Shi Lin was very fast. In just a few words, the tricycle arrived in front of everyone.

After stopping the tricycle, Shi Lin got off and said to Hu Feihong:

“Brother-in-law, come with me to take him to the hospital.”

Given Liu Guozhi’s current condition, it was a bit unsafe for him to stay alone in the back of the car.

It would be more convenient if someone went with him.

Hu Feihong nodded,

“Okay, you drive, I’ll support him in the back.”

Seeing that his brother-in-law agreed, Shi Lin nodded, turned to Lao Shi and said:

“Dad, I hunted seven wild boars, two big and five small, and the big black bear in the mountains today.

You can ask Jun Ge and the second uncle to drive the ox cart to get them back. The location is at Niujiao Peak, and you can let Xiao Zideng take them there.”

The seven wild boars are not a big deal, the main thing is the big black bear.

Shi Lin was in a hurry to save people just now, so he didn’t take out the bile. That thing is a good thing, very valuable, and can’t be wasted.

Shi Zhengang nodded when he heard it,

“Okay, I’ll go to your second uncle right away. I hope the bile in the bear bile doesn’t leak too much, otherwise it won’t sell for a high price.”

The black bear died, and the bile was not taken out immediately. The bile would leak out of the gallbladder, which would cause the bear bile to depreciate.

But it’s better to have it than not. If you take it back, you can sell it for some money.

“Oh, I was in a hurry to save people, so I forgot to take out the bear bile.”

Speaking of which, Shi Lin also regretted it a little. He forgot about the bear bile when he was in a hurry just now.

The habit he developed as a forest ranger in his previous life was to save people first.

And at that time, most of the wild animals in the mountains became prisoners, so he couldn’t move them casually.

After being reborn, he forgot that the times were different when he was in a hurry.

It’s a bit of a loss.

Afterwards, Shi Lin and Hu Feihong took Liu Guozhi to the county hospital for emergency treatment.

Hospitals these days are still very reasonable.

Shi Lin explained the situation, and Liu Guozhi himself was still conscious.

The hospital directly arranged for examination and surgery, and Shi Lin did not need to pay a penny.

After Liu Guozhi entered the operating room, Shi Lin simply registered and left with Hu Feihong.

The people in the hospital did not ask them to stay, and their attitude towards them was very good, giving them a kind of respect for heroes who saved lives.

Before going home, Shi Lin bought a few Chinese medicines to regulate the body of his elder sister and brother-in-law in preparation for the birth of a baby.


It was already 1:30 in the afternoon when the two returned to Xigou Village.

Only one person was left at home. After entering the house, I found that only Shi Yushu was left at home, holding a little Lai Di in her arms.

Little Pan Di next to her was pulling the bear cub and feeding cabbage to the little moose.

Seeing Shi Lin and the others coming back, the little guy quickly put down the cabbage, opened his arms and ran towards them.

“Uncle! Uncle!”

Seeing the little guy’s joyful look, Shi Lin couldn’t help but smile.

He reached out and picked up the little guy, and asked with a smile:

“Where are the others at home? Grandma, where are grandpa and the others?”

“Grandpa and the second grandpa went to sell the big black bear and the big wild boar!

Grandma took the first aunt and the fifth aunt to the master to tell fortunes. Grandma said that she would build a new house after the fortune-telling!”

Speaking of this, the little guy was still a little excited.

Her mother said that when they start building the house, the house will be lively and delicious food will be prepared every day. The little one has been looking forward to it for a long time…

“By the way, how is that man? Is he okay?” Shi Yushu asked.

Hu Feihong said: “The leg can’t be saved, but the rest of the situation is good, and he is unlikely to die. When we came back, he was still in surgery…”

“Oh.” Shi Yushu nodded.

They are backed by the mountains here, and there are cases of missing limbs or even losing lives due to attacks by wild beasts in almost every village, and everyone is used to it.

Anyway, it didn’t happen in her own home, so Shi Yushu didn’t think it was a big deal.

Instead, she thought that Liu Guozhi was lucky. If he hadn’t met Shi Lin, he would have died in the mountains.

“By the way, how is the bear gall?” Shi Lin suddenly remembered the gall of the big black bear.

This was something he had ignored before.

Shi Yushu smiled and said:

“We were lucky. When the second uncle and his men took it out, there was still more than half of the bile, and it was a golden gall! It should be worth a lot of money.”

Bear galls are divided into “iron galls” and “gold galls” according to their colors. Iron galls are normal dark green, while gold galls are golden yellow.

Most bear galls are basically iron galls, while gold galls are relatively rare and more valuable.

Hearing this, Shi Lin and Hu Feihong also showed joy on their faces.

I didn’t expect to be so lucky and get a golden gall. This one can replace several ordinary iron galls.


After that, Shi Lin took advantage of his free time to pull Hu Feihong to the open space and told him about his plan to build a house.

In fact, his idea was very simple. He just wanted to build 6 red brick houses and then a larger barn.

There was another important point, which was to dig a septic tank and build a toilet!

Toilets on farms these days are basically dry toilets. They smell bad in summer and are extremely cold in winter.

Shi Lin felt that this needed to be improved.

The two chatted for a long time, took out paper and pen to write and draw, and finally decided on the rough drawings and construction plan of the house.

When Ye Meihui determined the date of the groundbreaking, we could start the construction!

“Okay, then I will contact the masons and carpenters I know and ask them to set aside time.”

After finalizing the plan, Hu Feihong immediately went to contact the staff.

Anyway, he now realized that his brother-in-law really didn’t need the money for the labor, so he had to hire people when he needed to, and it would be better to hire more people for efficiency.

Shi Lin nodded and asked him to drive the tricycle faster.

After Hu Feihong left, Shi Lin looked at the sky and felt that it should be more than three o’clock in the afternoon.

He frowned, wondering why his father and the others had not come back yet?

Before he could go out to look for them, the village leader Lin Xingbang came.

As soon as Lin Xingbang entered the door, he smiled and greeted Shi Lin and Shi Yushu.

Then he pulled Shi Lin aside, took out a cloth bag from his pocket and put it in Shi Lin’s hand.

“Uncle Xingbang, what are you doing?”

Shi Lin was stunned. Why did the cloth bag feel heavy in his hand?

It seemed to contain three long strips of things?

He opened the cloth bag and took a look.


Three gold bars!

Shi Lin, who had always been an ordinary person in his previous life, was really a little dazzled when he saw the three “big yellow croakers” in his hand.

However, he was absent-minded for only a moment, and soon came back to his senses, smiling bitterly:

“Uncle Xingbang, what are you doing? What’s so big? You don’t want me to kill people or set fires?”

Lin Xingbang saw that Shi Lin was just stunned for a moment, and soon adjusted his mood. He nodded secretly in his heart,

This kid is really different.

Just now, when he saw these three gold bars in the county hospital, he was stunned for a long time.

Then Lin Xingbang rolled his eyes and said unhappily:

“Killing people and setting fires doesn’t get such a high reward, at most half a bar.”

“This is the small landlord in Xiahe Village who asked me to bring it to you, saying that he would repay your life-saving grace.”

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