After hearing what Shi Lin said, Shi Zhengang and Shi Zhenye finally looked at the water surface.


You don’t know until you see it, you’ll be shocked.

“So many fish! So many!”

Old Shi opened his mouth and said in surprise.

The location of these fish is about one meter below the water surface. The river water is a little yellow.

If you don’t look too carefully, you really can’t see it.

But now after Shi Lin reminded them, the two old brothers were shocked.

“A school of dog salmon! This is a school of dog salmon! So many!”

Shi Zhenye was also very excited.

I didn’t expect that the new boat would encounter a school of dog salmon when it went down the river to fish for the first time.

This luck is really amazing.

“The more I look, the more I see. This net will probably be about the same as the last time I netted carp, right?!”

There are really a lot of dog salmon at the bottom of the water. The more I look, the more I see. Shi Zhenye’s eyes are almost dazzled.

Shi Zhengang was also looking at the river excitedly, smiling so much that his mouth almost stretched to the back of his ears.

“Hey, what are you waiting for? Help fetch water.”

Shi Lin picked up a paddle from the boat and poked it into the water to stir it.

Seeing this, Shi Zhenye also laughed, picked up a bamboo pole and slapped the water, and thrust it into the water to stir it.

Seeing that they were all stirring the water, Shi Zhengang didn’t have any suitable tools, so he simply went into the cabin and took out the hand-cast net.

He found a good position and threw it directly into the middle of the area surrounded by Shi Lin’s fishing net.

Old Shi knew how to use the hand-cast net, but he had never played with it before, and one of his legs was not very flexible, so he didn’t throw it well and only covered a small area.

However, the noise was quite loud, and some dog salmon in the water were even scared out of the water by his net.

Seeing this, Shi Zhenye reminded: “Be careful not to get the hand-cast net and the sticky net entangled together.”

“Don’t worry, I’m just hitting the water to scare the fish, I won’t throw it to the sticky net.”

Shi Zhengang smiled and saw that the hand-cast net was almost sunk, so he began to pull the net up.

However, when he pulled the net, he immediately showed a surprised expression.

The fish was caught!

Feeling the impact of the fish rushing around in the net, Shi Zhengang was very excited and pulled it up with a smile.

“Fuck! So many?!”

When the fishing net was pulled out of the water, he was shocked first.

There were dozens of fish in the fishing net, basically all dog salmon, and the largest one weighed more than ten kilograms!

You know, this is the first time that Lao Shi played with a hand-cast net, and he didn’t cast it well, so the fishing net only spread out a little bit…

How could he catch so many? !

Shi Lin also noticed the catch of his father’s net. There were several big ones, and it was estimated that the total weight should be about 50 kilograms, which was indeed a lot.

“Let me pull it. Your legs are not healed yet. Don’t wait for the fish to pull you into the water.”

Shi Lin was about to take over.

However, Lao Shi did not give him this opportunity and snorted:

“What a joke, you want to pull your father into the water with dozens of kilograms of fish? Who are you looking down on?”

He began to exert force with both hands, letting the fish in the fishing net struggle. He stood still and collected the fishing net section by section.

It was collected quite steadily, and his body did not shake at all.

Shi Lin gave a thumbs up and smiled, “Awesome!”

“Of course.” Lao Shi smiled proudly, lifted the fishing net in his hand, and looked at his catch from a close distance.


The dog salmon weighing more than ten kilograms swept the tail, almost hitting Lao Shi’s face and hitting his arm.

Lao Shi also dodged out of habit, perhaps forgetting about his calf problem, staggered and almost fell.

Fortunately, Shi Lin reached out and supported him in time.

“You are so proud, your leg is not healed yet, so you should rest more. I will do it.”

Shi Zhenye took the opportunity to come over and took the hand-cast net from Lao Shi.

Seeing Lao Shi catch dozens of kilograms of fish with one net, he also felt a little itchy and wanted to cast a net.

Compared with Lao Shi’s previous professional hunting, Shi Zhenye has done more work.

Hunting, fishing, carpentry, masonry, kitchen, farming, etc. He has basically done them all, but he is not very good at them…

In terms of hand-cast nets, Shi Zhenye is much better than Lao Shi.

Once the net is thrown out, it is directly a big circle, which is steadily covered on the water surface and does not touch the sticky net on the outside. The control is quite good.

“Second uncle casts this net beautifully.” Shi Lin praised.

Shi Zhenye smiled proudly, “That’s right, your father didn’t even cast the net just now, look at how well I cast this net.”

Old Shi couldn’t refute this, he really didn’t cast it well, after all, it was his first time casting this thing.

After waiting for a while, Shi Zhenye also started to collect the net, but he frowned when he only collected half of the net.

“Too many fishIt’s a bit hard to pull it up, don’t wait to break the fishing net. ”


Shi Lin and Shi Zhengang were stunned for a moment after hearing this.

There are too many fish, it’s a bit hard to pull it up?!


“Second uncle, let me help you. “Shi Lin immediately came forward to help pull the net.

Shi Zhengang also came over and helped pull on the other side.

After pulling, the father and son realized that there were indeed too many fish. They didn’t know if the hand-cast net could hold it.

Shi Lin pulled a few times and felt it roughly. It should be similar to the net of silver carp and bighead carp he had pulled on the river bank before.

At that time, the fishing net he used was also of this kind, and it should be able to hold it.

Things these days still pay more attention to quality. If a few decades later, a cheap fishing net bought online by Xixi would be enough to weigh ten kilograms.

It’s just that this net is a bit heavy. It’s really not easy for his second uncle to pull up hundreds of kilograms of fish.

“Second uncle, how about I pull it? This net is estimated to be more than 300 kilograms, which is not easy to pull.”


Shi Zhengang and Shi Zhenye were stunned when they heard it. More than 300 kilograms in a net?!

“So many? Then you do it. “Shi Zhenye was very self-aware and gave way to others.

More than 300 kilograms, his old arms and legs really couldn’t bear it.

At the same time, he also doubted in his heart, could Shi Lin pull it up? More than 300 kilograms?!

Not only Shi Zhenye doubted, Shi Zhengang also doubted, more than 300 kilograms is not a joke, can it really be pulled up?

The last time Shi Lin pulled up more than 300 kilograms of silver carp and bighead carp with one net, it was on the shore, which was relatively easier to operate.

This time it was on the boat, and it was not so easy to use the force.

However, under the eyes of the two, Shi Lin was like Lao Shi just now, retrieving the fishing net section by section,

slowly and rhythmically, and soon pulled the fishing net out of the water.

Then he shouted, “Get up! ”

Standing firmly on the boat with both feet, he used his waist to drive the strength of his body and arms, and lifted the fishing net directly onto the boat.

Instantly, the entire ten-meter-long boat shook, but Shi Lin still stood firmly.

“Fuck! ”

Shi Zhengang and Shi Zhenye were stunned.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that this net weighs 300 kilograms, and it is even less!

The fish in the net are densely packed, each of them is not small, and there are some particularly large ones, the largest of which is estimated to be more than 50 kilograms.

It is difficult to lift this one fish from the river.

And Shi Lin actually lifted such a large net with one hand?!

When did this kid become so powerful?

Shi Zhenye still doesn’t quite understand the value of Shi Lin’s move just now,

But Shi Zhengang, as a retired veteran, and has been hunting for many years, he knows too well that this is a perfect combination of strength and skills.

When he was young, he could occasionally do it, but not as lightly as Shi Lin now.

This kid is really different now, stronger than his father when he was young!

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Help me to untie the fish, and then cast a few more nets after untying it. ”

“The school of fish is too big. If I don’t catch them, I’m afraid the sticky net won’t be able to hold up.”

Shi Lin was a little uncomfortable with being stared at by the two of them, so he quickly changed the subject.

(The author said that there is a picture of a dog salmon in the article. The author’s level is low, so he can’t illustrate it in the article. Please forgive me.)

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