After breakfast, Shi Lin said goodbye to his family, packed his things, got on his tricycle, and set off.

He had to drive the tricycle to the county first, and then take a bus to the city at the county station.

As for the Laoshi mentioned, Shi Lin had really been to the Laoshan Armed Forces Department in his previous life.

In his previous life, in 1989, Shi Lin was arrested for hunting and was sent to the Municipal Bureau. He heard that he would be set as an example and sentenced to a heavy sentence.

At that time, Shi Lin was quite worried. As a result, after being sent to the Municipal Bureau, he was inexplicably taken to the Laoshan Armed Forces Department, and then he was simply judged and educated, and then sent home.

Originally, he thought that thunder was loud but rain was small to scare people, but later he learned that several hunters who were arrested on the same day as him were really set as examples and sentenced heavily, and some even had to eat peanuts.

This incident left a deep impression on him. It was also after that incident in 1989 that Shi Lin retired from hunting as his main occupation.

“At that time, I thought it was the uncle who helped me. Now it seems that it was probably the relationship that my father found himself…”

Shi Lin was driving while thinking about things.

When he arrived near the village entrance, he suddenly saw Lai Tou carrying his father on his back and running towards the village, followed by Lai Tou’s mother.

When Shi Lin saw the three people, Lai Tou and the other three also saw him.

Seeing Shi Lin driving a tricycle, Lai Tou’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly ran towards Shi Lin with his father on his back.

He shouted as he ran:

“Help, help, my father is dying.”

Seeing this, Shi Lin drove the car in front of them and asked, “What’s going on?”

“…I don’t know. My father was fine yesterday and could beat me. He suddenly died this morning. Shi Lin, please help me and take my father to the hospital first.”

Lai Tou said anxiously.

Lai Tou’s mother said:

“The old man was so angry with this idiot that he didn’t sleep all night yesterday. When he was about to get off the kang in the morning, he suddenly lost strength in his hands and fell off the kang…”

Hearing their narration, Shi Lin glanced at Lai Tou’s father and judged that this situation was probably a stroke.

In his previous life, he was just a half-baked Chinese medicine practitioner and really couldn’t treat such a serious illness. He pointed to the back of the car and said,

“Get in the car. I’m going to the county town, so it’s on the way.”

As for the conflict between Shi Lin and Lai Tou, it’s not to the extent that Shi Lin would watch someone die in the village without helping him. He should help him.

Things should be prioritized.

If Shi Lin left directly, not only would the villagers poke at his family’s spine, but his parents would also be angry and scold him.

“Thank you, thank you.” Lai Tou thanked him and hurriedly got his father into the back of the tricycle.

Later, Lai Tou and his mother also got into the back of the car together.

Seeing them sitting down, Shi Lin did not delay any longer and drove the tricycle to the county town.

Today’s snow was not as heavy as the previous two days, but after a few days of snow, there was a lot of snow on the road.

Even the main roads in the county had sections that were difficult to walk on because of the thick snow.

It took Shi Lin and his team more than an hour to get to the county’s Chinese medicine hospital.

Lai Tou and his team chose to come to the Chinese medicine hospital.

As long as the villagers of Xigou Village came to the county hospital, they would basically choose the Chinese medicine hospital, and once they arrived at the Chinese medicine hospital, they would go to find Yu Leshan with a clear goal.

It happened to be Yu Leshan’s consultation time. Seeing Lai Tou carrying his father into the clinic, Yu Leshan immediately stopped the patient who was taking the pulse in his hand, asked the mild patient to wait, and treated Lai Tou’s father first.

As Shi Lin expected, Yu Leshan gave a conclusion after the examination, liver qi stagnation, qi stagnation and blood stasis, and stroke!

“In this case, it mainly depends on the time of delivery. The earlier the delivery, the better the treatment effect. If it is too late, it is likely to be hemiplegia or even death. Fortunately, you delivered it in time this time, so the problem is not too big.”

“I will give Brother Li acupuncture treatment first, and then supplement it with decoction. He will stay in the hospital for three to five days and can go back. Don’t make him angry during this period.”

After seeing him, Yu Leshan briefly told Lai Tou and Lai Tou’s mother about the situation, and then started acupuncture treatment.

This time, Lai Tou’s father had a stroke, mainly because he was angry with Lai Tou. Last night, when he went to the brigade headquarters to pull him back, Lai Tou’s father was trembling all over.

When he got home, his father beat Lai Tou, and then he refused to eat and just kept smoking.

Later, Lai Tou’s mother persuaded him to go back to bed, but he couldn’t sleep. He lay there all night. When he was about to get up at dawn, he suddenly found that he had no strength and the world was spinning around him…

Shi Lin saw that Lai Tou’s father was already receiving treatment, so he simply said hello to Yu Leshan and prepared to leave. He still had to go to the station to catch a bus.

After sending him to Yu Leshan, Lai Tou was relieved. Seeing Shi Lin was leaving,He chased out and said to Shi Lin:

“Shi Lin, thank you this time.”

“I’m sorry for stealing the trap yesterday. The brigade asked me to apologize to you and compensate you for your loss. You decide how much I need to pay, and I’ll find a way to compensate you later.”

“Finally, whether you believe it or not, I want to say it again. It was not me who stole your trap yesterday morning. I was still sleeping at home at that time…”

Hearing this, Shi Lin nodded and said:

“Okay, I know. I’ll talk about the compensation for the trap when I come back in a few days.”

After that, Shi Lin turned around and left without stopping.

First drove the tricycle to the station and asked the staff. There are only two buses to the city every day.

The previous bus had already left at 6:30 in the morning, and the next bus had to wait until 1:30 in the afternoon. It was about 9 o’clock in the morning, and he had to wait for about four hours.

After learning about the situation, Shi Lin was somewhat helpless and had to spend 5.8 yuan to buy a ticket to the city in the afternoon, waiting for the 1:30 pm bus.

After buying the ticket, the station staff told him that tricycles could not be parked in the station.

In addition, if his tricycle was parked nearby and was stolen or damaged, the station would not care.

Seeing that there were still four hours left, Shi Lin thought about it and drove the tricycle to the county hospital not far away.

It was a good opportunity to thank Yu Moli for the tonic wine that she asked Li Qinglong to send to her home last time, and to get in touch with her more and get to know her better.

When the tricycle arrived at the county hospital, Shi Lin parked the car and walked towards the emergency department.

As soon as he walked outside the gate of the emergency department, he saw his previous blind date Yu Lili, staring at him with a murderous look on her face.

Shi Lin just glanced at her without saying anything. Yu Lili walked towards him first and asked him:

“Why are you here again?”

Yu Lili’s tone made Shi Lin frown.

The two of them didn’t have much to do with each other. They said it last time that it was not suitable and they would just be strangers in the future.

Why did she sound as if Shi Lin was sorry for her?

“Why am I here in the hospital? It has nothing to do with you, right? Doctor Yu, please don’t get in my way, okay?”

Hearing this, Yu Lili was stunned, “Aren’t you here to see me?”

“……No, I made it clear last time that we are not suitable. I came to the hospital for something else.”

Shi Lin was speechless. What’s wrong with this woman?

Is she so narcissistic? I can’t come to the hospital in the future just because I don’t get along with you?

Hearing this, Yu Lili heaved a sigh of relief, stopped looking at Shi Lin, turned around and walked away, muttering,

“Just don’t look for me…”

“…How rude.” Shi Lin was speechless.

PS: My old man at home is sick, so I squeezed in time to code one chapter, and I will try to make up another chapter later.

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