Four shots were fired in total.

The male sika deer with horns was shot once in the head and neck, and died on the spot.

The other female sika deer was shot once in the head and front leg, and also died on the spot.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for capturing a sika deer and obtaining 64 beast servant points. ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for capturing a sika deer and obtaining 51 beast servant points. ]

After checking the situation of the two sika deer and glancing at the system prompt, Shi Lin showed an excited smile on his face.

This time he really hunted something good, the sika deer, the whole body is a treasure.

There is no need to say more about the well-known antlers and deer whips. In addition, deer blood, deer meat, deer bones, deer skin, deer tails, deer fat, etc. are also often used as supplements.

If the two sika deer in front of him were put in the future, Shi Lin estimated that they could be sold at a sky-high price.

Unfortunately, it is 1984, and sika deer have not been hunted as protected animals, and the price of venison has not been driven up.

Let Zi Er be responsible for the vigilance around, Shi Lin pulled out a sharp knife from his waist and began to deal with the two deer.

They are now in the mountains. It will take a lot of time to drag the two deer back from the mountains. In order to keep the venison fresh and prevent it from getting smelly, it is necessary to bleed them first.

Draining the blood cleanly can keep the venison longer. In addition to bleeding, Shi Lin also opened them and dug out the internal organs of the two deer.

The internal organs are also the place where they are more likely to rot and change their taste. On the other hand, after removing the internal organs of the two deer, a lot of weight can be reduced.

Generally, hunters with dogs will give some of the internal organs to the dogs after taking out the internal organs of the prey. On the one hand, it is a reward for them, and on the other hand, it is also to maintain the wildness of the dogs.

Shilin didn’t have a dog, and Zidane had no interest in these internal organs, so he just found a tree and hung the internal organs of the two deer on it.

This behavior is called worshiping the mountain god, a tradition left by the older generation of hunters, and there is some truth to it.

Many carnivorous beasts in the mountains like to eat animal internal organs. Hanging internal organs on trees can effectively avoid attacks by beasts and attract the attention of predators in the mountains.

After the two deer were bled and gutted, the weight was much lighter.

Shilin tried to carry the two deer on his back and found that he could carry them, so he didn’t hesitate anymore and carried the two deer directly to the mountain stream to find the little moose.

When he got to the edge of the mountain stream, he hung two sacks of prey on the back of the little moose, one on the left and one on the right, and Shilin announced, “Go back!”

When they came here, one person and two little animals ran for more than half an hour before they arrived at the edge of the mountain stream.

On the way back to find Ye Meihui and the others, Shi Lin could only walk slowly and steadily with two sika deer on his shoulders, and could not run at all.

It took more than an hour, but he still hadn’t reached Ye Meihui and the others.

After walking for about an hour and a half, Shi Lin came to the place where he and the two separated at the beginning, threw the two sika deer on the ground, and sat down to rest.

He waved his hand and asked Zi Er to bring his mother and fifth sister over.

This place was closer to the bottom of the mountain, so he planned to wait for the two here.

With Jin Yi by their side, Zi Er quickly found the two and brought them to where Shi Lin was.

Along the way, Ye Meihui and Shi Yuying were still wondering what had happened. Why didn’t Shi Lin go to find them himself, but asked Zi Diao to go over instead?

The two had to jog all the way, fearing that something might happen to Shi Lin.

However, when the two arrived at the place, wow!

Sika deer! Two!

“Oh my god! Lao Liu, you brought back two sika deer?!”

Shi Yuying came forward in shock and excitement, looking at the two sika deer on the ground, and couldn’t believe her eyes.

Not only her, but also her mother Ye Meihui was also shocked. She put down the two bags of honeycomb on her back.

Ye Meihui came to Shi Lin first, checked left and right, and confirmed that Shi Lin was not injured, then she showed a surprised expression.

Looking at the two sika deer on the ground, it was as if he was looking at money.

“Sika deer! This thing is much more valuable than wild boars! There is also a male deer. The deer penis can be sold separately, and the deer antlers can also be sold…”

“Son, we are going to get rich!”

Seeing that his mother was still concerned about him just now, and then turned around and showed a money-grubber look, Shi Lin said with some amusement:

“You can’t get rich, at most you can make a few hundred yuan, which is far from getting rich.”

“Mom, put the honeycomb here first, you go back and borrow a bullock cart from the village. These two deer are too heavy, I really don’t have the strength to carry them.”

In fact, he has been carrying two deer for more than an hour. It’s no problem to take a break now and carry them home.

It’s just that Shi Lin doesn’t want to show too much face in the village, and doesn’t want people to think that he has changed too much.

Ye Meihui and Shi Yuying were shocked when they heard his words.

The two looked at Shi Lin, who was sweating profusely, and thought, did he carry these two sika deer back by himself? !

Then they looked at the little moose next to him, wow! There were two bulging sacks next to the little moose!

“Ah… son, these two sika deer together must weigh more than 200 kilograms, right? You carried them back? From the deep mountains?!”

Ye Meihui asked Shi Lin in disbelief.

The male deer was quite big, probably weighing nearly 200 kilograms before being gutted, and about 120 to 130 kilograms after being gutted. Together with the other female deer, it also weighed dozens of kilograms…

Carrying these two and walking on the mountain road, when did her son become so strong? !

“About 200 kilograms. I encountered these two deer not far into the mountains. I went back directly after killing them. I walked and stopped along the way, carrying and dragging for a while. It took me a long time to get here.”

Shi Lin explained casually, not wanting to surprise his mother and fifth sister.

After all, a few days ago, he couldn’t even carry four bags of honeycomb. Now he is so powerful. The change is a bit too big.

However, even though he explained it this way, Ye Meihui and Shi Yuying still stared at him for a long time.

Shi Yuying really found something wrong after seeing it. She said in surprise:

“Mom, why do I feel that Lao Liu is taller and stronger than before?”

Ye Meihui nodded after being reminded by her,

“I didn’t notice it before. Now that you mention it, it seems that he is a little taller and stronger! The contours of his face are also tougher, and he looks better than before!”


Being stared at by his mother and the fifth sister, Shi Lin felt uncomfortable all over and said,

“Hasn’t our food become better recently? If you eat well, your body will naturally become stronger and your complexion will also become better.

In fact, your complexion has also improved recently, but you just didn’t notice it.

Okay, mom, you guys should go down the mountain and borrow a bullock cart. It will be dark if you wait a little longer.”

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