Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 152 Gaining the right to rule (Please collect and subscribe)

The first wave to meet the Centaur Cavalry was of course the elite troops of Redwood Town, with large shields and spears, a classic combination of equipment to fight against cavalry charges.

The most effective way to resist cavalry charges head-on in a field battle is to form a strong formation and not give the enemy a chance to take advantage.

Elite infantry with heavy armor, large shields and spears can even take on the charge of heavy cavalry head-on. Although they will suffer heavy losses, the opponent will definitely feel more distressed. It is a good deal to exchange infantry for cavalry, two for one or even five for one, and the opponent's loss cost is definitely higher.

In comparison, the impact of the Centaur tribe in the Wild Plains is slightly insufficient. It is said that the Orc Kingdom Sims Royal Court has heavy Centaur shock lancers and Centaur heavy treaders, but to raise such an army, a strong country needs to invest and maintain it at all costs. Small and medium-sized tribes in the Wild Plains do not have such conditions and therefore do not have such productivity.

Following closely behind the elite troops of Redwood Town are the Dark Swordsmen, led by two generals, Fatis and Resarit.

At this moment, a handsome eagle flew across the sky.

Looking down from its perspective, you can see that after the elite soldiers of Redwood Town blocked the charge of the Centaurs, the dark swordsman troops with black armor and greatswords quickly devoured the Centaurs who had lost their impact, just like a black ant colony.

At this time, the jackal axemen and bear heavy infantry in the alien coalition also wanted to keep up.

But Raymond, standing on the high ground, activated the Ring of Gale. With a whisper, a rotating wind ring formed with Raymond holding a longbow as the center. Within this range, the shooting speed of all archer units increased by 10%.

Although the coverage range is not very large, it is impossible to cover all the crossbowmen of Lonely Mountain Castle, but it is enough to cover most of the elite crossbowmen:

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, the large number of crossbow arrows shot down from the heights, knocking down a large number of jackal axemen, and even several bear infantrymen in heavy armor were also shot down.

The Gnoll Axemen were strong in attack but weak in defense. In the military restraint, they were restrained by the Archer Unit. After being shot down by a large number of crossbow arrows, many Gnolls were even so scared that they abandoned their weapons and fled to the rear with howls. However, they were immediately stopped by the heavily armored bear infantry who followed behind them. They were grabbed by the head and torn in half in mid-air, with blood and internal organs flying everywhere.

In this way, the Gnoll Axemen Unit was suppressed and did not collapse.

Many times, the way the orc generals led the army was to make their soldiers fear themselves more than the enemy.

"Enough, this war has reached this point, and there is actually no need to continue." The rear of the alien coalition army, the gathering place of the chiefs of various tribes.

The Sheepman Chieftain Dadar saw that his side had suffered heavy losses, and the formation of the Lonely Mountain Castle was like a mountain, without any loosening, and the last bit of hope in his heart was finally completely cut off.

Therefore, it said so.

"Daddar, what do you mean by that? Why hasn't your army appeared yet? We have expressed our sincerity. Where is your army?"

"Daddar, don't let the orcs be humiliated because of you!"


Because of the humiliation of the other tribesmen around him, the sheep tribe chieftain Daddar's expression gradually became ferocious, and finally he growled:

"Since you want to see my army, then see it now. Come out, warriors of my tribe."

Because of Daddar's call, a large number of sheep tribe warriors with weapons suddenly ran out from the bottom of the hillside in all directions.

When seeing these people, the war lizards, blood teeth, bears, and centaurs all changed their expressions, because at this moment they had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

"Daddar, what do you want to do? Did you betray us and choose to follow those hairless monkeys?"

"When did you... really regard us as your own people? Go ahead and kill them all."

In this battle, you will die if you don't win.

Therefore, each tribe put all their resources on the line, leaving behind few guards. The sheep-headed people in front of them did not send their troops to the battlefield, but hid near the small hill where the tribe leaders used to overlook the battle.

At this moment, even if all the tribe leaders had good combat power and even had one or two capable guards around them, how could they resist?

Rhodes, with Fatis, Raymond, Cress, Resarit, and Caitlin, was surrounded by more than 200 sheep-man warriors in this situation. There was a high probability that they would die, and there was little chance that he could escape with his life.

One hundred and twenty heavy war lizards of the war lizard tribe, as well as nearly two hundred light infantry soldiers, waited for the tribe leader's order at the back of the battlefield. Then they waited until the end of the battle, but did not receive the order to charge, but only the order for the whole army to rest on the spot.

Then, these confused lizardmen warriors were surrounded and disarmed by the human troops that were exterminating the centaurs, gnolls, and bearmen. Many lizardmen did not understand how their race was defeated until they were sent to the mines of the Lonely Mountain Castle. Why the heavy cavalry, the treasure of the entire tribe, was captured without even completing a charge.

In fact, these war lizardmen are lucky. Compared with other tribal groups, the overall number of war lizardmen casualties is relatively the least, even much less than that of the sheepmen, and this is really due to the heavy war lizards that they regard as the treasure of the entire tribe, although now they no longer belong to them.

Rhode did not attack the Troglodytes at the beginning because the bearmen and centaurs were more threatening in the mountain defense war.

Later, other tribes did not attack the Troglodytes because the Troglodytes' heavy cavalry charge was really strong. If this point is removed, the lizardmen are weaker than the goatmen.

In terms of combat power, the lizardmen are weaker than the goatmen, but in the system of the Orc Alliance, their status and voice are much higher than those of the goatmen, because this race is relatively more aggressive and cruel, which is more in line with the behavior pattern of orcs.

However, in the future, their aggressiveness and cruelty can only be used more in mining ore and fighting with other orcs. After the end of this battle, Rhode completely established his rule over the Lonely Mountain Castle.

The right to rule is not like other powers, which can be obtained through other means.

The most orthodox and practical way to obtain the right to rule is only by force. In fact, the more blood flows in this process and the more corpses fall, the more stable the ruling power is. This is a summary of historical experience.

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