Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 151: Battle of the City (Please bookmark and subscribe)

Since he agreed and did not choose to take action against Fatis and Lesarit, it means that the other party was at least shaken in his heart at that time. What Rhodes has to do next is to strengthen the opponent's mind and let Dadar clearly know that even if he does not betray, the coalition will still be unable to escape the fate of destruction.

The foreign coalition forces, who were forced into a desperate situation by the Gushan Castle army, quickly reunited and launched a desperate charge in a short period of time.

The leaders of the tribes such as War Lizard and Bloody Fang have no choice, because the longer they delay, the more likely they are to die.

They don't even have enough food to return to the tribe. What's more, so many warriors return to the tribe empty-handed. Are they trying to steal food from the women and children left behind by the tribe?

Rather than living in such humiliation, it is better to die here like a warrior.

What's more, if we can defeat the human army in front of us, everyone will have something to eat. The orcs even devour each other, let alone facing the old enemy of humans.

Because it occupies a strategic advantage (with sufficient logistical supplies), the Gushan Castle army can choose to defend the terrain with relative advantages.

Rhodes chose a slope. Although the defensive advantage of this kind of terrain is definitely not as good as the defensive advantage of Gushan Castle, it can still greatly reduce the power of the centaur and troglodyte cavalry charge.

In this battle, Rhodes used his mathematical ability to the extreme. He calculated N-layer superimposed shooting angles on several simple slopes.

Make sure to take advantage of the large number of crossbowmen in Gushan Castle.

"At one go, the morale of the foreign coalition forces in this battle is already on the verge of collapse. As long as we suppress their momentum in the first few rounds, this battle will not reach the middle and late stages at all, and they will not be able to drag our army down. When the back force is insufficient.”

Not enough stamina?


Since a large number of auxiliary soldiers joined the army, although they also wore iron armor and held crossbows, these auxiliary soldiers were completely unable to compete with the regular army in terms of physical fitness, martial arts or shooting skills.

In particular, Rhodes' holy light fighting spirit and system abilities were not able to cover the entire army of more than 600 people, so he could only choose a portion of the 150 or so people to cover and protect them.

Rhodes no longer protects the senior Rodok crossbowmen and Rodok sharpshooters who have reached level 4 to 5. Instead, he uses the saved power to protect the auxiliary crossbowmen.

Because the fourth- and fifth-level units have strong survivability, and due to the incompleteness and missingness of the "Rodok Crossbowman Training Manual" itself, Rhodes was unable to train the top-level crossbowman unit of the sixth and second levels: Rodok Fortress Sniper unit.

If that's the case, then protect more people who can also increase their level of combat power. This is the most cost-effective option.

However, for the melee troops, such as the Redwood Town Elite Troops and the Dark Swordsman Troops, Rhodes still chose to connect them with the Holy Light Qi and Fighting Qi, because the melee troops had to bear greater actual combat pressure.

Rumble, rumble...

Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves, the first wave of centaur cavalry troops rushed up. Only this time, this powerful archer unit did not choose to pull and consume them from a distance, but directly charged up with a large shield and scimitar: stick up and exchange lives.

Why are the centaurs the first wave to charge?

Because they have the strongest mobility among the coalition forces, they can rush into close quarters in the shortest time despite the rain of flying arrows, and relatively suppress the powerful long-range crossbowmen of Gushan Castle.

"Centaur warriors, charge!"

On the bodies of the centaurs at the front, the radiance of fighting spirit even spread brightly, making them faster, stronger, and more unstoppable.

Behind the centaur cavalry were the charging Axe-Gnolls and heavily-armed Bearmen.

Because the two sides had fought against each other before, Rhodes generally understood the opponent's level, and the alien coalition also knew how powerful the Gushan Castle army was.

There is no hope that the Centaur cavalry's desperate charge can really tear apart the formation and plunge the enemy into chaos. If it were that easy, the coalition forces would not be in the situation they are in today.

At the end of the charge of the centaurs, bearmen, and bloodfangs, there were one hundred and twenty war lizard heavy cavalry that were ready to go.

The Troglodyte Tribe has an army of 400 people this time (in its initial state), but there are only 120 Troglodyte heavy cavalry, and the rest are all light infantry.

However, this is already terrifying. Once the absolute lethality of the one hundred and twenty war lizard heavy cavalry is fully demonstrated, it may not be a big problem to defeat more than five times one's own infantry force head-on in plain combat.

If it weren't for the magic riots in the wilderness and the complex and changeable terrain, with mountains, swamps, and hills, the troglodyte tribe's sphere of influence wouldn't be limited to this, and it would be normal to expand it by at least one to five times.

In this battle, the Wilderness Alliance also regarded this force as their final trump card. As long as the combined force of the three tribes can plunge the human army into chaos, one hundred and twenty war lizard heavy cavalry will use a single charge to let humans know what It's called a fiasco!

"What a powerful heavy cavalry unit, it belongs to me."

Rhodes used the brass telescope to look at the heavy cavalry troops hidden behind the lizardmen's light infantry in the distance. These heavy war lizards generally have between two and a half to three blades, and are covered with thick scales as natural armor. The end of their tails Neatly zigzag bone spurs are distributed on both sides.

The streamlined body and slender and strong limbs are the guarantee of running ability, while the amazing weight is an irresistible prerequisite.

Compared with these heavy war lizards that resemble dinosaurs, the lizardman cavalry riding on their backs seem a bit ridiculous.

Although their equipment is definitely luxurious and sophisticated among the barbarians, the gap is too huge compared to the giant beasts they ride.

In Rhodes' opinion, these lizardmen are more suitable for serving as lizardmen rather than becoming knights.

Rhodes is a humanist, always has been.

At this time, the front line has begun.

Facing the crossbow shooting from all directions and angles, many centaurs had their shields shot out, and then were hit by the crossbows like hedgehogs.

Some of them did not die, and were trampled to death by their own people behind them without hesitation. There was no choice. Hesitation and hesitation during the charge meant defeat and death.

"Centaurs are sons of the wind. We are born free and unrestrained..." The desolate war song echoed on the road of the charge, accompanied by blood splattering, corpses falling to the ground, and the sound of crossbows destroying leather armor and muscles.

More than 200 centaurs rushed to the close combat against the crossbows, and only more than 140 were left.

Rhodes' multi-angle covering shooting formation amplified the power of the crossbow formation. If all the crossbowmen were high-level Rhodok crossbowmen and all of them were equipped with heavy crossbows, this Centaur cavalry unit would even be shot and defeated on the way to the charge. However, there are not so many ifs in this world. On the battlefield, only this moment matters.

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