Shi Lin rode his bicycle to the village grocery store and bought a whole box of 12 bottles of Lao Baigan.

He bought all the Lao Baigan in Zhao Dabao’s father’s grocery store.

One bottle cost 1.5 yuan, and he spent a total of 18 yuan.

Old Zhao was so surprised that he sighed and said that Shi Laosan was still generous.

He was very well-informed because he ran a grocery store in the village. He knew that the two brothers Lao Shi had come to teach their in-laws a lesson.

When he saw Shi Lin coming to buy wine, he thought it was Shi Zhengang and his friends who asked him to buy it.

In this era, bottled Lao Baigan is already a good wine, and it is also the best wine in his grocery store.

Usually, when villagers drink, they basically buy some bulk liquor, and rarely buy this kind of glass bottle.

Shi Lin smiled and tied the liquor to the rear rack of the bicycle without explanation, and rode back home.

That is to say, Shi Lin still had the money from selling fish yesterday in his pocket, so he could buy it like this.

If he had taken 18 yuan from Ye Meihui to buy Lao Baigan, he probably wouldn’t have had to drink this meal.


As soon as he got home, Shi Lin was immediately pulled to the table.

At this time, many relatives and elders came to the house, basically to care about the situation of his father, and then were kept to drink.

Shi Lin was pulled to the table of elders such as his father and uncle.

You know, before today, when he had a meal, he always sat at the table of children. Today, he has made progress and his status has been improved.

At the same time, the box of Lao Baigan he brought back was highly recognized by all the elders present, who praised the child for being generous.

Only Shi Zhengang and Ye Meihui were so upset that they felt sorry for the money. However, with so many relatives watching, they couldn’t get angry and teach their son a lesson, so they could only watch.

At the table, Shi Lin was also very generous. As a junior, he first toasted all the uncles and aunts, and then sat down to chat and laugh with everyone, bragging, without feeling awkward at all. His mature and neat performance made the elders present praise him again and again, saying that this child has really grown up and made great achievements. There were even some aunts and aunties who talked to Ye Meihui at another table about Shi Lin’s marriage, saying that their nieces and nephews were suitable. At the table, everyone was mainly bragging. The only serious talk was about the situation of Lao Shi and his wife going to Liu’s house. Shi Zhengang and Shi Zhenye were still angry when they talked about this. Shi Zhenye said:

“Before we went, we were prepared to have a good talk with them to see what the Liu family’s attitude was and come up with a set of rules.”

“As a result, the Liu family said that our fourth daughter had left yesterday and had nothing to do with them anymore. They also said that our fourth daughter could not give birth to a son and they wanted to find a new wife for Liu Defu who could give birth to a son.”

Hearing his second uncle say this, Shi Lin was already furious and wanted to hit him.

But things did not stop there.

He only heard his second uncle continue to say:

“At that time, the third brother wanted to hit someone, but I stopped him. Before we went, we agreed to try to resolve it peacefully.”

“So I said, in that case, let Liu Defu and the fourth daughter get a divorce. After the divorce, he can marry whoever he wants. It has nothing to do with them if our fourth daughter remarries in the future.”

“I also wanted to say that when the divorce happened, the dowry given to the fourth daughter should be returned, but damn, I haven’t said anything yet, they said it first!”

“Say the fourth daughter, The girl has been eating and drinking at their house for years, and she has two little kids. They want money from us, a total of 800 yuan! Give them 800 yuan, and they will agree to divorce! ”

“What kind of person has the fourth girl been raised by them? How dare she ask for money? ! As soon as the old woman of the Liu family finished speaking, the third brother hit her with a cane. I was also full of anger, so I just started to fight. ”

Even when talking about the situation in the Liu family, the two brothers Lao Shi still had angry faces, which really made them angry.

Others were also very angry when they heard it, and they wanted to go to the Liu family to beat them up again.

But when they thought that Liu Defu’s family was beaten by Lao Shi and the others, everyone felt relieved.

They deserved to be beaten!

The hospital where the Liu family and others were staying happened to be the county Chinese medicine hospital where Yu Leshan was, and he knew the injuries of several people.

In fact, the two old men Shi and Liu Defu were not too harsh.

Among the Liu family members, only Liu Defu was given special attention. He was seriously injured, with both legs fractured. He needs to rest for at least half a year before he can recover.

The other people only had superficial injuries, which healed in a few days and did not even affect their daily lives.

There was also the old man Liu Zhengnong, who had two front teeth knocked out by Shi Zhengang’s crutch. It did not affect his life much, but he would have a leak when talking…..

The drinking lasted for more than three hours, and the uncles had to be helped home.

At the end, only Shi Lin, Shi Zhengang and Yu Leshan were left at the table.

Yu Leshan was calm, and Shi Lin knew the reason. His uncle Leshan was an excellent doctor and had made preparations before drinking, so it was basically impossible for him to get drunk.

As for Shi Lin, he did not cheat at all. If he had drunk like this before, he would have been drunk long ago.

But now that his physical fitness has improved, his alcohol tolerance seems to have improved, or his body’s metabolic capacity has improved, and the alcohol has been excreted.

As for Shi Zhengang, he simply did not drink too much. His legs are still in the recovery period, so he can drink a little, but not too much.

Seeing that everyone had almost left, Yu Leshan smiled and asked Shi Lin:

“Xiao Liu, the last time I saw you was half a month ago, right?”

Shi Lin thought for a moment and said, “Uncle Leshan, if you don’t count today, the last time you saw me was more than a month ago. I went to the county to get medicine for my father.”

“It’s only been more than a month since we last met, and you’ve changed so much that I thought you were a different person. Is this what the book says, you’ve become enlightened?!”

Yu Leshan and Shi Zhengang have a very good relationship. They were close friends when they were young, and they have been in contact for so many years.

Shi Lin can be said to have grown up under Yu Leshan’s watch. In Yu Leshan’s eyes, Shi Lin was just an ignorant child.

And this time, when they met, he really felt that Shi Lin had changed, and he couldn’t see through him.

He thought for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that if this kid hadn’t changed, then he should have become enlightened as the book said.

Shi Lin pretended to be stupid and said, “Hehe, Uncle Leshan, are you praising me or scolding me? I don’t quite understand.”

“Of course I’m praising you, good boy. A good father will have a good son. You will definitely be better than your father in the future!”

Yu Leshan patted Shi Lin on the shoulder and was very happy.

Then he continued,

“I agreed to treat Liu Deqiang, but I didn’t tell him clearly whether to use expensive or cheap medicine.”

“This time, I plan to prescribe him an expensive medicine, let him use ginseng and deer antlers, and most importantly, I plan to add one ingredient to the medicine, fresh moose blood…”

As soon as these words came out, Shi Lin understood instantly.

“Hehe, Uncle Leshan is still awesome! Awesome!”

These days, no one specializes in raising moose. Even if a hunter kills one, it is basically dead.

If you want fresh moose blood, there may be several nearby towns, and only Shilin has it.

If Liu Deqiang wants to be cured later, he will most likely have to ask Shi Lin for help. Then won’t his fourth sister’s problem be easy to solve? !

“Studying medicine is not just about saving people. There are many things you can do.”

“The simplest way is to treat a cold. I can prescribe a prescription worth a thousand gold coins to the patient, or I can spend a few cents to make him a ginger soup for treatment.”

“They can all cure the disease, but it doesn’t matter how much money the patient spends on me. Even if others are not sick, I can make them sick, or even die without anyone knowing.”

“Do you want to learn from your uncle?”

“After learning, I dare not say anything else, but I will definitely have no problem supporting my family.”

“If you are a little more ruthless, it will not be difficult to make a fortune. I never ask for medical ethics.”

“What do you think? Do you want to learn?”

Yu Leshan asked Shi Lin with a smile.

Ah this…

An invitation to be a disciple from a future master of traditional Chinese medicine…

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