After Yu Lili left, Shi Lin walked into the emergency department naturally and went directly to Yu Moli’s single office.

Arriving at the door of Yu Moli’s office, Shi Lin raised his hand and was about to knock on the door.

The door was opened from the inside. Yu Moli, who was wearing a white coat, was slightly startled when she saw Shi Lin raising his hand to knock on the door.

Then she smiled brightly,

“What a coincidence, I just had to go out.

How did you have time to come to the county today? I heard that the flash flood was quite serious in your area. Your family was not affected, right?”

Seeing this, Shi Lin retracted his raised hand and said with a smile:

“It’s okay, it has no impact on my family. I was supposed to go to the city today, but I was late. The next bus was four hours later, and there was no place to park the tricycle, so I thought of parking the tricycle here.”

“Okay, there is an open space on the left side of the hospital for people to park, and the security patrol will also go there. You park your car there, and I will go and tell them later.”

Yu Moli agreed very readily,

Then she asked Shi Lin to sit in the office by himself. She had patients on hand and had no time to talk more.

Before leaving, she took out a box of shortbread from the shelf next to her, put it on the table, and pointed to the thermos next to her, telling Shi Lin to eat it himself.

After Yu Moli left, Shi Lin sat in the office alone, bored, and he opened the system panel to take a look.

[Beast Servant Points: 4131]

[Beast Servant Strengthening Points: 3]

[Beast Servant: Gold One (Golden Ringed Horn … Buy a horse, or a big cow?

Bind one or two that can help with work at home, and strengthen his physique by the way…

After thinking about it, he shared the vision of the little golden eagle, thinking of letting the little golden eagle go to the deep mountains to see if the big claw was caught up by Li Chungen and others?

However, as soon as he shared the vision of the little golden eagle, Shi Lin was stunned.

At this moment, the little golden eagle was flying in the air. Under its gaze, a big leopard with snow-white spots was walking on the stone wall with a sheep in its mouth, and there was a lot of snow around.

‘Oh my, snow leopard! ’

In the later generations, this thing is rarer than tigers. I didn’t expect that it was targeted by the little golden eagle.

Could it be that the little golden eagle was preparing to snatch the sheep from the snow leopard’s mouth? Why was it staring at the snow leopard?

After watching for a while, Shi Lin found that it was not the little golden eagle that was staring at the snow leopard, but the two big golden eagles.

The two big golden eagles have been disturbing the snow leopards, constantly approaching and flying away, apparently trying to drive the snow leopards away.

Looking at their location again, they are indeed very close to the cliff nest of the golden eagles. It should be that the snow leopards have entered the territory of the golden eagles, making the golden eagles feel uneasy.

After seeing the snow leopards, Shi Lin was not in a hurry to let the little golden eagle go to see Li Chungen and the others, and just kept watching.

The snow leopard was holding the prey in its mouth. It was driven away by the golden eagle, but it did not roar in anger, but left.

The snow leopard walked on the high mountain stone wall with the prey in its mouth for about half an hour and came to another stone wall.

“Damn, there are four little ones!”

There are four white, furry little snow leopards waiting here.

As soon as the big snow leopard brought the prey back, the four little snow leopards were very happy, came out of the rock wall, and jumped to the big snow leopard.

Seeing their warm and intimate appearance, Shi Lin smiled. They were very cute. The four little snow leopards were well-fed. They were all furry, round and very beautiful.

Seeing that the big snow leopards had left their nest, the two big golden eagles stopped staring at the snow leopards and turned away.

After the two big golden eagles flew away, the little golden eagle stopped staring at the snow leopards and flapped its wings and turned away.

Shi Lin wrote down the location of the snow leopards.

He glanced at the clock in Yu Moli’s office. It was only eleven o’clock.

There were more than two hours before his bus at half past one, and Yu Moli had not returned yet.

After thinking about it, he asked the little golden eagle to go to the area in the deep mountains last time to see who picked up the male tiger that was shot before?

Although the little golden eagle had only learned to fly for two or three days, it had its own flying talent, plus the strong recovery ability after the contract,

It can now fly very fast without too much effort.

Soon, the golden eagle returned.Near the tiger den in Qianshidong,

It circled around and saw the nest that the tigress moved to later, but did not see Li Chungen and the others, nor did it see the injured male tiger.

Expanding the flight range, the little golden eagle flew nearby for a long time and finally found the male tiger that was shot.

It was outrageous that the male tiger was not dead yet, nor was it caught by the hunter. At this moment, it was dragging a disabled right hind leg and walking on three legs in the forest.

“Isn’t it still dead?”

Shi Lin still remembered that the male tiger was shot twice in the right hind leg and once in the right front leg.

No one treated the tiger in the wild, and no one took out the bullets from it. Two or three days have passed, and the male tiger is still alive and walking in the mountains.

This tenacious vitality is also quite amazing.

After watching the male tiger for a while, I didn’t see anything special, except that three legs were still usable, and the right hind leg was completely disabled and dragged on the ground.

Not knowing whether the male tiger was walking aimlessly or with a purpose, it just kept moving in one direction.

After watching for a while, Shi Lin asked the little golden eagle to change its target and look for Li Chungen and the others.

Since he was idle, he might as well see what Li Chungen and the others were doing. Why hadn’t they caught up with the male tiger for so long?

The little golden eagle continued to fly and search.

Before the little golden eagle found anyone, Yu Moli came back.

“Sorry, I’m busy at work today. It’s already half past twelve.”

“Let’s go park now. I’ll tell the security after we park.”

Seeing that Shi Lin hadn’t left the office, Yu Moli thought he was waiting for her to come back so that they could park together.

After she reminded him, Shi Lin noticed that it was already half past twelve, and there was only one hour left before his bus.

“Okay, let’s go park the car and have a meal. I’ll treat you at noon.”

“That’s great. My mom has been too busy to cook for me these two days. The illnesses of my two elders have improved.” Yu Moli said with a smile.

Shi Lin smiled and said, “Congratulations!”

He still remembered that Yu Moli had said before that the two elders had cancer, and it seemed to have spread.

Yu Moli smiled and said, “Congratulations to you too. Living in this place, there is such a great Chinese medicine doctor here.”

“Then you are right to congratulate. Uncle Leshan is from our village.” Shi Lin also laughed.

“Ah? Brother, um, Yu Leshan is from your village?” Yu Moli was a little surprised.

She also met Yu Leshan for the first time recently. Seeing that Yu Leshan had a house in the county town, she thought that Yu Leshan had lived in the county town before.

“Yes, are you so surprised? Uncle Leshan used to be the village doctor in our village, and later came to the Chinese medicine hospital…”

The two walked and talked.

After a while, they walked out of the emergency department and parked the car in the open space.

Shi Lin picked up his luggage and walked out of the hospital with Yu Moli.

When they reached the gate of the county hospital, Shi Lin suddenly noticed that

Yu Lili beside him glanced at them, turned around and walked towards the street opposite the hospital with a man in a leather jacket, talking and laughing.

Seeing Shi Lin looking at Yu Lili, Yu Moli smiled and said:

“You really have no hope now.”

Snow Leopard

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