Ah this…

Shi Lin didn’t expect that Brother Yujun and his friends came to his house for this. It was really hard for him to talk about fishing.

And even if he did, they didn’t have the moose to help catch fish.

Seeing Shi Lin silent, Shi Yujun smiled awkwardly:

“It’s hard to say, just pretend that I didn’t ask. I haven’t been able to catch prey recently, and I heard your sister-in-law always say that you have caught a lot of fish recently, so I thought of asking you.”

If his wife hadn’t always asked him to come, he would have been embarrassed to come.

Before asking, he went home to discuss with his parents for a while, and finally the family decided to go to the door together to ask, for fear that things would go wrong and affect the relationship.

Seeing Brother Yujun’s embarrassed face, Shi Lin smiled bitterly:

“Well, we are all brothers, there is nothing we can’t say. It’s just that you can’t learn my method.”

As he said that, Shi Lin waved to Xiao Zier beside him, and the little guy kicked his feet and jumped onto his hand in an instant.

Shi Lin dragged it with his hand, showed it to everyone, and said:

“The secret of my catching fish is this. This little guy can swim and dive. I catch fish by relying on it to go into the water first to find the fish school, and then I go over to cast the net to catch fish.”

It’s that simple, first find the fish school, then cast the net.

This is the solution that Shi Lin came up with in a hurry, to push Xiao Zier out.

After all, Xiao Zier is agile, even if the second uncle and others leak the news, it is not so easy for others to deal with Xiao Zier.

And the little moose is too big a target, it can’t handle this.


Shi Yujun, Shi Zhenye and others were all surprised when they heard what Shi Lin said.

They never thought that the secret of Shi Lin catching so many fish every day would be such a little sable.

At this time, they all looked at the little sable with some suspicion, wondering if this little guy really has such a great ability?

Shi Yubo believed it as soon as he heard it, and suddenly realized:

“No wonder you didn’t sell this sable. Last time, I told Sister Yuying that a sable skin can be sold for more than 200 yuan. I asked her to sell the sable, and she almost got beaten. So that’s what happened!”

After he said that, Shi Yujun and others believed it a little.

After all, that’s more than 200 yuan. You may not be able to earn more than 200 yuan by digging in the land for half a year.

However, think about Shi Lin’s current income. Shi Zhengang sells fish for 300 yuan per trip, and Shi Lin sometimes goes twice a day, which is 600 yuan…

If they have a sable like this, let alone 200 yuan, they can’t sell it for 2,000 yuan!

What they don’t know is that 300 yuan per trip is the least one trip for fish recently…

“This little thing is smart, of course it can’t be sold.”

Shi Lin smiled and touched Xiao Zier’s head.

The little guy squinted his eyes and looked like he was enjoying it. He looked cute and well-behaved, which made people like him at first sight.

“It is indeed very spiritual and cute.”

Although Shi Yujun was a little disappointed that he did not ask about the method he could use, it was also expected. He quickly adjusted his mood.

If he were Shi Lin, he might not even reveal the method of catching fish. After all, the more people know, the higher the risk.

“Although you can’t use my method, if you want to catch fish, I can recommend a place to you.

There are a lot of fish in the mountain stream of Yangjiaoao. If I hadn’t brought too few bags today, I could have caught at least two more sacks.”

After thinking about it, Shi Lin still pointed out a way for Shi Yujun. Yangjiaoao was where he and the little moose caught fish in the morning.

From the perspective of the little moose diving underwater, Shi Lin clearly saw that there were many big fish under the water there. He was originally planning to go there tomorrow and catch them in the morning.

Now I’ll just point it out to Jun Ge. He has a little moose and a little sable, so he can still have a good harvest in another place.

“Ah?! Okay, I’ll go there tomorrow to catch them.”

Shi Yujun said with a happy face.

This is a bright future. The method doesn’t work, but Shi Lin told him the location.

Isn’t this halfway to success!

Recently, many people in the village have been asking about Shi Lin’s fishing location, and even many people squat near Shi Lin’s house in the morning, thinking about catching fish with him when he goes out to fish.

Everyone thought that Shi Lin could catch fish, and it was probably because he found a good place. If they followed him, they should be able to catch some.

As a result, every time Shi Lin went around in the mountains, his figure disappeared.

It made those who wanted to follow him to fish very uncomfortable.

Everyone knew that he went to the mountains to catch fish, but the specific location had always been a mystery.

Shi Yujun came to ask for the method, originallyHe had the intention of asking about the fixed point, but after hearing Shi Lin say that it was by the little sable, he didn’t know how to continue asking.

“Well, but let me make it clear first, I’m not sure if the fish school will still be there tomorrow. If I don’t catch it, I won’t be responsible.”

Shi Lin smiled and said a disclaimer.

Hearing this, Shi Zhenye said first: “If he dares, if he dares to complain about you, the second uncle will cut him for you.”

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

With his second uncle’s character, if his brother Jun dared to complain, his second uncle would really cut him, and it was no joke.

After the matter was said, everyone chatted about family matters for a while, and seeing that it was very late, Shi Zhenye and the others said goodbye and left.

After Shi Zhenye and the others left, Shi Zhengang pulled Shi Lin into the house and said to him seriously:

“In the future, no matter if someone asks you about hunting or fishing, don’t say it if you can.

When you meet someone who is hard to shirk, just push it to me.

You didn’t have to tell your second uncle about sable just now, they can’t learn it either.”

Shi Zhengang was about to help Shi Lin shirk it, but Shi Lin spoke first and mentioned sable.

Shi Lin nodded and said:

“I know, I told my second uncle about sable mainly because I trust them.”

“I’m not worried about your second uncle and your brother Jun, but your second aunt is a talker, and Xiaobo also takes after his mother…”

Shi Zhengang didn’t think that the second brother’s family would deliberately leak the sable, just because they were afraid that his second sister-in-law would be a big mouth.

Hearing this, Shi Lin laughed and said:

“Don’t worry, what we all know, won’t Second Uncle and Jun Ge know it? They must have told Second Aunt hundreds of times before coming here, didn’t you see Second Aunt didn’t say a few words tonight?”

Shi Zhengang thought about it, it seemed to be true.

His big-mouthed second sister-in-law was really quiet tonight.

“Okay, anyway, you have to have some confidence in your heart. If you meet some relatives who are difficult to refuse in the future, just push it to your father.”

Old Shi reiterated.

He may not be able to help with other things now, but he thinks he can help take the blame and stand in front.

“Okay, I’ll let you deal with all the troublesome relatives in the future.” Shi Lin agreed with a smile.


Shi Zhengang nodded, and suddenly remembered something he heard on the way back, and asked,

“By the way, have you been fishing in the wild boar forest recently?”

“Wild boar forest?” Shi Lin shook his head, “The mountain stream over there is too shallow, there are no big fish, I haven’t been there recently. What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, I heard some gossip when I came back.

The brothers Li Fusheng and Zhao Youcai, who fish in the village, and hunting, also wanted to learn from you to go fishing in the mountain stream, so they formed a temporary trio.

As a result, the fortune came. The three of them dug up a more than ten-year-old five-grade leaf wild ginseng in the wild boar forest,

and sold it for 3,500 yuan. Now because of the issue of dividing the money, the two families are fighting.”

Shi Zhengang talked about a new thing he heard on the road just now.

Li Fusheng’s family and Zhao Youcai’s family had a group fight in the village. The brothers and relatives of the two families added up to dozens of people, and now they have been called to the village office to mediate.

“Ah? Zhao Youcai, Li Fusheng?”

Hearing these two names, and his father saying that they dug wild ginseng, Shi Lin suddenly remembered that he had been drinking with Zhao Youcai in his previous life and heard him complaining.

He said that when the three of them found the wild ginseng, they searched everywhere nearby and only found a few ginsengs that were not very old.

And half a month later, Lin Youcai from the Lin family also dug a wild ginseng in that area, and it was thirty years old!

Now Zhao Youcai and his team have just dug wild ginseng, and Lin Youcai from the Lin family has not dug it yet…

“This… Dad, I remember that our family seems to have a tool for chasing clubs, right?”

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