Seeing his parents so excited, Shi Lin smiled bitterly.

He could understand this feeling especially well.

When he first saw the big cat chewing wild ginseng, he felt almost the same way, a prodigal son!

When the two elders paused, Shi Lin smiled bitterly and said:

“You two are too anxious, and you don’t let people talk.

This wild ginseng was already like this when I met it.

It was dug out of the ground and gnawed by an animal. You can see for yourself that there are traces of animal gnaws here.

It really wasn’t me who dug it like this, I was also angry!”

After thinking about it, for the sake of family harmony and the safety of the big cat,

he still helped the big cat conceal it and said it was another animal.


After hearing Shi Lin’s explanation, and taking a closer look at the traces on the wild ginseng, it was indeed an animal’s tooth mark.

So, did he blame his son wrongly?

This wild ginseng was trampled by wild animals, and he happened to pick it up…

Thinking of how excited he was just now, Shi Zhengang felt a little embarrassed, but he snorted and said:

“Even if it has been trampled by wild animals, you shouldn’t put it in the sack so casually! There are only a few whiskers left, and two of them were broken!”

“Yes, yes, it’s my problem, my problem. I originally put it on the top of the bag, and when I was about to pour the prey out just now, I forgot to pick it up in advance.”

Shi Lin admitted his mistake with a serious attitude.

In fact, this wild ginseng is already extremely damaged. It doesn’t really make much difference whether the two whiskers are broken or not, and it can’t be sold for much money.

“Okay, okay, it’s the blessing of the mountain god to be able to pick up such a wild ginseng.

Sort it first, and send it to sell quickly after sorting, otherwise it will become stale later.”

Putting away the wild ginseng, Ye Meihui smiled and revealed the matter, urging everyone to work quickly.

Even if it is a broken wild ginseng, it can be sold for hundreds or thousands of yuan. For their family, it is already a good thing that has fallen from the sky, and they really don’t worry too much.

Hearing this, Shi Yuying and others were also happy and came over to help.

Xiao Paner poked the yellow-haired boy with his little finger and asked Shi Lin:

“Uncle, is this just a pig? It looks like the pig at Uncle Huzi’s house!”

“Yes, this is a little wild boar, the meat is tender and tastes good, uncle will keep one and make a roast suckling pig for you tomorrow.”

Shi Lin said with a smile.

After being raised in the Shi family for so many days, Xiao Paner is getting more and more lovely.

She giggled, approached Shi Lin intimately, and hugged his thighs.

“Hehe, my uncle is the best!”

Ye Meihui said:

“Keep all three of them. Your father said that yellow-haired pigs are only 35 cents per pound at Liu Baoquan’s place.

We might as well keep them for ourselves. Except for being a little thinner, they are really no worse than pork.”

The price of slaughtered pork is about 1.1 yuan per pound now, and the meat of yellow-haired pigs is not worse than that of domestic pigs, and it is even more tender.

Sending them to sell for 35 cents per pound, Ye Meihui felt a little bit of loss, so it is better to keep them for her family.

In this era, wild boars are cheaper than domestic pigs.

The main reason is that wild boars have a fishy smell and the meat is hard and lean. People in this era lack oil and water, and like to eat fat and soft.


Shi Lin agreed directly.

If his family is willing to eat, he will agree ten thousand times.

Seeing her son agreed, Ye Meihui cut the Gordian knot and said:

“Okay, then let’s keep three yellow-haired snakes from the prey today, and sell the others.”


Hearing this, Shi Lin immediately understood,

I am afraid that I will keep the valuable goods, so I want to decide on the ones that can’t be sold at a high price first.

Looking at another sack, she took out the bird in the sack,

“Keep this viper, and keep a few birds, we can make dragon and phoenix soup.”

They don’t have many vipers here, and they don’t know if they can sell them at a high price.

As for the birds, this thing has high nutritional value and is small in weight. If it can’t be sold at a high price, it’s better to keep it at home and cook it.

It just so happens that Xiao Pan’er likes to eat bird porridge.

Ye Meihui and others didn’t have any objections. As long as it can’t be sold at a high price, it’s fine.

As for the fish, Shi Lin had already prepared two mandarin fish weighing more than ten kilograms.

When he caught them, he first strung them with ropes, and now he can just pull them out.

“Ah, this…”

Shi Zhengang and Ye Meihui were reluctant to part with the two large mandarin fish weighing more than ten kilograms.

They felt that they could just eat some small fish and shrimps, and the big fish should be sold for money.

Unfortunately, Shi Lin insisted on keeping them, saying that the fish was delicious.

The old couple had no choice, after all, the fish was caught by their son, andToday we did return with a full load, so there is nothing wrong with celebrating.

After loading the prey that was determined to be sold onto the ox cart, Shi Lin pulled Lao Shi into the house.

After entering the house, Lao Shi asked directly: “Is there anything else? Can’t we talk in the yard?”

“Hey, Dad, take a look at this.” Shi Lin smiled and took out the cloth bag in his arms.


Lao Shi took the cloth bag and felt it was quite light, but his son specially called him into the house, so he thought it should be a good thing.

He opened the cloth bag gently,


After seeing the contents clearly, Lao Shi was almost dumbfounded.

Just now, he was blaming this kid for being a prodigal son and ruining the wild ginseng. Now, he turned around and got a wild ginseng that was intact and older? !

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down his excitement, Lao Shi gently opened the bag, took out the wild ginseng inside intact, and looked at it carefully.

“This… this is at least thirty or forty years old! Maybe even more than that!

These circles of horizontal lines, these complete ginseng roots, this must be worth a lot of money! Where did you dig it from?”

Now Lao Shi can be sure that his son really knows how to dig ginseng. Look how beautiful this wild ginseng is, with complete roots and no broken points!

Make a fortune!

Wild ginseng that is thirty or forty years old, this will make a fortune!

Shi Lin smiled and gave an answer, “Over in the Wild Boar Forest.”

“Huh? Didn’t Zhao Youcai and his men search through that place? How come there is still this kind of wild ginseng?”

Lao Shi was quite confused.

When the village heard that Zhao Youcai and his brothers had a fight with Li Fusheng, it was already said that the Wild Boar Forest had been searched several times by their two families.

How did Xiao Liu really find wild ginseng, and it was even older?

“Hehe, I’m a prodigal son who always has good luck.”

Shi Lin laughed and teased Lao Shi.

Hearing this, Lao Shi knew he was in the wrong, so he ignored him and carefully put away the wild ginseng and put it in the cabinet.

He was going to wait until he came back from shopping before processing and drying it. Fresh ginseng cannot be hidden directly, otherwise it will go bad.

Seeing Lao Shi’s cautious look, Shi Lin laughed,

With this wild ginseng at home, the old couple can also have a reassurance in their hearts. They should not be so afraid of spending money in the future, right?

At least it should be no problem for the family to have all kinds of food freedom.


More than half an hour later, it was dark.

Shi Zhengang and Shi Lin, father and son, drove a bullock cart to Liu Baoquan’s home in Shanghe Village.

At this moment, the courtyard of Liu Baoquan’s home was brightly lit and very lively.

Now in several nearby villages, only Liu Baoquan’s family is doing this kind of acquisition business. There are many hunters who come to sell goods, and they even need to queue up to sell goods.

However, as Liu Baoquan’s super VIP customers, Shi Lin and his friends just arrived at the door, Liu Baoquan came out to greet them personally.

“Haha, today it’s Brother Zhengang and Brother Lin who are here together!

They are still driving a bullock cart, haha, it seems that the brothers have made a big harvest again!

Come on, come in quickly…”

In front of Shi Zhengang and Shi Lin, father and son, calling them a brother and a brother,

Liu Baoquan didn’t look awkward at all, it was very natural, and his smile was so enthusiastic, as if he had seen the God of Wealth.

The two drove the bullock cart and followed Liu Baoquan into the yard.

When the people in the yard saw the bullock cart coming in, they all cast their eyes over.

Everyone wanted to see who was so lucky today and killed the big guy?

Generally speaking, when hunters go hunting in the mountains, they only use ox carts or donkey carts to pull big prey.

For ordinary prey, they just carry it over by themselves.

However, the facts are not quite the same as everyone expected. There are no big wild boars, bears or other big prey on the ox cart, only sacks.

“One, two, three, four… six sacks? What are they selling? Pine nuts?”

“It seems like they are selling fish. I smell fish.”

“It really smells fishy, ​​but… is he selling six sacks of fish? Did he disturb the fish nest?”

“Hasn’t it been said that fish are hard to catch recently? How can you catch so many?! Six sacks! How much do they cost?”

“They are probably all small fish. Unselected small fish are only a few cents per pound. That carload is about ten yuan.”

“Hehe, small fish? Look at the two people delivering the goods. They are the father and son of the Shi family from Xigou Village. How can the fish they deliver be small fish?”

“Xigou Village, the father and son of the Shi family? Ah?! That’s Shi Lin who specializes in catching fish?!”

“That’s them! This carload is worth more than ten yuan, and it’s estimated to be more than ten times!”

“Hiss~ Is it so valuable?”

“Hehe, it should be more valuable. Yesterday, someone brought a donkey cart and sold it for 300 yuan., if we change the ox cart today, it will cost at least 500, right? ”

“500? ? ? ! ! ! ”


Most of the people present were hunters and fishermen, and they had seen money before.

But they had never seen a person who could sell goods for 300 or 500 yuan in one trip.

Many people could not even afford 300 yuan even if they emptied their entire family.

Now when they heard them say that the goods in the ox cart could be sold for 500 yuan, everyone was shocked.

They were no longer in a hurry to sell the goods, and they all looked at Shi Lin and his ox cart with wide eyes,

They all wanted to see if it could really be sold for 300 or 500 yuan?

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