Movie Savior

Chapter 241: Run in advance (2/2, 4K, ask for a monthly ticket duck)

   Chapter 241 Moisturized in advance (22, 4K, ask for a monthly ticket duck)

   Hate ghosts? !

  Karl was excited and wanted to continue to say something, but was immediately suppressed by Chai Ping.

  Chai Ping didn't see any expression on his face, he was still calm.

   "How does Mr. Baker think that this is not something we can interfere with, just like what we want to do, this is our freedom, and it is also not something that Mr. Baker can interfere with."

   "We are now quite sure that in a month and a half, the world will experience an unprecedented superstorm, and we have decided to prepare in advance.

   In addition, we have announced this news to you as soon as possible, and we do not take any responsibility for what happens next. "

  Baker's face was gloomy, and he didn't mean to answer at all.

But Chai Ping was not affected at all, and still spoke in a calm tone: "Today's conversation still failed to achieve a good result, but I still suggest that Mr. Baker can sign the documents I gave you. "

   "On September 1st, representatives from dozens of northern hemisphere countries will gather in our country for a visit. Those who sign the agreement at that time will have the opportunity to travel to a parallel time and space..."

   "Needless to say!"

  Bell's face was ugly. He didn't expect that he had worked so hard, and dozens of northern hemisphere countries were actually frightened.

   "I'm not a coward, I won't be frightened by your little tricks."

   Leaving the last sentence, Baker left with a cold face.

  Leave Chai Ping and Carl in the lounge.

   "What should we do next?" Carl looked a little dumbfounded at the situation.

   He is not particularly good at diplomacy, especially since he has never seen such a stubborn person. In the past in their time and space, when encountering a person with such a hard and stinky mouth, he would usually authorize their soldiers to smash that person's teeth, and then let that person swallow it.

   However, after joining the Mutual Rescue Society, this method obviously won't work.

   So what are they going to do in this situation?

  Karl looked at Chapin in confusion.

   And Chai Ping spread his hands, called the waiter from a distance, calmly ordered two cups of coffee and three biscuits.

   "Eat and drink more, we may not be able to eat such authentic coffee and cookies in the future."

   "Then we just gave up?" Carl couldn't help feeling hopeless when he saw Chai lying flat.

   He has mission indicators when he arrives at this time and space.

   His superior Thomas managed to grab this mission from Robert in the 2nd dimension and Taylor in the 4th dimension.

   If he just sits back and watches the fraternal country of this time and space die in the disaster, then will their country still be involved in the mutual rescue club in the future?

   Seeing that Carl looked like an ant on a hot pan, Chai Ping patted him on the shoulder calmly, and couldn't help but sigh, "If only Baker was as easy to communicate with as you."

   "Uh...Chai, you know that's not what I want to ask."

   "Don't worry, I know what you want to ask, and we know what to do next, and I will work together to help you."

   "But first, you have to answer me a question."

   "Say it..." Karl straightened his face, but the anxiety in his voice could not go away.

  Chai Ping said: "Do you think it is possible to save everyone in the northern hemisphere and migrate perfectly like your time and space in a month and a half?"


  Carl paused, then shook his head.

   "Impossible, we have more than three years to prepare, but we have reached this point."

   There are still billions of people who have not migrated to their No. 1 time and space.

  Thanks to recently sending a group of people to the headquarters of the First Division of the Mutual Rescue Society, where they waited to "get on the bus", the relocation work went a lot smoother.

   They have been preparing for so long to achieve this point. This time and space is ten years behind them, so naturally it is impossible to do better than them.

   "I think it's enough to save most of the people, or half of them."

  Carl said.

   His demands are so low, especially after seeing Baker's uncooperative attitude.

  Chai Ping nodded, glad that Carl was not that idealist.

   "Since you have this idea, then just go with the flow."

  Chai Ping smiled mysteriously, stood up and pointed to the window of the lounge: "Baker doesn't want to let the people leave the north, and the enterprise won't let them leave the north, but people are free."

   "We just have to let the people move south spontaneously."



   Zhang Tianyuan was in a meeting with Zhong Ruijin to sort out the day's work.

   "Following the official announcement from the Meteorological Department today, we have so far received requests from thirty-seven countries to visit, and they will arrive on September 1."

"In addition, seven countries have been successfully persuaded today and are willing to respond to disaster prevention work before October, such as starting their civil air defense projects, storing energy and food, establishing emergency relocation mechanisms, etc... Although they are just watching the wind, Didn't promise to start migrating right away, but it's a good sign..."

   Zhang Tianyuan and Zhong Ruijin listened to the report silently, asking a sentence or two from time to time, and the expressions on their faces did not fluctuate too much.

   Although the current situation is not good, it is still within their expectations.

  With a paper and a warning, there are some people who seem to be inexplicable, claiming that they are from a parallel time and space, and want to make all the countries in the northern hemisphere move south?

   Even the five good people of the United Nations obviously do not have such a big face.

   Not only Zhong Ruijin didn’t, but even Baker and the others didn’t.

   Now there are a few countries that are willing to listen, and dozens of countries are willing to come and verify, and the situation has been calculated.

   "Let's continue to execute according to the original plan. They block our news, then we will break their blockade and let everyone hear our voice. After that, we can only listen to the destiny."

   Zhang Tianyuan sighed, there was nothing he could do about the situation in front of him.

   The time window given by this world is too small.

   If he is given two or three years, or even a year, like "2012", he is sure to use the method of sticks and carrots to convince everyone that climate disasters and super storms are coming.

  The big deal is like in the "2012" time and space, let the fighters surround the North American continent again.

   But now it’s only a month and a half…

   This is really too short.

   is not only not conducive to his work, but also to this time and space.

   After all, people are born to be rotten.

  It's like going to school. When you wake up, there are still half an hour and ten minutes before the morning reading. These are two completely different attitudes.

   For half an hour, you can still rush and rush, but when it only takes ten minutes, most people will choose to rot.

   The situation is similar now.

   Even if other countries are willing to believe in Mutual Rescue, Zhong Ruijin, and climate catastrophe.

   But now there is only one and a half months left for the rescue...

   Then some people would rather not believe it.

   And now the strategy of Zhang Tianyuan and Zhong Ruijin is, whether it is to create panic, or to convince others with scientific reasons, as long as it can attract the attention of the global public.

   Then these concerned people feel scared or believe it, in short, it is right to encourage them to spontaneously migrate to the south.

   This is the only way to save a life.

   As for the evacuation being organized entirely by the officials of other countries…

   Zhong Ruijin had already told Zhang Tianyuan that this idea was unrealistic.

   Next, information attack and defense are being carried out at home and abroad.

  The Ministry of Meteorology in China publishes papers to the world from time to time every day and releases the latest disaster warning information.

   On Baker's side, the orders he gave still worked.

  North America has done its best to block this information, so that apart from the Internet and word of mouth among the people, there is basically no news related to climate catastrophe.

   The broader economic market has also remained stable. Even if the economies of Asia and Europe are stirred up, the North American side still stands still.

  This has also become Baker's most dazzling political achievement in recent years...

   But most people don't pay attention to his achievements.

   Like Jack.

   "Could the disruption of warm current migration be the main cause of the New Dryad event 10,000 years ago?"

  Jack stayed in his small office, studying Liu Chunshi's paper all the time.

   He found that the views in this paper are very helpful to his paleoclimate research, especially the new fairy tree event he is studying, which is a perfect match for this theory.

   "Their system looks very mature, as if it had experienced an ice age, so the data is so detailed and perfect, it's amazing..."

   Simple calculation on paper, Jack couldn't help but exclaimed.

   And his boss, Tom, and Frank and Jensen, who had just finished their vacation, sat aside.

After Jensen heard Jack's sigh, he immediately said: "I told you a long time ago that Liu and the others must be underground people of prehistoric civilization, maybe they experienced the ice age 12,000 years ago, so they only You can come up with such detailed data.”

   "Don't talk nonsense here, Jason..." Frank looked at this young man speechlessly, with a very active head, how did he become like this after a trip to the South Pole?

  Tom looked irritable.

   "Jack, according to your current understanding of this paper, how many chances do you think what it says is true?"

   He looked at Jack slightly nervously.

   He doesn't care about the theories in the thesis, nor about the legends of the Antarctic underground people.

   He just wanted to know, is this paper true or false? !

   Originally he didn't believe it, but he couldn't bear his well-informed, and he was from the meteorological department.

   In the past few days, the actions of the Domestic Meteorological Department have concealed 99% of the people in North America, but he knew everything about it.

  These abnormal movements, coupled with the analysis in this paper, from his professional perspective, seems to be a bit professional...

   This made his heart flutter.

   That's why he secretly asked someone like Jack to study this paper.

   If Jack thinks it is true or possible, then he will arrange for the family to moisten in advance.

   "Is it true or false?"

  Jack faced Tom's question, his palms kept moving back and forth on his chin, the beard he hadn't shave in a few days made him a little sore, but it also made his thinking clearer

   After a moment, he gave an answer: "It is possible."

   "I have met Liu, and have also communicated with them. I think their level and insight are far superior to mine, and they applied their paper to what happened 12,000 years ago..."

   "We will find that everything seems to be a repeat of history, but this time it may be more intense."

   He has already achieved certain results about the New Fairy Tree event 12,000 years ago, so he put the situation in the paper up and found that the arguments were basically established, and he knew that this paper was definitely not pure nonsense.

   “OK, OK…”

   Hearing Jack's answer, Tom spun around the room impatiently, and then ran out without saying a word.

   "What did he do?" The youngest Jensen was very strange.

  Frank said: "He should inform his family and let them go to the south for a vacation, right?"

   "...This, this..." Jason responded immediately, "Should we also prepare a plan for a vacation to the south?"

  Frank patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It seems that your brain is not completely broken."

  Jason didn't have the heart to continue talking to him, but ran out to find the phone like Tom.

   There is no doubt that he is also proposing to his family to take a vacation to the south.

   Frank who stayed behind glanced at Jack.

   "You go too." Jack waved his hand, indicating that he was no longer needed here.

  Frank followed.

  The left Jack thought for a while in the office alone, then he suddenly sat down, picked up the phone on the table and called his wife's office directly.

   His wife, Lucy, was a doctor.

   Soon, an employee over there answered the phone and immediately called Lucy after hearing his identity.

   "Jack? Is there anything, I still have three patients to deal with..."

  "Lucy," Jack paused, "Um...Are you and Sam interested in taking a vacation to the south, such as going to the beach in Miami, sitting on a beach chair and enjoying the sea breeze..."

  Jack said to himself, the more Lucy listened, the more serious her face became.

After hearing this, the woman's face was already a piece of cake, and she directly exposed her husband: "Jack, you would never talk like this, you don't care about things other than research, and you don't care that Sam and I are coming. Where are you on vacation, what happened to you?"

  Jack hummed again, and it took a while to tell the truth: "It's just that the weather may be a little unusual recently, so to be safe, I hope you can go to the south for a while."

   "Is it about the climate warning?" Lucy immediately reacted.

  Jack was a little surprised: "How do you know?"

   "I heard from patients that they said that this incident was a big deal abroad. Do you think such a disaster could happen?"

   "Well, I've just done research and it's theoretically possible, so best for you and Sam..."

   Lucy was silent for a while, "Well, since you said that, then I will go to Miami with Sam, how about you?"

   "I won't worry, I'm in Washington, and the politicians are not far away. There can't be anything wrong here."

  Jack said, scratching his head.

  Lucy wanted to say something, but heard someone calling his name from Jack, and then he said, "Someone called me, you and Sam remember to go to Miami, I'll go to work first..."

  Beep beep —

   Hearing the sound of the phone hanging up, Lucy only felt a headache.

   On the other side, Jack also got an update from Tom.


   "New Delhi Climate Change Conference held ahead of schedule?!"

   Half of the chapters are voice code words, half of the chapters are written with one hand, and the remaining chapter is written with both hands. It’s difficult, gentlemen, give me a monthly pass.




   (end of this chapter)

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