As soon as Lin Xingbang said this, Shi Lin immediately understood.

It turns out that Liu Guozhi is really rich!

He is not kidding when he says he will give him a generous reward.

He probably just came out of the operating room, right? He asked someone to bring three large yellow croakers…

“This…Uncle Xingbang, I dare not accept this thing, you send it back to him.”

Shi Lin stuffed the cloth bag directly into Lin Xingbang’s hand.

As a mountain hunter, everyone’s default rule is that if you see other people being attacked by wild beasts in the mountains, you should help if you can.

In addition, Shi Lin really thinks that three large yellow croakers are a bit too much, and it is too hot to hold.

If Liu Guozhi compensates Shi Lin with half a gold gall, Shi Lin may accept it.

After all, saving Liu Guozhi did cost Shi Lin half a gold gall, and it took a long time, so it is okay to accept a little reasonable reward.

But Liu Guozhi’s move was too arrogant, so it was difficult for him to accept it.

Lin Xingbang said helplessly:

“Well, I told them in the hospital that you wouldn’t accept it, but they insisted that I send it over. Why don’t you accept it?”

“Forget it, it’s too hot to handle.” Shi Lin waved his hand and refused.


Lin Xingbang had no choice but to sigh helplessly, “I knew that these ten yuan were not easy to earn.”

It turned out that he was willing to bring these three gold bars to Liu Guozhi because he accepted the money.

As long as Shi Lin accepted these three gold bars, the ten yuan would be Lin Xingbang’s labor fee.

If he didn’t accept it, there would be money, cut in half.

Shi Lin didn’t expect that Uncle Xingbang would still accept labor fees. He thought Uncle Xingbang was the kind of person who was eager for justice and impartial.

After a pause, Shi Lin asked:

“Uncle Xingbang, what is Liu Guozhi’s background? Why do you call him a small landlord?”

Lin Xingbang explained:

“Those are old names. His grandfather used to be a big landlord, so we call him a small landlord.”

“In fact, you don’t have to be polite to him. You can accept these three big yellow croakers. His family is very rich.”

“The small landlord is a little greedy, but he is also really afraid of death. You saved his life. Let alone three big yellow croakers, he will give you more.”

“In addition, I heard that his uncle stood on the right side and has become a big official. His family is now rich and powerful, very wealthy!”


Hearing Lin Xingbang’s description of Liu Guozhi’s family, Shi Lin opened his mouth wide.

Is this family so awesome?

“If he is so awesome, why does he go into the mountains?”

Shi Lin asked puzzledly.

In Liu Guozhi’s case, it shouldn’t be a problem to just lie down, right?

Why go into the mountains and take this risk?

“Hehe, because I’m too greedy.”

Lin Xingbang smiled and talked about what he had just heard in the hospital.

Liu Guozhi’s family is well-off, and he has started a medicinal material business in recent years. He doesn’t go into the mountains on weekdays.

This time he went into the mountains mainly because of his brother-in-law.

His brother-in-law is in a similar situation to Lin Xiaoqiang. He has just learned to hunt.

A few days ago, he went into the mountains with the master and was lucky enough to find a wild ginseng with a year.

After the discovery, he kept calm and didn’t tell the master. He turned around and went down the mountain to find Liu Guozhi, his brother-in-law.

When Liu Guozhi heard that there was a wild ginseng with a long year, he couldn’t sit still. He took the tools to chase the club and followed his brother-in-law into the mountains.

As a result, wild ginseng was dug, and they were lucky enough to encounter a big black bear.

Liu Guozhi’s brother-in-law, who had just started hunting, was out of control after encountering a black bear.

The bullets in the homemade gun he used were not loaded properly, causing the gun to explode.

In the end, he left Liu Guozhi, who was chased by the big black bear, and ran away alone.


After hearing the situation, Shi Lin felt speechless.

It was indeed too greedy.

If one of them was not so greedy and told the hunting master about the wild ginseng,

or if they called an experienced old hunter when entering the mountain, this incident today would probably have been avoided.

Unfortunately, both of them were too greedy.

One person who usually doesn’t go into the mountains, and one who has just learned to hunt, this combination actually dared to go into the deep mountains, which is really unique.

Losing a leg is really what he deserves.

But if you say he is greedy, he is quite generous at this moment, and he gave out three big yellow croakers.

It seems that he is not so stingy, or he simply thinks that his life is far more important than three yellow croakers?

Seeing that Shi Lin really did not want to take the three yellow croakers, Lin Xingbang stayed for a while and then took the yellow croakers back.

After Lin Xingbang left, Shi Lin also prepared to go out to Shanghe Village to take a look.

What is going on? Why did Dad and the othersGoing to sell a prey, and selling it for such a long time, could it be that he encountered robbers on the way?

There are indeed robbers these days, and Shi Lin has been so popular recently, maybe he has been targeted for a long time.

However, just as he walked out of the door, he saw his father and second uncle coming back with excitement.

Shi Lin stepped forward and asked:

“Dad, second uncle, what happened? Why are you two so happy?”

“Haha, good news!” Shi Zhengang laughed and said, “We bought the fishing boat you wanted! It’s parked at the end of the village now.”

“Ah? So fast?” Shi Lin was slightly stunned.

This old man is really efficient!

I just gave him the money yesterday and asked him to help find a boat, and he bought it today!

Shi Zhengang smiled proudly, “How long will it take? When did your father and I drag our feet in doing things?”

Shi Zhenye also laughed and waved to Shi Lin,

“Let’s go to the end of the village to see your new boat. Your father and I are very satisfied with this boat, but you have to see it yourself.”

“Okay, let’s go and see it together.” Shi Lin agreed with a smile.

The old man and the second uncle were both satisfied and drove back immediately. I think it’s not much worse.

On the way, Lao Shi and the others also asked about Liu Guozhi’s situation.

When Shi Lin said that Liu Guozhi asked Lin Xingbang to bring three large yellow croakers to his home to thank him, the two old men were also a little stunned.

Shi Zhengang sighed: “You are really a landlord, so rich!”

Hearing this, Shi Zhenye seemed to think of something and rolled his eyes, “You two are not bad either.”


Shi Lin didn’t expect that the second uncle would say such a thing.

You know, their family has been poor farmers for seven generations, pure and pure, how can they be good?

However, when he walked to the end of the village and saw the fishing boat parked at the end of the village…


Shi Lin’s eyes widened,

“Diesel engine! More than ten meters long boat!”

“Dad, the new boat you are talking about, isn’t it this one?!”

More than ten meters long, the width in the middle should be about three and a half meters, there is a conspicuous engine on the boat, and a boat cabin.

This directly surpassed all the fishing boats in Xigou Village.

Not only is the hull much larger than the fishing boats in the village, but the power has also been upgraded from human power to mechanical power.

This boat is no less than his tricycle!

Even more awesome!

Isn’t this a big investment? !

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