Hurry up and catch the fish!

Shi Zhengang and Shi Zhenye also reacted, and hurriedly unhooked the fish with Shi Lin and sorted out the fishing nets.

This new boat has a fish hold, and the fish can be placed in the fish hold and can survive for a short time.

However, after the two nets of fish were stuffed into the fish hold by the old Shi brothers, it was full and could not be covered…

Helplessly, only a small part of it could be placed outside the fish hold.

“It seems that this fish hold is a bit small.” Shi Zhengang sighed.

In fact, it is not small. The two nets of fish should have more than 400 kilograms, and there are many big fish among them, which take up a lot of space.

“It’s pretty good.”

After Shi Lin sorted out the hand-throwing net, he swung his body and threw it out directly.

In order to stick to the outer sticky net, it was thrown at the position where his second uncle had just thrown it.

This net is not as much as before, and it is about more than 100 kilograms when it is collected, which is also quite good.

Just as Shi Lin and others were untying the fish and preparing to continue casting the net, a fishing boat suddenly came over.

“I thought it was someone’s big boat, but it’s you!”

“Shi Lao Er, Shi Lao San, Shi family boy, when did you get a big boat? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

The man who came was also an old fisherman from Xigou Village, named Lin Songwen.

He helped Shi Lin pull the fishing boat last time.

As he spoke, he moved his fishing boat closer to Shi Lin’s big boat.

After getting closer, Lin Songwen’s eyes widened.

He saw one after another dog salmon jumping around Shi Lin and the other two!

“Fuck! So many dog ​​salmon! Your net is going to explode!”

“A big boat like yours should have a fish hold, right? Put it in the fish hold quickly, or it will die later.”

As he said this, he was eager to tie his small fishing boat to Shi Lin’s boat, and then get on board to help.

At this time, Shi Zhengang stood up,

took out a cigarette from his pocket, gave him one, and stopped him from moving.

“There is no place to stay on the boat, don’t come up, we are busy.”

Hearing this, Lin Songwen was stunned, and then he understood what Lao Shi meant, stopped what he was doing, and had no intention of getting on the boat again.

He leaned against the side of Shi Lin’s boat, smoking and chatting with Lao Shi, while watching Shi Lin and Shi Zhenye fish.

Seeing that he was reluctant to leave, Lao Shi frowned, and didn’t say much, just chatted with him.

Soon Shi Lin finished catching the fish in this net, and began to organize the hand-cast net, preparing to cast a few more nets.

Seeing that they ignored the fish on the boat, Lin Songwen reminded them again:

“Boats like yours usually have fish hold, which is the raised lid in the middle. Open it and you have the fish hold.

These fish will not die in the fish hold until the evening. If you put them on the boat like this, they will all die in a while.”


Lao Shi was silent for a while and said, “This is a second-hand boat. There are some problems with the fish hold. These fish cannot be put on the boat for the time being.”

For hunters of the older generation like him, not showing off their wealth is their usual choice.

Lin Songwen said no more after hearing this, and stared at the fishing net that Shi Lin had just thrown down,

Want to see what Shi Lin could catch with this net?

Shi Lin was very fast and pulled the fishing net onto the boat in a short while.

There were still fish, mainly dog ​​salmon, about thirty or forty, and the size was generally five or six kilograms.

“Fuck! The net burst again!”

“You guys caught two nets in a row, burst net?!”

Lin Songwen was stunned when he saw Shi Lin lifting the net from the water onto the boat.

How is this possible?

Just now one net burst, and now another one burst? !

Are these dog salmon swimming under the water, staring at Shi Lin’s net? Are they rushing to get into Diamond Forest’s net?

“After all, we just bought the boat, so we have better luck.” Shi Zhengang smiled and continued to give him cigarettes and continued to smoke.

Lin Songwen looked at Lao Shi suspiciously, thinking, your son caught a lot before he bought the fishing boat!

Beside him, Shi Zhenye was untying the fish and whispered to Shi Lin:

“This is the fourth net, and we can still catch so many. It seems that we need to cast more nets.”

Some fish should be able to see or feel the sticky net,

knowing that they are surrounded by the sticky net, they would rather stay in the middle than get stuck in the sticky net.

Shi Lin nodded, “Well, let’s cast two more nets and see.”

After catching the fish in this net, he sorted out the fishing net and continued to cast.

Lin Songwen, who was standing by, was stunned and asked Lao Shi in confusion:

“Shi Lao San, your son just cast the net in that place, why did he cast it in the same place again? Can he catch fish like this?”

Continuously casting the net in the same place many times, when the water isAre all the fish dead?

“That place has good feng shui, so fish like to go there.” Old Shi replied casually.

Lin Songwen rolled his eyes. If you want to be perfunctory, you should find a better excuse, right?

Good feng shui? Bullshit!

As the two were talking, fishing boats came to the upper reaches of the river again, and this time there were two.

Seeing the two fishing boats, Shi Lin and others frowned.

One of them belonged to Li Jianbing, and the other one Shi Lin also knew, Liu Jinbao from Shanghe Village.

Why did these two people go together?

Shi Lin glanced at them and turned around to continue pulling the fishing net.

Soon, under Lin Songwen’s stunned expression, another hundred kilograms of fish were pulled onto the fishing boat by Shi Lin.

“This is fucking weird! Why are these fish always there for you to catch? You should have cast the first net there just now, right?”

Lin Songwen really couldn’t understand.

When he came, Shi Lin and his team pulled up the first net together. He didn’t see where it was thrown.

But the next two nets were clearly thrown to the same place. How could the net burst twice? !

Including the net he threw when he came over, there were three nets? !

Are the fish below really looking for Shi Lin’s fishing net and diving in?

Li Jianbing, who had just come over, heard Lin Songwen’s words and rowed the fishing boat forward. When he saw the float on the water, his eyes widened immediately.


Did this guy catch another net of fish? !

The last time he and Shi Lin went down to the river together, Shi Lin did it this way, using a fishing net to surround the fish school, then splashing water to scare the fish, and then collecting the net!

This time, he surrounded the fish school and threw the net up? !

Li Jianbing almost didn’t think about it, and immediately took out the hand-throwing net and prepared to throw it.

As a result, before he cast, the fishing boat suddenly shook violently. Turning his head, he saw Lao Shi poking his fishing boat with a bamboo pole.

“Shi Lao San, what are you doing?!” Li Jianbing glared at Lao Shi.

Shi Zhengang also glared back, “If you want to cast the net, move away. Didn’t you see the sticky net we cast?”

Upon hearing this, Shi Lin and Shi Zhenye also stopped their actions, walked to the edge of the boat together, and frowned at Li Jianbing.


Shi Lin and his boat were originally taller, and the three of them were taller than him, Li Jianbing. Now that they were looking down at him like this,

Li Jianbing really couldn’t say anything too tough.

He could only move the fishing boat downstream in a depressed mood.

Liu Jinbao saw the two or three hundred kilograms of dog salmon on Shi Lin’s boat, and then looked at Li Jianbing’s actions.

He was also quite fast, rowing the fishing boat to a position upstream of Shi Lin’s fishing net, and he also started to cast the net!

At this moment, people both upstream and downstream of Shi Lin and his friends started throwing nets!

Seeing this, Lin Songwen slapped his head and found a spot nearby. He also threw his net!

Just now, he was the only one there, and they were all from the same village. Although he was envious, he was too embarrassed to do it.

Now… hehe, someone is taking the lead, so it’s easy.

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