“Mom, it’s so easy to extract honey. Do you understand?”

Outskirts of Daxing Mountain, Shi Lin just demonstrated extracting honey to novice Ye Meihui.

Ye Meihui nodded, indicating that she completely understood it.

Extracting honey is so easy. They just need to follow Jin Yi. When Jin Yi takes them to the place, they put on their equipment, dig up the beehive, take the honey, and then fill the beehive again.

It’s very simple. Ye Meihui only watched it once, indicating that she completely understood it.

Shi Lin nodded and reminded:

“It’s almost winter now. The bees don’t have much time to collect honey. Each beehive must leave at least two pieces of honey for them to survive the winter, otherwise we will have no honey to extract next year.”

“Don’t worry, mom understands.”

Ye Meihui nodded, indicating that she understood everything and it was OK.

“Okay, then you guys go with Jin Yi to collect honey, I’ll go around. When you finish collecting honey and want to go back, ask Jin Yi to come and call me, I’ll be nearby and won’t go far.”

This is what Shi Lin had discussed with them before going up the mountain. The reason why he brought Ye Meihui up the mountain this time was mainly to let her cooperate with Shi Yuying to collect honey.

And Shi Lin wanted to shift his focus to hunting. On the one hand, the income from hunting is not lower than collecting honey, and on the other hand, it is also because Shi Lin found that the beast servant points gained from hunting are much higher than collecting honey.

He originally wanted to collect less honey and hunt more in the future, but his family members disagreed. In the end, after discussing it, Ye Meihui also went up the mountain to help collect honey.

In this way, he can free up his hands to hunt.

With his record of fighting against wolves alone, Shi Zhengang is now too lazy to care about his hunting, just asking him to pay attention to his own safety and save his life.

“We know, you go, be careful, don’t go too deep!” Ye Meihui warned.

Shi Lin nodded, and led the sable and the little moose to the deep mountains.

When they got to the mountains, the sable and the little moose really returned home and ran very fast.

Shi Lin chased after them with a gun on his back.

After running for a while, he found that although his physical fitness had become stronger, he still couldn’t outrun them in the mountains.

This also shows that if he encounters fierce predators such as tigers, leopards, and wolves, he is unlikely to outrun them.

“Safety in the mountains mainly depends on you.”

Shi Lin touched the 56 and a half on his back, which was his greatest confidence in the mountains.

Personal physical fitness… At present, there is still some gap between him and those beasts.

Half an hour later, Shi Lin was already in the deep mountain area of ​​Daxing Mountain.

At this time, the two sacks he brought were also filled with a lot of things, including pheasants, hares, squirrels, and a few birds he couldn’t name, all of which were Zi Er’s spoils.

In the past half an hour, Shi Lin didn’t fire a single shot, and he kept following behind Zi Er, playing the role of cleaning up the battlefield.

As soon as Zi Er saw the prey, he just needed to fly over and bite it to death, and then leave the rest to Shi Lin.

After half an hour, Shi Lin picked up most of the prey in the sack.

He also earned 18 points from the beast servant points.

Unfortunately, he didn’t encounter any big guys worth shooting, nor did he encounter another sable that could be contracted.

Shi Lin has been liking Zi Er more and more recently, and he always wants to contract one or two more sables.

At that time, when he goes into the mountains again, he really doesn’t have to do anything, just follow behind and pick up the spoils.

Not only is the economic benefit good, but the beast servant points also increase very quickly. Contracting sables is really a great choice.

The little moose seemed to have discovered the owner’s thoughts. Unconvinced, he took Shi Lin to a mountain stream. After arriving at the place, the little moose went directly into the water.

After a while, he caught a dog salmon weighing more than ten kilograms. After catching the fish, the little moose did not even need to rest, and went back to the water to catch fish.

Shi Lin nodded repeatedly, which was really good!

This little moose knew that he had to compete in performance! He was really smart and had a high IQ!

After staying at the mountain stream for more than half an hour, the little moose caught 13 dog salmon and 4 mandarin fish from the water. Although the number was not as much as before, the quality was high this time.

None of these 17 fish was less than 6 kilograms, and even less than 10 kilograms was rare.

Only 17 fish added 59 beast servant points to Shi Lin,

Shi Lin was so happy that he praised him again and again, saying that he would find good grass for the little moose when he returned.

While the little moose was busy catching fish, Zi Er was not idle either. He hunted half a sack of prey near the mountain stream. He was equally outstanding. I will give him more chicken legs when I go back!

Open the system panel.

[Beast Servant Points: 198]

[Beast Servant: Jin Yi (Golden Ringed Bearded Man), Zi Er (Sable), Tuo San (Moose)]

“Great, great!”Seeing that the number of beast servants was about to break through the 200 mark, Shi Lin laughed and praised Zi Er and Tuo San.

Through Jin Yi’s vision, he could see that his fifth sister and his mother had already taken out three bags of honeycomb.

Shi Lin knew it was almost time to go back.

He waved to the little moose in the water, signaling it to eat something it liked first, and then go back after it was full.

At the same time, Shi Lin also opened Zi Er’s vision screen through the system, ready to call Zi Er back.

However, after opening Zi Er’s vision screen, Shi Lin was surprised to find that Zi Er had discovered a big guy!

An adult sika deer with horns was riding on a sika deer without horns, doing the most primitive exercise.

And the little guy Zi Er actually watched and forgot to come back to inform him to go hunting…

It was really a bit outrageous.

Shi Lin tied the mouths of the two sacks tightly and placed them by the mountain stream for the little moose to watch.

He carried the gun on his back and ran quickly towards Zi Er’s location.

Hunters also have to be careful when running in the mountains. The closer they are to the prey, the lighter their steps should be. It is best not to disturb the prey. The closer they are, the higher the chance of success in hunting.

Shi Lin was very fast. It took him about ten minutes to find Zi Er’s location. At this time, they were about 80 meters away from the two sika deer.

At this time, the sika deer with horns had already gotten off the other sika deer. Shi Lin knew that if he didn’t shoot now, they would run away immediately.

He didn’t hesitate, picked up the gun, opened the safety, loaded it…





He fired four shots in a row, and every shot hit the target.

“Ku … Shi Lin’s face was also full of excitement, but he did not rush to approach, but held the gun in his hand and looked around.

The better the prey, the more you have to keep calm, observe the surroundings first, and make sure there is no danger before collecting the prey.

If there is a crazy beast nearby, it will not run away when it hears the gunshot, but rushes to attack people, that would be a mess.

In addition to those carnivorous beasts, there is another more dangerous situation, that is people!

Shi Lin has heard a lot of things about getting good things and being killed by hunters with red eyes.

Anyway, there are already many hunters who die in the mountains these days, and the cause of death is attributed to wild animals.

This is also why hunters like to raise dogs and take dogs to the mountains to hunt. Dogs have a keen sense of smell and can detect danger earlier than hunters, and can also help hunters entangle prey.

The sable’s sensitivity is no less than that of a dog, and may even be better. After Zi Er’s reconnaissance and making sure there is no danger around, Shi Lin ran towards the two sika deer.

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