Before everyone saw the net of fish that Shi Lin was pulling, they were stunned by the situation on the boat.

The entire cabin was filled with fish!

So densely packed!

And as far as everyone could see, there was not a single small fish!

The smallest one was estimated to weigh more than ten kilograms, and the largest one was more than one meter long, weighing at least sixty or seventy kilograms!

“This… this is all big fish! Hundreds of kilograms! Damn!”

“This boat is more than I catch in a year!”

“Comparing people makes me angry, Shi is too good!”

“Look, they were all shot with a gun, it seems that this gun really needs to be bought!”

“Buy it tomorrow! Who said you don’t need a gun when you go down the river?”

“Fuck… Li Jianbing was right to go this time!”

“So many, is this what it means to go fishing in the river?”


Seeing the big fish filling the cabin, the five old fishermen and several people from the Shi family were all shocked and sighed.

There are so many!

And they are all good fish, no small fish!

This is too awesome.

Several old fishermen began to doubt their previous fishing experience.

They felt that Shi Lin was the real fisherman, while they were just fishing.

Shi Lin still sat at the stern, pulling the fishing net, and said to Shi Yujun and others:

“Brother Jun, brother-in-law, you guys take the bags first, and put all the fish on the boat on the tricycle first.”

“I’ll take a short break, and I’ll pull up the net after you finish these fish.”

“By the way, brother-in-law, the headlights of the tricycle can be turned on. There is a button to turn on the lights on the left handle.”

Sitting at the stern and pulling the fishing net for two hours, Shi Lin was a little tired.

If it weren’t for his stronger physique, he wouldn’t be able to pull the net back today. His physical strength simply wouldn’t allow it.

Not only was he exhausted, but the little moose who had been helping to push the boat in the water was also very tired.

When the fishing boat docked, Shi Lin let it go into the water to find food.

And Li Jianbing…he was now lying on the boat, panting. He was really tired physically and mentally.

The boat was full of catches, and there was a large net of more than 100 meters that had caught a lot of fish, but not a single one of them was his. He had rowed hard for so long…

Thinking about it for a while, Li Jianbing felt uncomfortable all over. He might as well lie down. It was good to lie down.


Shi Yuying had already brought the sack. After hearing what Shi Lin said, she immediately handed the sack to Shi Yujun who had already boarded the fishing boat.

Holding the sack, Shi Yujun picked up the fish on the boat.

Hu Feihong, Shi Yuying and Shi Yuye received it on the shore. After a while, all the fish in the boat were picked up.

In fact, there were not too many, just a dozen big fish.

However, these big fish were large in size, and some of them almost filled half a sack, so Shi Yuye, Shi Yuye and Hu Feihong had to go back and forth several times. After picking up the fish on the boat, Shi Yujun said to Shi Lin: “All the fish on the boat have been picked up, and only the fishing net next to you is left. If you get tired, I will pull it.” There were some fishing nets pulled on the boat next to Shi Lin, and there were also several big fish in the fishing nets. The largest carp even weighed fifty or sixty kilograms. Shi Lin moved his arms slightly and felt less sore, and said: “This net is a bit big and not easy to pull. Let me pull it. Brother Jun, help me take down the gun.” Shi Lin threw the part of the fishing net on the boat into the water, and then jumped into the water himself, and walked step by step to the shore while pulling the fishing net from the water. With the buoyancy of water, it is still much easier to pull the fishing net. Soon he got ashore first. At this moment, everyone on the shore also heard the crackling sound of fish hitting the water.

In addition, the tricycle lights that Hu Feihong had just turned on just shone on Shi Lin.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were fixed on Shi Lin.

They all wanted to see what kind of things they had just pulled hard in the net.

Soon everyone saw carp!

Densely packed carp!

The fishing net was only about one meter out of the water, and there were so many carp that everyone thought it was rice!

Just the one meter of fishing net that Shi Lin pulled out of the water, the carp caught on it, everyone roughly estimated that there were hundreds of kilograms of carp!

And people who often fish know that fishing nets usually catch more in the middle and lower parts, and the top part is generally less!

Even this smaller part has hundreds of kilograms, and further down… Everyone looked at the water with anticipation, waiting for Shi Lin to continue pulling up.

Shi Lin pulled the net about two meters long to the shore again.

The fish that appeared in front of everyone stunned everyone present.

“Several big ones,Including those carps of good size, the weight of these fish pulled up is probably more than 400 kilograms!”

“It should be. The four big ones alone weigh 200 kilograms. This is a carp nest surrounded by one net!”

“My brother-in-law has been raising carp in the fish pond for a year, but he didn’t catch as many as Shi Xiaozi’s net…”

“No wonder the fishing boat was so heavy just now. How could it not be heavy with hundreds of kilograms of carp and a few big ones?”

“If it were someone else, I would have thought they bought the fish and deliberately put them in the river to get caught, but Shi Xiaozi…it seems normal.”

“Remind you, Lao Li’s fishing net is 6 meters long, and only half of it has been pulled up…”


“Fuck! Only half? ! ”

Hearing the reminder from one of the old fishermen, everyone present widened their eyes and looked at Shi Lin who was pulling the net in disbelief.

Is this really a human?!

Can a normal person do this?!

Li Jianbing, who was still on the fishing boat, half leaned on the fishing boat and looked at Shi Lin who was pulling the net.

He was secretly shocked. This kid was really too scary!

Others looked at the catch in surprise. Only Li Jianbing knew that Shi Lin had just sat at the stern and pulled the fish by hand for more than two hours!

At this moment, he still had the energy to pull the fish ashore!

Is this kid still a human?

He, Li Jianbing, was just rowing, and he was only half dead.

And Shi Lin and After pulling for more than two hours, he still had some strength left?!

It was the first time for Hu Feihong and Shi Yuye to see Shi Lin catch fish with their own eyes.

At this moment, their mouths were wide open, and two duck eggs could be stuffed in.

There was a big lake next to their Dahu Village, and there were many people fishing in the village, but… Hu Feihong had never seen such a harvest as Shi Lin’s.

The same was true for Shi Yuye.

However, compared to Hu Feihong’s ignorance, Shi Yuye was better.

When she was a child, she saw the scene of Lao Shi hunting two ox carts of wild boars at a time.

After being stunned for a while, Shi Yuye reacted, pushed Hu Feihong, and said:

“Why are you still standing there, help! So many fish, waiting for Lao Liu to pull them alone? ”

As she spoke, she stepped forward to help Shi Lin pull the net.

After she said that, Hu Feihong, Shi Yuye, and Shi Yujun also reacted and hurried forward.

With the help of the four of them, the net was much easier to pull.

It took about ten minutes to pull the whole net ashore!

The shore was full of crackling sounds of fish struggling.

And the fishermen who were watching on the side couldn’t close their mouths at this moment.

Li Jianbing on the boat looked at the shore with a shocked face, regretting it and slapping his thigh!

“Thousands of pounds! This net weighs more than a thousand pounds!”

“Fuck you! The fishing net is mine! Fuck you!”


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