When Shi Lin asked about the tools for chasing clubs, Shi Zhengang rolled his eyes.

“That place has been turned upside down by Zhao Youcai and his gang a long time ago. Otherwise, do you think they would fight in the village so openly without fear of being found out?”

Generally, if you dig up old wild ginseng, there will be ginseng nearby most of the time. This is a consensus among everyone.

So after finding wild ginseng in a place, everyone will basically search around first, and only leave after making sure there are no other wild ginseng.

Now Li Fusheng’s family and Zhao Youcai’s family have started fighting, and have told others about the location of the Wild Boar Forest, without fear of leaking the news. Obviously, there is no ginseng in that place.

What tools does Shi Lin need for chasing clubs now?

“Hehe, I’m thinking about going to see it tomorrow, maybe I can find a leak.”

Shi Lin smiled and didn’t explain much.

He even ran to watch the mediation between the two families excitedly, and by the way, he asked more clearly where they dug the wild ginseng in the Wild Boar Forest.


The next day.

Shi Lin took the moose, sable and female lynx into the mountains early in the morning.

After a day and a night of rest, and with the medicine at home, the big cat successfully changed from two hind legs unable to move to only one leg that can’t be used.

This recovery speed is simply a medical miracle.

Even Shi Lin, the master, felt a little incredible.

He even wondered if he, the master, could recover very quickly after being injured, since the beast servants have such a strong recovery ability?

If he hadn’t been so cruel as to hurt himself, he would have wanted to test it himself…

Today, he went up the mountain with a very clear goal, heading straight to the wild boar forest!

To find the wild ginseng that was dug by Lin Youcai in his previous life!

Speaking of which, he planned to intercept Lin Youcai in advance, which was actually helping Lin Youcai.

In his previous life, before he dug the wild ginseng, Lin Youcai was just an ordinary villager. His parents died early, and he couldn’t get married at the age of thirty, and he made a living by farming.

After digging up wild ginseng, he became a celebrity in the village, married a city woman, and built a new house…

Originally, everyone thought that his life would get better and better, but it was not the case.

The woman he married had been married before him and liked gambling.

After Lin Youcai married that woman, not only did he not bring his wife back to the right path, but he himself was also led to gamble.

In the end, he lost all his money, sold his house, and his wife ran away with someone else. He couldn’t bear this blow and went crazy.

Recalling the tragic fate of Lin Youcai in his previous life, Shi Lin sighed,

“Although you are Lin Xiaoxia’s cousin, I shouldn’t help you. But forget it, who told me to be kind. I’ll take care of the wealth you can’t afford.”

Soon, Shi Lin brought the three beasts to the wild boar forest area.

He had already found out yesterday that the place where Zhao Youcai and others found wild ginseng was in the area of ​​the wild boar forest near the mountain stream.

Shi Lin first led the three beasts to search for a while near the mountain stream, and soon found the area that Zhao Youcai and his team had searched.

The soil on the ground had been turned over recently, and it could be seen at a glance.

“With this turned over area as the center, the four of us will each look in a direction to find ginseng.”

Shi Lin simply gave the three beasts an order and began to look for wild ginseng.

However, he soon discovered a fatal problem.

The three beasts did not know wild ginseng at all, and they were just wandering around there aimlessly. The efficiency of sending them to find wild ginseng was basically the same as Shi Lin’s own search.

“No, we have to let them know which one is ginseng first, so that they can play a role.”

Otherwise, the three beasts would not understand Shi Lin’s oral description at all.

They were just wandering around in the forest, reporting to Shi Lin when they saw a root of grass, and Shi Lin could not take care of it.

After thinking about it, Shi Lin decided to take the three of them to look for ginseng together.

It would be best if they could find the 30-year-old wild ginseng. Even if they couldn’t find that wild ginseng, they could find other ginsengs with lower years.

It would be a good opportunity for the three beasts to learn what ginseng is and make full use of their functions.

After an hour, Shi Lin felt that he had overestimated the number of ginseng in the wild boar forest.

He searched carefully and seriously for a whole hour, but didn’t find a single hair.

Turning his head to the side, the three beasts looked at him with innocent big eyes, as if to say, ‘You can’t find ginseng, it has nothing to do with us. ‘

“Forget it, forget it, you guys go and do your own things first. Find food by yourself, I’ll look for a while.”

Shi Lin thought that he was not well prepared today, and the three beasts didn’t know ginseng, so they didn’t find it.

He planned to look for a while longer, and if he still couldn’t find it, he would go buy a fresh ginseng in the afternoon.Buy it back and let the three beasts know what ginseng is, and then send them out to find it, so that they should be able to play their role perfectly.

After receiving the order from the master to move freely, in a blink of an eye, all three beasts disappeared.

They just followed Shilin silently, doing nothing, and didn’t eat the delicious food when they saw it. They were also uncomfortable.

Now they can finally move freely. Xiao Zier jumped onto a tree next to him with a few jumps, and then ran all the way to a bird’s nest at the top of the tree as if walking on flat ground.


Biting through the bird eggs in the bird’s nest, Xiao Zier happily enjoyed his breakfast.

The little moose also ran to the side of the small tree, stretched his neck to eat the branches and leaves under the small tree, and happily entered the feeding time.

Seeing that Zier and the little moose had started to eat, Shilin glanced at the big cat again,

Good guy, he had already disemboweled a squirrel on the tree, the means were extremely bloody, and his mouth was full of blood. Now he looked more like a ferocious tiger.

“…… Raising these three guys is really worry-free. I don’t even need to prepare food for them.”

Shi Lin comforted himself and lowered his head to continue searching in the forest.

An hour later.

Shi Lin leaned against a tree with a look of despair. Chasing the club was really not an easy task.

He kept looking with his head down, and his back and waist ached, but he didn’t find anything.

“Forget it, let’s go fishing. Sell the catch after catching it, and it will probably be enough to buy a low-year ginseng.”

In the end, Shi Lin decided to suspend the plan to find wild ginseng and go fishing to make money first.

After the three beasts of wild ginseng knew each other, they would come back to look for it again. There is strength in numbers. It would be a bit difficult for him alone.

No wonder Zhao Youcai and his team dug up one plant and searched everywhere nearby, but they didn’t find it again. It was really difficult.

However, just when Shi Lin decided to leave the wild boar forest and go fishing, he suddenly saw a big cat lying lazily on a branch next to him, basking in the sun, holding a plant in its mouth and chewing it.

Looking at the plant again, it has several small branches, each with four green leaves, and a few small red fruits at the end.


Walking two steps closer, after seeing the plant clearly, Shi Lin almost spit out a mouthful of blood, pointing at the big cat,

“You are a loser!”

“I asked you to find it, but you wandered around, and I let you move freely, but you ate it?!”


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