain. The production process requires shelling the rice, steaming it, pounding it, and kneading it...

It would waste a lot of his time.

He didn't even take into account the improvement effect of the gourd.

"It's better to change it to Peiyuan Guben for me."

In fact, most people can't even eat Peiyuan Guben, which costs 10 taels of silver each, as often as he does.

His cousin Zhang Youliang worked hard to squeeze out the tenants in order to obtain resources for cultivation, and quickly squeezed out the tenants in Shexi Village.

It’s not just to earn a few more pills to strengthen your foundation.

If Zhang Youliang saw Er Gouzi's helpless expression, he would probably be so angry that he would dig up all his ancestral graves.

"Okay, you can just come over and pick up the medicine tomorrow morning."

"Yes, can you send me some more energy during this time?"

"Approximately how much does it cost?"

Er Gouzi is actually more curious about where Sima Yi sells it every time he buys so much Dali.

“This time the more the merrier.”

"Actually, I make a lot of difference every time I resell Dali. Now I need a lot of money."

When Sima Yi mentioned that he earned the price difference, he blushed for a rare moment.

Probably in his mind, making a profit from a friend's price is a disgraceful thing.

However, Er Gouzi felt relieved when he learned that Sima Yi was making a difference in price.

The two of them traded several times each time. Sima Yi helped him resell Dali, and then bought Peiyuan Guben, so they were busy.

If Sima Yi doesn't make a penny here, Ergouzi will feel embarrassed to bother others.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you when I get back."

Er Gouzi left Huichun Hall and went to Zhengwu Hall.

Huang Laocai's son, Huang Mancang, has been studying martial arts in Zhengwu Hall for several months, and he has to pay several taels of silver in tuition every day.

I heard that when Huang Mancang came with the recommendation letter written by Er Gouzi, he was made things difficult for a while.

Huang Laocai put on a smile and sent several envelopes of money before everything was settled.

Ergouzi could see that no one in the Zhengwu Hall took his paid teaching seriously.

People are polite to me purely for the sake of the Sima family.

As for the students he introduced, others don't need to give anyone face.

But for Er Gouzi, the greatest value of Zhengwu Hall is the library.

It doesn't matter what other people think.

In the past, he also asked Sima Hong for some martial arts knowledge.

Now that he has reached the fourth level of Qi training and started to practice spells, Sima Hong can't help him.

Ergouzi walked into the library, returned the books he had borrowed before, and found a few more books on the bookshelf, ready to take them back and read them.

Now he likes to read books very much. He reads them when he has some spare time, which can gain knowledge and broaden his horizons.

You can also learn a lot of messy things besides cultivating immortals.

놇Have a night's rest in Zhengwu Hall, and go to Huichun Hall the next morning to get the 깊Peiyuan Guben꼍, then leave the city and go home.

I felt hungry halfway through the walk. I forgot to buy some steamed buns to eat in the morning.

Just find a deserted place, sit on a rock and eat some persimmons to satisfy your hunger.

While eating, I took out a book I just borrowed and read it.

This is a book that introduces various materials below.

He flipped through it and happened to find an introduction to jade materials.

The book says that some fine jade can store spiritual information of cultivators.

Many immortal cultivators will make jade materials into styles such as jade pendants and jade slips to store information.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but think of the jade pendant that the master left behind when he left.

The master was so kind to him that he risked his head to teach him the techniques of cultivating immortals. He could never learn this kind of spirit.

He always felt that there must be a deep meaning behind the jade pendant left by his master, but he had never been able to guess it.

At this time, his consciousness entered the gourd and found the jade pendant.

This jade pendant looks ordinary. There are some cracks on it and there should be some scratches.

He tried to use his spiritual consciousness to look into the jade pendant to check.

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At this moment, a powerful suction force came from the jade pendant, and his consciousness poured out uncontrollably.




"don't want……"

Ergouzi roared in anger, but he was powerless at this moment. All his consciousness was sucked into the jade pendant, not a drop of it was left, and he fell into a semi-conscious state.

The whole person was in a daze and had no consciousness, but he didn't have the strength to move his fingers, so he could lie on the ground all the time.

I don’t know how long it took, but a refugee passing by saw Ergouzi passed out on the side of the road.

He first poked a few times with a stick, but found no response, so he tiptoed over and groped around Ergouzi.

I took out a bag of broken silver and weighed it, at least several taels.

The refugee was overjoyed and looked around. Seeing that no one had noticed, he quickly put the silver coins into his arms and left quickly.

Not long after, another refugee passed by, looked at him for a while, took off Ergouzi's shoes, and walked away.

Then another large group of refugees passed by, and they took off all their clothes.

"Alas! He's a very handsome young man, what a pity."

"Leave him some pants and some dignity."

The whole family hugged Er Gouzi's clothes and left happily.

In fact, Ergouzi had already regained consciousness, but was unable to move.

Being stripped of clothes, I was extremely anxious, but I couldn't even make a sound.

Fortunately, this family was quite particular and left him a pair of underwear.

He didn't know whether to thank or scold him.

However, he was not happy for long. The world pays attention to people, so naturally it does not pay attention to people.

A passing refugee stripped off the last bit of his dignity and took him away.

Just when Er Gouzi was ashamed and angry, several more people came to him.

One person put his finger on Ergouzi's nose and gave it a try.

"Still a little bit angry, my body is not cold yet."

"Take it away while it's hot."

The two refugees each grabbed a foot and dragged him away backwards.

His clothes had been stripped off a long time ago, and now they were dragged to the ground. His back and head were rubbing against the ground, causing burning pain.

At that time, the ground was still uneven with rocks and wooden piles, so the two of them just ran over them without any thought of giving way.

Ergouzi could no longer care about the severe pain caused by the friction on his back, which made him very anxious.

During the famine years, this kind of people would pick up corpses in the street. You can imagine what they would do if they took them back.

But he was not anxious at all, and he just couldn't use any strength in his body.

The two refugees dragged Er Gouzi not far, and threw him heavily into an ox cart.

There were several cold corpses in the cart, and Er Gouzi lay in the pile of corpses, and felt a little safer.

Several people pushed the ox cart and picked up several more corpses along the way. Er Gouzi was already pressed under the pile of corpses.

Now he felt safer.

He was puzzled. If he could own an ox cart, he should have some wealth, so he shouldn't have fallen to picking up corpses to eat.

And if he picked up so much at a time, ordinary people couldn't eat so much.

Did he want to process and sell meat?

For example, meat jerky, bacon, meat buns...

Thinking of his favorite meat buns, he felt sick in his stomach.

Er Gouzi was lying on the ox cart, thinking about random things. Gradually, a little bit of spiritual consciousness revived in his sea of ​​consciousness.

He began to feel his feet, and his toes could move.

But the true qi in his dantian still could not be mobilized.

He opened his eyes and looked through the gap between the corpses.

It was already evening, the moon was high, the sky was full of stars, and several shadows were pushing an ox cart on a country road.

On the way, they met an old beggar who was sleeping. These people walked gently to the beggar, suffocated him skillfully, and threw him into the cart.

The ox cart went for a long time, and Er Gouzi felt that his strength had recovered a little.

When he is dissected, he should still have the energy to curse and cheer himself up.

When the oxcart reached the foot of a mountain, it finally stopped.

There were already people waiting here for a long time.

"Boss He, there are 12 bodies in total, please check them."

The man called Boss He turned all the bodies on the oxcart to the ground and counted them.

"Yes, there are 12 bodies in total, and you will get one liter of rice for each body, a total of one dou and two liters."

"Can you give more? We have been busy all day and walked dozens of miles."

A man pushing a cart wanted to raise the price a little more and complained to Boss He.

"It's impossible to raise the price. Food prices are rising now. In a few days, these corpses will be even less valuable."

"By the way, help me carry these corpses to the cave, and I'll give you more food."

"Don't drag them to the ground. If the corpses are damaged, they will look bad."

Under the command of Boss He, these people carried the corpses and walked a few miles of mountain roads before entering a cave at the foot of the mountain.

Er Gouzi felt that if he escaped now, he could barely do it, but he might not be able to hold on for long.

It would be safer to take it slow and recover a little.

There were so many corpses, and it might not be his turn to be dissected first.

Although there were many torches in the cave, it still felt chilly and biting.

Er Gouzi and other corpses were thrown into the cold ground. In addition to the 12 newcomers, there were more than 20 corpses.

The few who picked up the corpses received 12 liters of rice and left happily.

The man in the cave, called He Lao Da, was now following a scarred man with a respectful look.

Er Gouzi narrowed his eyes into a small slit. He recognized him. He had seen this scarred man at the county market yesterday.

At that time, the scarred man bought more than 20 living people at the market in one breath.

Moreover, he had seen this man with the Qi-reading technique at that time. He had the strength of the first level of Qi training.

After this discovery, he could not escape casually.

Not to mention escaping, he didn't even dare to breathe now, even though he made himself look like he was about to die.

Before his strength was fully restored, he was not as good as the scarred man.

Fortunately, the scarred man was only at the first level of Qi training, and he didn't have the spiritual sense yet, so he couldn't find Er Gouzi's disguise.

"Put the corpses collected today and the ones collected a few days ago into the corpse-raising cave. The day after tomorrow, an iron corpse helmsman will come with a wisp of Lord Hanba's corpse qi."

"These ordinary corpses, if they are exposed to a little bit of Lord Hanba's corpse qi, will turn into zombies in one or two months."

Er Gouzi continued to lie in the pile of corpses and pretend to be dead.

He had seen it in the "Geographical Atlas of the Great Zhou Dynasty" before. There was a Taoshan Kingdom to the west of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Taoshan Kingdom was full of ghost cultivators and zombies.

Among the many types of zombies, Hanba is even more ferocious and notorious.

Boss He brought a few people and moved all the corpses into a smaller cave.

"This corpse doesn't seem to be dead yet."

A man dragged Er Gouzi's corpse and felt that it was still a little warm.

"No matter if they are dead or not, they will all turn into zombies in a few days." Boss He said casually.

Several people moved all the corpses into the corpse-raising cave, blocked the entrance and left.

Er Gouzi was lying in the pile of corpses, feeling that it was unusually cold inside, and that cold feeling was drilling into his bones.

He gently moved his feet, pushed away the corpses pressing on him, and slowly sat up.

There were at least two corpses in it, men, women, old and young, most of them were stripped naked and blue all over.

After sensing the recovery of his body, he knew that if he could survive tonight safely, he would probably be fully recovered tomorrow.

He was tossed around like this for no reason and almost died.

Er Gouzi's honest and simple eyes actually showed a hint of murderous intent.

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