At this time.

In the yard of Shi Lin’s house, there is a big table with pieces of meat on it.

Looking closely, there are wolf meat, pheasant meat, rabbit meat, and a whole killed cuckoo bird.

Around the table, there are several aunties, aunties, and young wives from the village, some holding vegetables in their hands, and some holding money in their hands, waiting to buy meat.

Ye Meihui, Shi Yuying, Shi Yushu and his second aunt, the four of them are busy cutting meat and weighing it.

Looking at the atmosphere, it’s almost like turning the yard of the house into a meat stall.

“This… When did our family start a meat stall business? Why don’t I know?”

Shi Zhengang asked in a daze.

He thought about it, it seemed that he had only been away for a few hours, not for a long time?

“I don’t know either.”

Seeing his father looking at him, Shi Lin was also confused.

Then he added,

“However, the things they are selling were brought back from the mountains this morning. Three adult wolves, six rabbits, and a few pheasants and birds.”

“How many? Three adult wolves?”

Hearing Shi Lin’s words, even Shi Zhengang was shocked.

Then he thought of something and shouted at Shi Lin angrily,

“You bastard, did you go into the mountains?!”

Other prey, he could understand, but wolves, and in the daytime.

This can basically only be caught in the mountains.

And Shi Lin shot three at once, which means that there is a high probability that he encountered a wolf pack!

Holding that earth gun that takes a long time to load bullets for one shot, encountering a wolf pack… Shi Zhengang thought about this situation and felt it was dangerous.

And this bastard boy actually shot three wolves back? !

“Don’t you want to live anymore?!”

The more he thought about it, the more scared Shi Zhengang felt. He raised his hand and wanted to give Shi Lin a “love touch”.

Seeing this, Shi Lin quickly stepped aside and explained:

“I didn’t go in too deep, just a little bit, and encountered a small wolf pack, not big, with a total of four adult wolves and two wolf cubs…”

Shi Lin quickly told him briefly about his sneak attack on the wolf pack in the deep mountains and saving the little moose.

It sounds simple, but the four young old men in front of him are not so easy to fool. As soon as they heard it, they knew how dangerous the situation was.

Shi Zhengang also shouted, you bastard, you are lucky.

In their opinion, when facing a wolf pack alone, unless you have good guns and weapons, or are extremely confident in your combat effectiveness, the best way is to retreat quietly.

But Shi Lin not only did not retreat, but also boldly approached, and successfully rescued the moose and killed the wolf pack.

Really a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger!

“You are really brave, you still go when you encounter a wolf pack, you really value money over life!”

Lin Xingbang sighed.

Only young people like Shi Lin can do such a thing. If it is other mature old hunters, they will just turn around and leave when they see that things are impossible.

Moose are good, but if people are gone, then everything will be in vain.

“What did I say when I gave you the gun? I told you not to go to the mountains because I was afraid you would encounter wild animals, so I asked you to bring it, you…”

Shi Zhengang was so angry that he jumped up and down.

He was not very happy about the things that Shi Lin brought back.

In his opinion, Shi Lin was just a novice hunter. Going into the mountains alone with a homemade gun, what’s the difference between that and committing suicide?

Seeing a wolf pack, he dared to touch over and shoot. This is dancing on the edge of a knife!

If they didn’t handle it well, he and Ye Meihui would have to send their children off.

The people in the yard were busy around the meat stall and didn’t notice that Shi Lin and his friends had returned. Now they heard Shi Zhengang’s shouting and cursing and noticed that they had returned.

All of a sudden, several women who were cutting and weighing meat put down their work and ran over to ask about their lives.

The other people in the yard were all neighbors, and they came over to greet them and ask about their specific situations.

Shi Lin also took advantage of this time to sneak away, ready to return the bicycle and buy some wine.

Before leaving, he said hello to his fifth sister and took a pheasant weighing more than a pound from the meat stall.

If he stayed any longer, his father would have sprayed saliva all over his head.

Of course, he could understand why his father was angry. If his own son took such a risk, he would probably be angry too.

But the problem is that he was also an old hunter in his previous life, with a lot of hunting experience, and he also had the help of his beast servant Zi Er.

This kind of thing that seems dangerous to others is actually not that dangerous for him.

But he couldn’t put it on the list.If he explained the matter of life and system to his father, he would be scolded almost inevitably…


He rode his bike to Zhao Dabao’s house.

Outside the yard, he rang the bell a few times.

As soon as he rode into the yard, he saw Zhao Dabao coming out of the house with a red face and a strong smell of alcohol.

“Linzi, you fucking…”

Before Zhao Dabao finished speaking, Shi Lin threw the pheasant he took out from home to him and said:

“I’ll use your bike for a while and give you a chicken. You fucking call me again?”

Ah, looking at the fresh pheasant in his hand, which weighed more than a pound, Zhao Dabao took back the curse he was about to say.

He laughed and said:

“What are you talking about? We are all brothers, ride as you like! If you are so polite to me again, I will be angry.”

Hearing this, Shi Lin went along with it and said, “Okay, I have to deliver something to the market tomorrow, I will ride for another day, and then I will leave.”


Zhao Dabao was stunned. Why don’t you play by the rules? I was just being polite, and you really want to ride away?

“Wait, wait, I will…”

Before Zhao Daniu could find a suitable excuse, Shi Lin interrupted him again,

“I will give you another pheasant tomorrow, do you have any objections?”

“Ah this… Uh, it’s all brothers who say this, ride away, ride away!”

This time Zhao Dabao was very determined. If you don’t ride away, I will be angry with you.

In addition, he secretly told Shi Lin that Lin Xiaoqiang invited them to drink and wanted to instigate them to deal with Shi Lin.

“I like to drink and eat meat. I always ignore what is said at the table. But Dayong and Ergou seem to have really listened to Lin Xiaoqiang’s words. You should be careful.”

Hearing this, Shi Lin chuckled,

“Among our group of people, you are the smartest, Zhao Dabao! No wonder you can make a fortune! Don’t worry, they won’t smash your bike.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared at the intersection on his bike.

Looking at his receding back, Zhao Dabao touched his chin and chuckled:

“My uncle asked me to help Linzi carry honey tomorrow. Now it seems that I don’t need to, and I got a pheasant for nothing. Hehe, I am really a genius.”

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