Afternoon, six o’clock.

Shi Lin carried three sacks on his back and another in his hand, and walked out of Daxing Mountain into the village.

Behind him, the little moose had a sack on each side of its body and another on its back, and was also carrying three sacks.

They had just walked a few steps into the village when Shi Lin saw someone waiting at the intersection, and it was the fifth sister Shi Yuying.

“Fifth sister, are you waiting for me?”

Shi Lin smiled and walked up.

Seeing that Shi Lin finally came down from the mountain, Shi Yuying breathed a sigh of relief and said with some blame:

“You are finally back. Why did you take so long to go up the mountain today? You didn’t even check the time, and made the whole family worry.”

Recently, Shi Lin’s efficiency in going up the mountain has been very high, and he comes back in a few hours every time.

Today is the longest time he has been up the mountain recently, and of course, he has gained the most.

“You actually have six sacks of prey. You are really stupid. You should have come back with four sacks. What if you crush the little moose?”

As she said that, Shi Yuying walked directly to the little moose, took the sack off the little moose’s back, and carried it on her shoulders.

“Ah, Fifth Sister, I am also carrying three sacks!”

Shi Lin said speechlessly.

If it were in the past, wouldn’t his Fifth Sister help his younger brother carry one sack first?

Shi Yuying glanced at him, turned around and walked away, saying as she walked:

“If you can’t carry it, take a rest first. I’ll go home and pull a cart to help you. This sack weighs nearly 100 kilograms. I can only carry one sack at most.”

When she carried the sack on the little moose’s back to her shoulders, she knew that this was not the kind of sack that she could easily carry two sacks of.

If she didn’t leave now, she wouldn’t be able to carry even one sack later.

It’s really heavy!

Shi Lin actually carried two such bags and dragged another one, which really surprised her. Lao Liu didn’t have the strength before.

After eating better food for a few days, her own physical strength has increased, but not much. How could Lao Liu change so much?

In the past, the whole family could only take care of him alone. Could it be that he was not fed enough?

Shi Yuying couldn’t figure it out, but there were too many magical things happening to Shi Lin recently. She just chose not to think about it.

Anyway, the family’s life is getting better and better, which is real.

Shi Lin didn’t choose to stop and rest. He still carried two sacks on his back and dragged one bag in his hand and walked home.

The little moose behind had one less bag on its back, but it walked more quickly. After a while, it surpassed Shi Lin and returned home first.

After returning home, the little moose consciously walked to the side of the cart and asked Shi Zhengang to put it on the cart, and then came back to pick up Shi Lin.

When the little moose came back to find Shilin, Shilin was almost home.

However, seeing that the little moose could make such a spiritual move without his order, Shilin expressed his happiness and said that he would give the little moose a pot of Chinese cabbage in the evening!

The little moose didn’t like to eat other meats and cooked food he made, but it ate raw Chinese cabbage, and the fresher it was, the more it liked it.

Although Shilin didn’t have this thing at home, there were so many people growing cabbage in the village, and he could find someone to exchange a large pot for a fish in the sack.

“This little moose is really spiritual, just like the old horse people say, it’s really raised right.”

Shi Zhengang was standing at the door of his house and saw the little moose going to pick up Shilin, and nodded with satisfaction.

His love for the little moose increased by one point.

“Hehe, that’s it, I raised it.” Shilin put the three sacks on the cart and smiled and smoothed the little moose’s fur.

Shi Zhengang asked, “What did you get today? Six bags of fish?”

“Today, we got a lot of things, four sacks of fish, and two sacks of game. We got three yellow-haired croakers. Have you cooked at home? I also want to make a roast suckling pig.”

Shi Lin led the little moose back into the yard.

Today, there were indeed too many things. Six sacks of things, even if there was a cart to pull them, he felt that the little moose was still a little thin.

He said to Shi Zhengang,

“Dad, why don’t we borrow a bullock cart? There are too many things today. I’m afraid the little moose can’t pull them and get hurt later.”

Shi Zhengang nodded, “I just heard from your fifth sister that there were too many things today, and she has asked your mother to borrow a bullock cart. The little moose is tired after a day, so let it rest for a while.”

“Hehe, Dad is really thoughtful.” Shi Lin smiled and flattered him a little.

Hearing this, Shi Zhengang showed a smug smile on his face, without any modesty,

“That’s right, Dad has eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, how can he not arrange this matter?”

Then he said,”Your mother has already cooked dinner. Let’s prepare the roast suckling pig tomorrow. You’ve been tired all day. Wash your face, have a meal, and rest at home. I’ll go sell the goods later.”


Shi Lin was stunned. What happened to his father today? Why did he volunteer to sell the goods?

After thinking for a while, he said, “Let’s go together. There are a lot of goods today. I’m afraid someone will be jealous on the road.”

Hearing this, Shi Zhengang’s heart trembled and nodded, “Okay, then let’s go together, bring the gun.”


Shi Lin nodded,

Picked up a sack of prey and prepared to select it first, leaving some for home to eat and the rest to sell.

This link is also the favorite link of his fourth sister, fifth sister, and Xiao Pan’er at home. They can freely choose what they like to eat.

Before they started selecting, the fourth sister, fifth sister, and Xiao Pan’er came around first.

Shi Zhengang also took a few steps closer.

When it comes to selecting prey, he, an old hunter, knows better. He knows what is delicious and what is not worth selling.

“Hehe, there are a lot of good things today. You can see what you like to eat.”

Shi Lin smiled and poured out all the things in the first sack.

In addition to the usual hares and pheasants,

there are three yellow-haired people, silly roe deer, honey badgers, and pit vipers. A sack was poured out and piled up into a small mountain.

Seeing so many prey, everyone present was smiling.

So many prey not only means that there is food, but also money to be earned.

Shi Zhengang showed a gratified smile on his face, secretly saying, a tiger father will have a dog son!

He was very satisfied with this pile of prey.

However, as Shi Yuying took out the silly roe deer, Shi Zhengang suddenly saw a plant appear in this pile of prey! Looks familiar?

He frowned and approached, picking up the plant from the prey.


After seeing the whole picture of the plant, Shi Zhengang was immediately shocked, and then turned into anger.

“Prodigal son! You…you prodigal son! You, you are so fucking…”

The old man was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick, and his speech was incoherent.

At this time, a voice came from the gate of the courtyard, interrupting him directly.

“His mother is here! You old man, what’s wrong? I heard you cursing as soon as I came back?!”

Ye Meihui came back from borrowing a bullock cart. As soon as she entered the door, she happened to see Shi Zhengang angry there, and hurried in to ask about the situation.

Shi Zhengang handed the plant in his hand to her and said angrily:

“Look, look for yourself, the best wild ginseng was dug like this by your precious son, it looks like it was gnawed by a dog, and the roots are broken so much, and it is thrown into a sack like garbage!”

“It could have been sold for thousands of yuan, but now it can’t even be sold for a thousand yuan after what he did. Tell me, what else can he do if not a prodigal son?!”

“I told him last night that the most important thing to dig wild ginseng is to keep the roots intact. Even if you can’t dig it too intact, you have to try to make it as intact as possible. How can you dig it like this?!”

“If you don’t know how to dig, you can go home and ask me to dig it! It’s a waste of things to do it like this! Good wild ginseng is ruined like this, you might as well not dig it…”

Everyone can see that the old man is really angry at this moment, and he is not joking.

And Ye Meihui and others also understood the matter from Lao Shi’s words. Lao Liu had ruined something worth thousands of yuan!

No wonder Old Shi was so angry.

Ye Meihui wanted to hit someone after hearing this, and she also started to criticize Shi Lin,

“You prodigal son, you don’t know how to dig, don’t you know to go home and ask someone to dig? You’re wasting things like this? You deserve to be scolded by your father! You’re so old, but you’re still so impetuous, a little…”

No one in the family dared to speak for Shi Lin at this moment, and in their opinion, Shi Lin was indeed too impetuous, and the good wild ginseng was ruined.

God has fed you the food, but you still smashed the bowl…

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