Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 54 Bought a bunch of wives

Sanchazi Town.

Er Gouzi hadn't been here for a while, and the jujube tree in Li Banxian's yard was overturned.

The jujubes on the tree would naturally not be left.

Even the bark and root bark were stripped away.

I felt a little ashamed for not taking good care of my master's house.

Tianyuan came to the town to buy pork, but the meat stall had run out of pork.

There was only a bloody human leg hanging on the meat stall.

Looking at this, the meat buns that I liked the most can't be eaten. Who knows what kind of meat is inside?

The price of grain has risen again. At this time, a grain was at most twenty or so coins, but now it has risen to 60 coins.

A grain of rice is equivalent to six taels of silver.

At this price, grain merchants are still hoarding grain and are unwilling to sell it, because it will be more expensive to keep it until tomorrow.

There are many more people in the market, but there are fewer types of goods.

Selling some rags and rags, jars and pots, which are not valuable things.

In the whole market, almost half of the people are selling children and wives.

Some bachelors who can't get married take advantage of this opportunity to pretend to bargain, take advantage of it, and take advantage of it.

In fact, these poor wives are as thin as dry firewood, with dry and yellow hair and bones. It's painful to pinch them.

When Er Gouzi walked into the market, a man came up to greet him enthusiastically.

"Brother, do you want to buy a wife to warm your bed?"

"Look at my wife, one of the most beautiful women in the village, who can work and give birth to children. I will sell it to you for only one grain of rice."

"No wife!"

Er Gouzi shook his head and refused.

A few days ago, Er Gouzi had also considered whether to buy one or two strong and sturdy girls to be his wives.

Now he has seen the colorful world in the city, and his vision has improved a lot. He no longer looks down on these skinny women in the market.

"Just take a look, it doesn't matter if you don't buy."

But the man finally found a seemingly wealthy customer, so he was not willing to give up.

Although the boy in front of him also had dark skin and dressed like a farmer, he had flesh on his face, wore a pair of cloth shoes, and his clothes were neat and without patches.

And the boy in front of him looked like an honest man.

The man took Er Gouzi to a woman.

The woman had a straw tag on her head, and she was probably in her 20s. Compared with the other skinny women, she might be a little fatter.

The man tore open the woman's clothes, and the cool wind blew in, making the woman lower her head and shrink back.

"Look, this meat is thick and elastic, there is absolutely no problem raising a baby."

"As long as there is rice, it can warm the bed, farm, give birth to a baby, wash clothes and cook. You will definitely not lose out if you buy it."

The man tried his best to sell his wife to Er Gouzi, praising her as rare in the sky and unparalleled on earth.

Er Gouzi didn't even marry the second daughter of Huang Laocai's family, and now he is not interested in spending money to buy a wife.

He turned around and looked at the market. Several people who specialize in human trafficking were picking and choosing in the crowd.

Sometimes they opened their mouths to look at the teeth, and sometimes they pinched to see the thickness of the meat.

It reminded me of the human leg in the butcher shop and the blood and soul pills made by the scarred people.

These people were bought back. If they were lucky, they would be used as servants and could even have enough food and clothing.

Who knows how those who were unlucky were dealt with.

"Okay, I'll buy a bunch of rice."

Er Gouzi nodded and immediately gave the man six taels of silver, asking him to go to the grain store to buy rice.

"Thank you, she's yours from now on."

The man pulled out the straw tag on the woman's head and pushed it in front of Er Gouzi.

But the woman turned around, took off her cotton coat and stuffed it into the man's hand.

"Alter this cotton coat so that it can be used as a cotton coat for the two children."

"If you sell me, you can't sell the children. The children are still young and can't be sold at a high price."

After the woman said these two words, she followed Er Gouzi and never looked at the man again.

"Brother, take a look at my wife."

"My wife is pretty good."

"My child is eight years old and can work on the land. He only needs a bushel of grain."

"Look at my..."

Seeing that Er Gouzi didn't bargain and bought a wife directly, the other people in the market gathered around.

Try your best to sell your children or wives to him.

The young man in front of him looked honest and generous, so selling to him would at least give him a way to make a living.

As for selling to those people, they were not sure.

Looking at the faces of people trying their best to sell around him, Er Gouzi made an impulsive decision.

He bought all the people in the market that day.

"Don't push, come one by one..."

"Come one by one..."


When Er Gouzi walked out of Sanchazi Town, more than 30 people followed him.

There were both men and women, the oldest were in their twenties and thirties, and the youngest were only two or three years old. Most of them were children, and 12 of them were other people's wives.

These people were ragged, pale and thin, and followed Er Gouzi with numb expressions. Except for the occasional cough, no one said a word.

Er Gouzi bought so many people on impulse and now brought them to Shekou.

He was a little worried about how to resettle them.

There was only one blue brick house, which was where they stored food.

Besides, there was no place to live. If they were left outside in the winter, several people would freeze to death in one night.

After thinking for a while, there was still a lot of dry straw on the top.

So 놛 used the wind control technique, rushed to the top of the 껚, and went to get straw.

This scene made more than 30 people dumbfounded. What kind of new master did 놛 follow?

Then 놛 saw Er Gouzi flying down from the sky on a goose, and the shock in their hearts was even stronger.

Could this be the legendary immortal master?

Er Gouzi pointed at the pile of straw.

"꿷 You can use this pile of straw to keep warm at night, and build a straw shed tomorrow."

The crowd looked at the new owner quietly, and no one dared to speak.

"Um, what's your name?"

Er Gouzi pointed out the first wife he bought from the crowd.

"My name is Qiuyue."

"Okay, these 30 people will be handed over to you in the future."

With so many people, 놛 doesn't have so much energy to worry about it, and there must be someone responsible for daily management.

"All of you listen to Qiuyue's arrangements."

There was a silence in the crowd, only Qiuyue showed an expression of surprise.

"Qiuyue, come with me."

Er Gouzi said, and walked towards the blue brick house.

Qiuyue followed behind with her head down, a little nervous, not knowing what the new owner would do.

Since she has sold herself, she will be hers in the future.

Er Gouzi opened the door and walked in, and Qiuyue hurriedly followed obediently.

Inside was a very simple living room with only a wooden table and four benches.

Er Gouzi opened the door of another room, and saw that it was full of red dates and persimmons.

"Put some in a sack and take it out for everyone to eat."


Qiuyue felt that her hands and feet were much more agile at that time, and she picked up handfuls of red dates and persimmons and put them in.

From time to time, she grabbed a persimmon and stuffed it into her mouth.

The two filled two large bags, took them outside, and distributed food to everyone.

The people bought back were all sick, staggering and shivering with cold.

Now when they received food, they stuffed it into their mouths desperately, and almost choked several people.

They could only eat some red dates and persimmons to stay alive for the first night, and spent the first night in the haystack.

The next day, Er Gouzi gave them a set of pounders, iron pots, and rice, and asked Qiuyue to take them to pound rice and cook porridge.

Then he allocated an acre of land for them to build straw huts to live in.

In the next few days, Er Gouzi went to Sanchazi Town every day, and bought people who sold people when he saw them.

Anyway, he had bought more than 30 people, so it didn't matter if he bought more.

Now people are very cheap, and it didn't cost much money in total.

Gradually, more than 100 people have been bought.

Er Gouzi didn't understand why he suddenly became so impulsive.

Maybe it was because I had been with Sima Yi for a long time, and I was influenced by him.

As for doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, I never thought about it, I just couldn't bear it.

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