Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 55 18 years old (1/2)

Another new year, a new beginning, a new atmosphere, Ergou is 18 years old.

This New Year, he bought another one, and together with more than 300 people, it was a lively time.

Because there was no pork in the disaster year, Ergou caught a few big fish from the gourd, added some dried wild vegetables, and boiled a big pot of fish soup.

Everyone even took out the fish scales and bones in the soup, chewed them up and swallowed them, without wasting anything.

Last winter, he made a series of purchases and bought more than 300 people in one go.

Half of them were children under 10 years old. How can such children work? The price is the cheapest, and most of them can be bought with one or two buckets of grain.

The young girls are more than 50, the wives are more than 50, and the boys are only more than 30.

A group of families survived, and first sold their daughters and children.

He bought so many people, and the total cost was still 1,000 taels of silver.

Buying people costs money, but to feed more than 300 mouths, it takes a lot of food.

If you eat frugally, you can eat a rice grain in one day.

The few rice grains stored in his warehouse can't last long.

For this reason, he went to the black market to buy 200 grains.

Originally, it would cost more than 1,000 taels of silver, but he used the silver essence of Bai Ren, and only spent a few taels.

For Er Gou, the cost is also high.

It's not appropriate for such a large group of people to be idle all the time, so they have to find something to do.

After letting everyone eat for several meals in a row, their bodies gradually recovered their strength.

After careful consideration, Ergou decided to let everyone dig mud to make bricks and build houses.

The built houses were for them to live in.

As for the location of digging mud, he chose a few acres of land with a relatively high position.

These acres of land can be converted into ponds to store water and raise fish.

In this drought, only Jiazhuang was not affected in the entire Anchang County, and the grain harvest was normal.

This is because Jiazhuang has a particularly large mountaintop reservoir, which usually stores water and releases water to irrigate the fields during droughts.

Ergou does not have as much land as Jiazhuang, so he only designated five acres of land and converted it into a pond to irrigate his own acres of land, which should be no problem.

There was no snow last winter, so there will definitely be a drought next year.

So after the Chinese New Year, everyone continued to dig mud to make bricks and dig ponds. Everyone worked hard.

All of them came from poor families. None of them was lazy. As long as they had food to eat, they were not afraid of hard work and fatigue.

It was just after the Chinese New Year, and the weather was still cold.

The adults were responsible for digging the soil and watering, while the children cut some straw and sprinkled it into the mud, and then stepped on it barefoot repeatedly.

The mud had to be stepped on until it was soft and sticky, without any lumps of soil, before shoveling it into a wooden box mold to make mud bricks.

After drying, the children were responsible for carrying it, and the adults built the wall.

More than 300 people worked at the same time, and the efficiency was quite high. Two adobe houses had been built before the New Year.

The roof was temporarily covered with straw, but several layers were laid and covered with mud.

Ergou only occasionally went to watch everyone build a house with bricks, and he did not participate.

He was farming, practicing, and reading in the mountains every day.

He had practiced the rejuvenation technique very well, and now every time he performed the rejuvenation technique, he could force out some poisonous blood from the wound.

He performed the rejuvenation technique five times every day, and with the effect of the detoxification pill, most of the corpse poison in the body had been removed.

At this rate, the detoxification pill could be saved.

This time, he prepared some powerful pills and went to the county town.

Since he found that he could use the hundred-refined silver essence on the black market, he needed to sell the powerful pills to make money.

But he didn't need it, but Sima Yi really needed to sell the powerful pills to make a little difference.

Now there are more and more disaster victims. Even if he only cooks very thin porridge, he still needs to consume a lot of food every day.

There is still a long queue at the door of Huichun Hall.

Ergou waited until dark before entering Huichun Hall.

"Ergou, you came at the right time. I have good news to tell you."

As soon as they met, Sima Yi said with a smile.

"What news?"

Ergou really wanted to think of what good news could be in this day and age.

"Do you remember the bottle of Hanba corpse gas you got last time?"

"Of course I remember. You handed it over to the county government for me."

Ergou originally had hope for the officials in the county government. Now after hearing what Sima Yi said, is it really a joke?

"The county government felt that it had dealt with Hanba, so it handed the bottle of corpse gas to the county city."

"There are many masters in the county city, and they are good at tracking. Based on this bottle of corpse gas, they actually found a cult nest."

"The county government dispatched masters to destroy the cult nest, killing three cult leaders in the foundation-building stage and several Qi training stage cultists on the spot."

"The great merits of this time will be reported to the court. The county city and the county government will all be credited. Although you did not participate in the battle, you should also be credited."

"The reward will be issued after a while."

Ergou didn't expect that the government officials were not only good at plundering people's wealth, but also had terrifying combat power.

In just one battle, three foundation-building monks and several Qi training monks were killed.

You should know that there is not a single foundation-building expert in the entire Anchang County, let alone the legendary existence.

"However, the zombie with the blood of Hanba escaped, and the bottle of corpse qi you handed over has been used up. It is impossible to find its whereabouts."

Sima Yi added.

Sure enough, you can't expect too much.

"What is the strength of that zombie? If it runs around everywhere, it will be more dangerous?"

Ergou felt that this was equivalent to poking a hornet's nest.

Once a strong man of that level loses his scruples, local forces will have no way to deal with him.

"I heard that he has the blood of Hanba, and his specific strength may be stronger than that of an ordinary foundation-building cultivator."

"During the encirclement and suppression battle, this Hanba tore a foundation-building cultivator apart and then broke through."

Ergou has a deep understanding of the power of zombies. The zombie he encountered last time was less powerful than him.

"Well, what will the government reward me?"

Ergou asked with a little curiosity. The matter of zombies is far away, and he wants to ask about the benefits in reality.

"I heard that the leaders who participated in the war in the county government were promoted, and the others were rewarded with pills. We should be able to get one or two pills here."


At this moment, Ergou also looked forward to this reward.

After chatting with Sima Yi for a while, Ergou said goodbye and left Huichuntang, and went to the black market again, selling a large sack of red dates in exchange for more than 1,000 taels of silver.

It was found that it was easiest to make money from cultivators. As long as anything had a little spiritual energy, the price could be multiplied several times.

When he came out of the grain store, a street vendor shouted at a corner stall.

"Sir, take a look, authentic pills for sale."

Ergou was curious, when would authentic pills be available at street stalls.

"You have real pills for sale here, they are not fake, right?"

"Of course they are fake, you will know once you take a look."

The stall owner took out a white jade bottle from his arms and poured out a blood-red crystal clear pill.

"Smell it, this rich spiritual energy, if the price of raw materials plummets in recent years, where will you have the opportunity to buy such a good pill."

"Eat one pill, it is equivalent to your meditation and hard work for a year."

"As long as you have 1,000 Peiyuan Gu Pills, you can exchange one, or you can exchange it with other spiritual objects of equal value."

The stall owner was still introducing his pills eloquently. Only 1,000 Peiyuan Gu Pills were equivalent to 10,000 taels of silver, which was indeed very cheap.

"Excuse me, where did you get this pill from?"

Er Gouzi asked very sincerely, and at the same time handed over a large bottle of Peiyuan Gu Pills.

But the stall owner was very alert and took the Blood Soul Pill into his arms.

"If you don't buy it, forget it. Don't disturb your business."

Er Gouzi walked around again and found nothing else, so he left the black market.

After that, he rushed back to Shekou Mountain overnight.

The distance from Shekou Mountain to the county town, when he had no cultivation before, he needed to walk for a whole day.

Now if he uses the wind control technique to travel, it will take at most half a day.

However, if there is no urgent matter, he will not work so hard and walk slowly at a normal speed.

Along the way, he saw many refugees, all walking in the direction of Dingjiazhuang.

Mixing in the crowd and listening, it turned out that everyone was saying that the owner of Dingjiazhuang was a kind man and was giving out porridge during this period.

In addition, Dingjiazhuang also needs to recruit a large number of civilians to repair the reservoir.

According to these refugees, Dingjiazhuang also needs to recruit a group of strong servants to guard the house.

Er Gouzi had been to Dingjiazhuang, where they could be said to never lock their doors at night.

As long as they guarded the entrance in the mountains, people from outside could not get in, and there was no need to recruit so many servants.

Hearing about Dingjiazhuang's actions, Er Gouzi's favorable impression of the owner of Dingjiazhuang deepened a little.

He and Sima Yi were just like children playing house in front of the owner of Dingjiazhuang.

This is a person with great courage and great things, at least he can feed several people.

He only has 50 acres of land now, and even if he wants to imitate Dingjiazhuang, it seems that he can't do anything.

The rest of the land in the village is in the hands of Zhang Youliang.

However, in front of Shekou Mountain is Shexi Village, and behind Shekou Mountain is also a large barren mountain.

He used to go there often when he was chopping wood, and there was no one living in the area of ​​more than a mile there.

I heard that this piece of wasteland belongs to a noble master in the county town.

These nobles all have the habit of hoarding land. If they have spare money, they will buy some land and leave it there for their descendants.

You can ask Sima Yi to help inquire and see if he can buy this piece of land.

Er Gouzi returned to the top of Shekou Mountain and looked at the large barren mountain behind the mountain.

If he imitated Dingjiazhuang, he could also build a large reservoir between those mountains, and then level the low-lying areas to turn them into fertile fields.

Anyway, labor is cheap now, as long as he is given a meal, it will be fine.

But the land belongs to someone else, and he is just thinking about it now.

In the next period of time, Er Gouzi practiced in the mountains every day, and the corpse poison in his body was continuously discharged, and he was almost recovering.

Due to the drag of the corpse poison, his cultivation did not increase much during this period.

But his control over the sword move that was released by the true qi has improved a lot.

In the past, every time he used this move, he would drain all the Qi in his Dantian.

Gathering all the Qi in his body and using it in one move, the power is indeed powerful enough to be amazing.

However, after one move, the person will become extremely weak and even ordinary warriors can't beat him.

After repeated practice and speculation during this period of time, he finally made a step forward.

He can emit a sword light through the blade.

This sword light will only consume half of his infuriating energy, and it will fly out from the sword blade at an extremely fast speed, hitting targets far away.

The sword wasn't as powerful as a full-strength strike, but it was extremely sharp, and he still had power left after one strike.

These are all things he figured out bit by bit on the mountain based on his teacher's previous teachings.

However, his sword has a dazzling light, which is far inferior to the master's kind of true energy, which is invisible, traceless and has full control.

Young people are always full of imagination, and he suddenly had an idea recently.

He can ride on the back of a big white goose and shoot a sword from the sky at the enemy's head.

Zi껧땣 can hit the enemy, but the enemy can't reach the big goose flying in the sky.

It's a pity that I can only use two sword lights at most, which is a bit less.

Maybe, we can also get some throwing knives and stones from the sky.

You may not necessarily hit the enemy, but the enemy will always be beaten and unable to fight back.

Anger can also make people mad to death.

Among the people who bought them this time, there happened to be a few strong men, so they could learn blacksmithing and help them make some swords.

However, when he found these men with the "Hundred Arms Manual" and asked them one by one, none of them could read.

Even the men are illiterate, and among those women and children, none are literate.

There were more than 300 people, and all of them were blind.

He had to practice every day and had no time to teach them how to read and forge.

When Er Gouzi was feeling worried, Huang Laocai appeared in front of him.

In the village, Huang Laocai was well-known for being literate, able to read and write, and good at arithmetic.

In the past, when a child was born in the village, he would ask Huang Laocai to give him a nice name since he was illiterate.

Ergouzi now earns Huang Laocai 110 taels of silver every year. From this point of view, he is not an ordinary calculator.

As long as Er Gouzi is still alive, their family will not go hungry for at least 20 years.

"Huang Laocai, could you please help me?"

"Master Zhang, if you have anything to do, just ask me."

Huang Laocai bent over and held his hands in his hands, smiling. Since the changes in his family, the former richest man in the village always looked humble when meeting others.

Bending, cupping hands, and smiling, these three actions seemed to be imprinted in his bones.

Especially when facing Er Gouzi, he looked even more humble to the core.

In fact, he was completely over-worried. It is only natural that debts should be repaid. Ergouzi was not the kind of person who would kill his creditor.

"Look at this book. Do you want to help teach it to the men under you?"

Huang Laocai took the Hundred Arms Manual and looked through it, a gleam of light shone in his dim old eyes.

"Master Zhang, do you want to train a blacksmith and make weapons?"

"Well, yes, I want to make some swords and the like, but among the hundreds of people, not one of them is literate."

Ergouzi said truthfully.

"My eyes are a little dim now and I can't see some words clearly. How about asking my son Huang Fugui to come over?"

"If Mr. Zhang doesn't mind, let him be a blacksmith under you, that will also be his blessing."

When Huang Laocai should be humble, he humbled himself to the dust, but his shrewdness was never affected in any way.

This book was what Ergouzi got from the little fat man. It contains many secret methods of weapon forging.

For ordinary people, learning this secret method of forging weapons is enough to make a living.

He is already old and will definitely not be able to swing a hammer, but he can let his son Huang Fugui do it.

Moreover, he took the opportunity to get close to Ergouzi and killed two birds with one stone.

Ergouzi naturally has no objection to this, Huang Fugui is better.

They all grew up in the same village and have known each other since childhood.

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