“Uncle, I’m not smart, so I’d better not learn it. I still prefer to go hunting in the mountains. If you need any Chinese medicinal herbs in the mountains in the future, tell me and I’ll go get them for you.”

Shi Lin thought about it and still refused.

The matter of learning medicine also happened in his previous life.

At that time, Lao Shi saw that he had no job, no wife, and no real work, so he took him to find Yu Leshan and asked him to learn medicine from Yu Leshan.

Yu Leshan also agreed and taught him very attentively.

But Shi Lin at that time didn’t really want to learn medicine at all, and he couldn’t learn it at all…

After studying for a year, he didn’t learn anything except knowing some Chinese herbal medicine. Yu Leshan, who was good-tempered, was so angry that he put an extra ruler in the medicine box and beat him every time he made a mistake.

However, he just couldn’t learn. In his previous life, Shi Lin didn’t have a bright mind. He studied under Yu Leshan for two and a half years, but he could still make mistakes even for a minor illness.

Finally, Old Shi couldn’t stand it anymore, so he went to apologize to Yu Leshan and took Shi Lin back home.

Thinking back to the two and a half years of studying medicine in his previous life, Shi Lin felt a little numb.

He felt that even if he really wanted to learn now, he might not be able to learn it, or he couldn’t learn it well. Learning medicine requires some talent.

If you learn to treat minor illnesses, you can probably learn it as long as you work hard.

But if he wants to really learn all of Yu Leshan’s medical skills, he feels that he doesn’t have that talent.

And as far as he knows, Yu Leshan can live to at least ninety years old. In the next few decades, their family will not be worried about not being able to find a famous doctor to see a doctor, so learning medicine is not that necessary.

Hearing Shi Lin’s refusal, Yu Leshan did not show a disappointed look, but smiled and looked at Shi Zhengang,

“I said this kid didn’t want to learn, right? If he doesn’t want to learn medicine, he won’t achieve anything.”

Shi Zhengang was silent.

It was Shi Zhengang who took the initiative to find Yu Leshan to let Shi Lin learn medicine.

Old Shi didn’t feel very happy about Shi Lin coming back from killing wolves today. Instead, he was a little scared, afraid that the boy at home would die in the mountains.

So he thought of letting Shi Lin learn medicine from Yu Leshan.

Yu Leshan didn’t refuse, but just said that he would ask Shi Lin’s opinion first. If Shi Lin agreed, he would accept him as a disciple.

As a result…

Shi Lin refused.

You know, Yu Leshan is already very famous now, and he is recognized as the best Chinese medicine doctor in their county Chinese medicine hospital.

When he went to the Chinese medicine hospital, it was the director of the Chinese medicine hospital and several leaders in the county who came to the village to invite him over.

His real strength is evident.

Unfortunately, Shi Lin refused such a good opportunity.

Shi Zhengang was silent for a while and sighed.

“Forget it, he is not young anymore, and we old guys can’t control him for life, so let him be.”

“I think Xiaoliu has grown up a lot now, has his own ideas, and is more and more like you.”

Yu Leshan laughed,

“Brother Zhengang, think about when you were young, you carried the team’s gun and went to the mountains to squat on the mountain gods. Think about what Xiaoliu did today, don’t you feel that it’s not so outrageous? Haha.”

“……” This sentence directly silenced Old Shi Gan.

Shi Lin was also stunned when he heard this, and asked: “Uncle Leshan, my father really did this, such a thing of hunting tigers in the mountains alone?”

Ye Meihui, who just came out of the house, said:

“Not only is it true, but he really hunted it. The tiger skin that your uncle gave to the leader was made by your father. It was in the 1950s, and you were not even there at that time.”

“Ah?!” Shi Lin was stunned for a moment. His father really killed a tiger? !

When he was a child, he often heard people in the village talk about this, but his father never admitted it.

“……When I was young, I did do stupid things, but I didn’t squat on the tiger that time. Later, I didn’t kill the tiger either. I just happened to come across a dead tiger and picked it up.”

Shi Zhengang explained briefly.

He really didn’t kill a tiger, but the villagers said he was fierce. He killed a tiger alone in the mountains. He always felt unworthy and never admitted it.

Now talking about the stupid things he did when he was young, Shi Zhengang thought about what Shi Lin was doing now, it seemed that it was really inherited from father to son… No one should blame anyone.

After that, the few of them chatted for a while, and Yu Leshan got up and said goodbye.

Before leaving, Ye Meihui brought him two wild rabbits, which were not big, about two pounds of meat, and asked him to take them home to eat.

Yu Leshan did not refuse and accepted it directly. At the same time, he took out a book from the medicine box he carried with him and handed it to Shi Lin.

“This book of Treatise on Febrile Diseases is fine.You can read it when you are free.

There are my notes and understandings above. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me.

Whether you are interested or not, learning some medical knowledge will not harm mountain runners. ”

After saying that, Yu Leshan rode away on his bike.

Shi Lin touched the Treatise on Febrile Diseases in his hand, with a nostalgic look on his face.

In his previous life, Uncle Leshan also gave him this book, but when he failed to study medicine and left.

Unexpectedly, after being reborn, the incident still happened, and the time was advanced by so many years.


A lot of things happened on this day.

The three women in the family and Lao Shi were busy for most of the day, and drank some wine at noon. After the guests left, they all went back to the house to sleep.

Little Pan’er and the baby Lai Di were also forced to rest.

Only the energetic Shi Lin, Jin Yi, Zi Er, Tuo San (little moose) and the little black bear cub were left at home.

Shi Lin looked at the sky,

“It’s probably almost four o’clock now. If we go to the mountain, we won’t be able to come back before dark. Let’s go, I’ll take you to the river for a stroll, a bath, and some grass. ”

After contracting the little moose, he only had four beast servant points left.

After realizing the benefits of improving his physical fitness, Shi Lin now wants to contract a big guy to see if his physical fitness will be enhanced like evolution?

By the way, see if there are any functions that the system has not yet discovered?

If there is no time to go to the mountain, go to the river. If you are lucky enough to catch a big fish like yesterday, it will also be an income. If not, it is not bad to catch a few wild ducks.

After thinking about it, Shi Lin put on his gun, took two bags, and walked to the river with the little moose and other animals.


“Linzi, this is the young elk you brought back from the mountain today? What are you going to do with it?”

“Haha, look, there is no grass for it to eat at home, so I’m going to the river to herd cattle for a while.”


“Brother Linzi, what are you going to do with your gun?”

“To herd cattle by the river.” ”


“Linzi, today…”

“We’re going to herd cattle by the river.”


The news spread very quickly in the small village, and almost the whole village knew what happened in Shilin’s family today.

Everyone also knew that Shilin, the former second-rate guy, had turned over a new leaf and was now very good at hunting.

Now that he was out with the little moose and other animals, there were many more people greeting him than usual.

Shilin suddenly had an illusion that the village seemed to be more lively than before.

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