Everyone waited at the boat stop for a long time, and finally the fishing boat approached the boat stop.

Li Jianbing rowed the boat with a sound of “ouch, ouch”, while Shi Lin sat at the stern with a blank expression.

It was dark now, and everyone couldn’t see what was going on on their boat.

They could only vaguely see their figures, knowing that Li Jianbing was rowing the boat and Shi Lin was sitting at the stern.

An old fisherman joked loudly:

“Li Jianbing, are you really capable? You’re so slow rowing like a woman!”

Upon hearing this, other fishermen followed suit.

“Li Jianbing, if you can’t row the boat anymore, don’t go down to the river, right? Go home and do some embroidery!”

“No, damn, why are you getting slower and slower? Are you really that weak?”

“It’s you, Li Jianbing. You’re an apprentice and you row the boat as slowly as an apprentice!”

“Hehe, you’ve made a profit this time, Li Jianbing! You must have learned some real skills, right?”

“I think there are too many fish so you can’t row the boat anymore! Li Jianbing, Li Jianbing, have you learned anything from watching Shi Xiaozi catch fish up close this time?!”

“Take me with you next time, Jianbing. If you can’t row the boat, I’ll help you row!”

“Haha, if Jianbing can’t row the boat at home, do you want to help him?”

“That’s… not impossible, hahahaha…”

Several old fishermen are familiar with Li Jianbing, and they’re basically making fun of him.

In fact, it was indeed Li Jianbing who rowed too slowly, making everyone wait anxiously.

Otherwise, people wouldn’t bother to keep teasing him.

But now…

Li Jianbing, who has lived in the river for more than 20 years, can’t row the boat anymore!

This boat is too thin and heavy!

The closer the small fishing boat gets to the shore, the heavier it gets.

The fish in the fishing net seem to know that they will be finished if they go ashore, and they start to struggle violently again, always trying to drag the fishing boat into the river.

Li Jianbing can’t speed up at all, and he is so tired that he wants to vomit blood.

At this moment, he seems to be playing tug-of-war with the net of fish.

If the net of fish had not been in the river and been caught for more than an hour, the fishing boat might have been pulled back into the river by them.

Li Jianbing was miserable from rowing,

He didn’t even have the energy to refute the teasing of those people on the shore.

From the time Shi Yujun saw the fishing boat to the time the fishing boat came to the shore, the whole process took more than half an hour, and it hadn’t even reached the shore!

You know, this usually only takes about ten minutes.

Although the old fishermen on the shore teased Li Jianbing, they were also secretly muttering in their hearts,

Is it possible that Shi kid has done something big again?

Is the boat too heavy to row?

“Throw the rope on the boat over here, we will help pull it!”

After waiting for more than half an hour, seeing that the fishing boat was about to dock and was still moving at a snail’s pace,

Shi Yujun was a little impatient and shouted at the boat from the shore.

Hearing this, Li Jianbing didn’t think about it, he just let go of the oar, picked up the rope and walked towards the bow.

However, as he stopped rowing, the fishing boat actually ran back two or three meters…

Shi Lin, who was sitting at the stern pulling the fishing net, was also quite helpless.

Since arriving at the intersection of the small river and the big river in the village, the fish in the fishing net have become particularly restless.

Always wanting to run to the big river, pulling the fishing net there to compete with the fishing boat.

Shi Lin could hold the fishing net, but Li Jianbing couldn’t row the boat!

He rowed a few meters forward, and the fish in the net pulled him back two or three meters. He kept pulling like this and moved forward slowly.

If he wasn’t afraid that Li Jianbing couldn’t hold the net, Shi Lin really wanted to row the boat himself, which was too slow.

But the net in his hand was too heavy.

If Li Jianbing came, it might not work. Shi Lin was also afraid that the fish would run away.

After all, he had invested 42 yuan in this net of fish, and there were more than two hours left. He couldn’t make a mistake in the last hurdle.

Helplessly, he could only row slowly like this.

Li Jianbing also felt that the fishing boat was pulled back a little bit, and he didn’t dare to delay. He directly used all his strength to throw the cable to the shore.

At the same time, he shouted, “Catch it!”


With a splash,

the cable fell into the water, about three meters away from the shore…

The people on the shore were speechless,

“What the hell is this cable? It’s so far away!”

“It seems that Jianbing is really weak. It’s only a little over ten meters, but he can’t throw it over!”

“Damn, why do I feel like their fishing boat is going back?”

“Fuck, it seems to be…”

“What the hell?”

Shi Yujun originally wanted to wait for Li Jianbing to collect the rope.Go back and throw it again.

Now it seems that something is wrong. Take out cigarettes and matches from your pocket and put them aside, then jump into the water with a splash.

Grab the rope that Li Jianbing just threw over, swim back to the shore, and start pulling it towards the shore.

“Fuck! Why is it so heavy?!”

As soon as he pulled, Shi Yujun found something wrong!

This fishing boat is a bit too heavy, and there seems to be a force on the fishing boat that is competing with him? !

“What’s going on? I’ll come too.”

Seeing this, Hu Feihong also came over to help pull. He felt something was wrong and shouted to the boat,

“Sixth Brother, what’s going on? Why is this boat so heavy? And you’re pulling us into the river?”

Shi Lin was sitting and pulling the fishing net. When he heard his brother-in-law’s voice, he replied loudly:

“Brother-in-law, you guys hold the cable first and hold it. Don’t bother pulling it back.

I’m still dragging a net of fish. The fish are trying desperately to get back to the river. Hold on for a while. When they are out of strength, it will be easy to pull them back.”

This is the same principle as fishing for big fish.

The fish’s endurance is not good. Let them slip for a while. Once they flip over, it will be easy to pull them ashore.

! ! !

After hearing what Shi Lin said, everyone present finally understood!

“I thought so. It’s just such a short distance, and he rowed for half a day, and he pulled a net of fish!”

“It took him so long, it must be at least 100 pounds, right?”

“I’m afraid it’s more than that! Just pull a hundred pounds onto the boat, why do you have to pull it like this?”

“Maybe he wants to keep the fish alive?”

“Stop talking nonsense, there are so many people, why do you have to stalemate with a few fish? Let’s pull together, can’t we pull them up in minutes?!”

“Yes, yes, everyone help!”

“Pull! Let me taste the pleasure of pulling a big fish!”

“Come on, come on, help together!”

As they said this, a group of old fishermen came forward to help pull the cable.

After pulling, they realized that it was not a joke, it was really heavy, and the fish was also very strong.

It’s just that they are more people, 5 old fishermen plus Shi Yujun and Hu Feihong, a total of 7 people, how can they not pull a net of fish?

That’s not a joke.

It only took a few minutes for the fishing boat to be successfully pulled to the shore.

At this moment, everyone was very excited and came forward one by one.

They all wanted to see what kind of fish Shi Lin had pulled in this time?

It actually required so many of them to pull together?

Everyone just secretly estimated that this net might be more than 200 to 300 kilograms? !

Otherwise, it shouldn’t be so heavy, right?

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