Movie Savior

Chapter 242: The person who stirred it all (5K, please subscribe)

   Chapter 242 The person who stirred it all (5K, please subscribe)

   "Yes, this meeting was originally scheduled for October, but we just received a notice that it was moved up to three days later."

  Tom took a fax and handed it to Jack.

   "It doesn't matter much to you, fortunately you came back from Antarctica early..."

   Otherwise, it may not be possible to reach New Delhi from Antarctica in three days.

  Jack doesn't care much about what he is about to speak at the conference. He is more concerned about another thing: "What caused this conference to be held earlier?"

  Tom paused and said, "It should be related to that paper, which must be the result of pressure from the opposite side."

   "Anyway, it's not important to us. You only need to go to the meeting and tell your report. The things behind it have nothing to do with you, and you are not qualified to participate."

  Tom gave a kind reminder.

  Jack thought for a long time before replying helplessly: "Well, I'll prepare now..."


  Scotland, Headland Climate Observatory.

  An old man is sitting in a small room reading a newspaper, a cup of steaming black tea is placed on the table next to it, and a little bit next to it is a TV that is on, a bald middle-aged man is watching the football game intently.

  The atmosphere in the house is laid back like a holiday.


   A young black man walked in in a hurry outside, attracting the old man's eyes all of a sudden.

  Professor Terry Ribson put away the newspaper and habitually glanced at the computer screen in the room.

   It shows row after row of data, all sent back in real time by the weather buoys placed in the ocean by their observation center.

everything is normal.

   Until then, Professor Ribson looked at his black student leisurely: "What, what happened?"

   "The New Delhi climate conference has been decided to be held early, I am afraid you have to start preparing, Professor."

   "Held in advance?"

   "Yes Professor, I just received the news, I confirmed it twice, do you still want to go? I heard that this conference is not easy..."

   "It seems to be related to the recently rumored climate catastrophe?"

  Professor Ribson smiled lightly and said slowly: "What are you afraid of, the matter behind this has nothing to do with us, we just care about the future of mankind in the past."

"And in my opinion, although the paper on climate catastrophe is radical, it is not without reason. Maybe this incident can make the world pay attention to the issue of climate warming... In addition, if this paper can follow that paper It would be better if the author of the paper communicated.”

After   , Professor Ribson slowly got up from his chair and went back to his room to prepare the items.

   And there are many meteorologists like him all over the world.

  Someone hurried back from the research station in Antarctica. Someone was woken up in the middle of the night. After being startled, they immediately called to check their flight tickets…

   Many people can guess that something special will happen at this meeting.

   But the more so, the more the meteorologists want to join in the fun.


   is the same as most people guess.

  The early holding of the climate change conference is the result of Zhong Ruijin's pressure.

  Although it is still the beginning of the new century, speaking in many places in China is useless, but when you really use your energy, it is still easy to push a climate conference that has nothing to do with the general political and economic direction to be held ahead of schedule.

   It’s just that at this moment, as soon as the news of the climate conference in advance came out, it immediately became the focus of the world except North America.

   Everyone knows that Zhong Ruijin has been making a big fuss about the climate issue recently. Although he doesn't know the specific purpose, the climate conference held in advance must be part of it.

  The whole world is waiting for the new domestic action at the climate conference.

   Baker Office.

   The secretary has informed him of the latest news.

   "The Climate Change Conference was asked to be held early?"

   "Yes, this is the result of Mr. Zhong's interference. The United Nations agreed to his request, and New Delhi also expressed that it will respect this decision..."

   "Tsk!" Baker's mood suddenly turned bad, or since he learned from Chapin that dozens of countries have decided to visit the country in the coming September, he has not been happy.

  Things are not what he imagined.

  In his expectation, when he heard such absurd news of a climate catastrophe, shouldn’t everyone laugh at the one with the opposite head missing a rib?

  Why are those countries still skeptical and want to check it out...

  "Sir," the secretary took out the planned itinerary, "According to the plan, you are expected to attend this conference and listen to the reports of the meteorologists..."

   Before the secretary could finish speaking, Baker waved his hand.

   "No, they want to turn New Delhi into their home court, and then force me there, I won't talk to them."

   "What about our other scheduled attendees?"

   "...then only people from the meteorological department are allowed to attend the meeting, and we won't establish any communication channels with them until they admit their mistakes."

   After the secretary understood what his boss meant, he left quickly.

   Three days are not too long or too short.

  Jack flew to New Delhi the day after receiving the news.

   He was the first to come.

   After him, delegations from various countries also arrived, followed by a lot more media than in previous years.

   "This year there are far more reporters than in previous years."

  Jack returned to the hotel from the street and told Frank and Jensen in the room about what he saw outside.

   "There are reporters everywhere, and there are not as many reporters in the previous meetings combined."

  Jason lay on the bed and sneezed a few times, and said, "It must be the reason for that paper. Now everyone is paying attention to New Delhi... Ha!"

   "Damn, it's a little colder in New Delhi than I thought."

  Frank looked up while looking at the profile with his glasses on.

   "It's more than just cold. During this strange cold wave, the average temperature in New Delhi dropped by a full 53 degrees Fahrenheit compared to previous August."

   "If calculated in degrees Celsius, the lowest temperature in these days is only 14℃, which is unbelievable. This is the temperature at the end of August..."

   "It's really unexpectedly cold outside, but it's much worse than the South Pole." Jack took off his coat and threw it on the bed.

  Jensen sighed, huddled under the quilt: "I believe what the paper says now, this climate is too abnormal."

  Frank takes off his glasses.

   "Not necessarily, this may just be an isolated incident. I think there are still heavy rainstorms these days, which may be one of the reasons for the low temperature..."

   "Not necessarily." Jack said suddenly, and the other two looked at him together.

   "What's wrong? What did you see outside?"

Jack pondered for a while, and said, "I just went to visit delegations from other countries, and I found that in addition to meteorologists, there are many officials, just like the number of reporters, much more than in previous sessions. ."

   "Of course, our delegation is not..."

The other two were silent together. There were only a few members of their delegation. Baker and his party, who had originally promised to come, did not come, so that the three of them had to squeeze into the same room, otherwise they would have to pay for the room separately. fee.

   And other countries are undoubtedly in stark contrast to them.

   At least their attitude towards climate catastrophe is much more important than their domestic counterparts.

   Or rather, it is a bit abnormal.

   "I tried to chat with those officials and found that they were all mysterious, as if they were hiding some secrets."

   "I sneaked close while they weren't paying attention, and only heard a few words they said, "parallel time and space", "brother country"...I don't know what it means at all."

   Those officials can’t be studying international allies while talking about physical theory, right?

   This is the most confusing thing for Jack.

   In his opinion, these two words are completely incompatible.

Jack spoke out the information he had overheard generously, but the other two were taken aback. Jason scrambled to the door, looked outside with cat eyes, and made sure no one loosened up later. tone.

  Frank also advised: "Don't do these things again in the future. It's dangerous if you know too much. You should think about it, what should be changed in the speech the day after tomorrow."

   "...there is nothing to change."

  Jack lay down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, still thinking about the strange words he just heard...

   Until the day before the convention.

   The atmosphere in New Delhi was visibly tense.

  Jack, who is scurrying between delegations of various countries every day, can feel this atmosphere even more.

   He found that officials of various countries are all exerting their diplomatic means, and some information they do not know, but may be related to the climate catastrophe, seems to be rapidly circulating in a specific group with the surging situation.

   This made his heart itch.

   Until the domestic delegation arrives.

  Jack came over as soon as he heard the news, and then he saw a figure he had only seen twice, but was quite familiar—


   Across the distance, Jack waved and rushed up.

  Thanks to Liu Chunshi for remembering him in time, otherwise Jack would have been pinned to the ground by the accompanying security personnel.

   "I have something to ask you, Liu!"

   Liu Chunshi glanced around, "Then let's go back to the room and talk."

  Jack followed Liu Chunshi back to his room, found a chair and sat down, and couldn't wait to ask:

   "Liu, is everything you are saying now true?"

   "Do you really think that in October, there will be a huge storm that will sweep across the northern hemisphere?"

   Liu Chunshi also found a chair, sat down opposite him, and said calmly, "Didn't we already tell you about this when we were in Antarctica?"

   "But you didn't say at the time that your status is so important. can provoke such a big event, and now the focus of the entire earth is on you."

   Liu Chunshi smiled at Jack's words.

   "You misunderstood a little, it's not me who stirred up all this."

   "It's my boss."

   "Your boss?" Jack didn't react.

   Liu Chunshi said: "When I was in Antarctica, I often stood beside him."

  Jack recalled for a moment, and immediately remembered.

   "But, that man is so young..."

  Jack looked at Liu Chunshi, and then thought about Zhang Tianyuan's too young face in his memory.

   No matter where in the world, it is normal for an older person to be in a high position. For example, he himself, as a researcher in an unpopular subject such as paleoclimate research, can have the status he has today, in addition to his outstanding strength, he has survived through twenty years of qualifications.

   His boss Tom, as well as his colleague Frank, can even foresee Jensen's "end" eighteen years later...

   "Is that young man also a meteorologist?"

  Liu Chunshi shook his head, "No, but you'll know his identity soon, let's get back to the point now."

   "We are 100% sure that climate catastrophe will happen, so we have been advising you and the world to take precautions in advance."

   "But, Liu! It's hard to believe, even if it's me..."

   "But don't you believe it now?" Liu Chunshi choked Jack with a word.

   "If you didn't believe our theory, you wouldn't come to me today."

   "Trust your own intuition, Jack."

   When Liu Chunshi saw Jack downstairs in the hotel, he had already guessed the man's purpose.

   He took out his laptop from his backpack.

   A computer from Wandering Time and Space with the Coalition Government logo on it.

   The futuristic look immediately caught Jack's attention.

"This is?"

   "The computer we use, the paper data you have seen before, comes from its cloud computing... As you wish, I will show you our latest results..."

   After a full six hours, Jack returned to the hotel where he lived in a trance.

   "What's the matter? Your expression is not right." Jensen was still lying on the bed, as if writing a letter.

  Jack glanced at him, the trance on his face turned into shock again—

   "You must have no idea what I just saw."

   "Liu...they have alien-like technology..."

  Jensen: ? ? ?

   The next day.

  New Delhi climate conference officially held amid thunderstorms.

   Inside and outside the venue were already crowded with participants from all over the world, from climatologists to officials from various countries, everyone's faces were extremely grim.

  The reporters and filming team of   TV broadcasted the whole world-renowned conference live.

   Of course, the scope of the world's attention excludes North America.

  Many reporters were wearing raincoats and umbrellas, and against the roar of thunder, they were reporting on the side of the street where the sound of cars and rain was mixed.

   “We have now arrived in New Delhi, where the Climate Change Conference is taking place.

  It is raining thunderstorms today, and the temperature has dropped to 10℃ abnormally. I don’t know if this phenomenon verifies the theory of climate catastrophe that has been repeatedly mentioned before…”

   “…We will be here to bring you the full live broadcast of the conference, please lock our program.”

   In addition to these reporters outside the venue, there are many reporters blocking the door to report the arrival of each delegation.

   "A delegation from North America is now arriving at the scene, which seems to be the smallest representative at the scene, and they seem to have been denying the climate catastrophe theory."

   "But what's interesting is that, as far as we know, the famous meteorologist Jack Hall in their delegation's previous research conclusion is similar to this climate catastrophe theory."

   "The expressions of the delegation entering the venue are very serious now. Their number is quite large, which is the largest number in any climate change conference..."

   Baker Office.

  The scene of the climate conference was broadcast on the TV, and the European host introduced each delegation like a football player.

  's passionate tone made Baker frown.

   But what made him feel even worse was that they all resisted with practical actions. Not only did other countries have to go to the climate conference, they also went to so many people all at once.

   He has seen many familiar faces on TV.

   "Sir, according to the latest news we got, the other side once promised other countries that in this conference, let them see evidence of the existence of parallel time and space..."

  Baker took off his glasses, wiped them calmly, and said coldly, "They're bullshitting."

   "Now... the delegation that has entered the venue is undoubtedly the protagonist of today, everyone!"

   Suddenly the voice of the host of the TV station became more passionate, and even overshadowed Baker's voice.

  Baker looked towards the TV.

   Sure enough, I saw a few familiar faces.

  “Liu Chunshi…”

   The meteorologist whose name was on the paper was collected and put on his desk.

   The scene in New Delhi.

  Liu Chunshi didn't know that the focus of the world was already on them, and the whole delegation walked into the venue calmly.

   After entering the venue, Liu Chunshi and others were greeted by the eyes of delegations from various countries.

The officials in the    delegation were looking at them and whispering.

   Zhong Ruijin had personally revealed to them that at this conference, they would get real evidence of the existence of parallel time and space.

   It is for this reason that so many people came over this time.

   Now, the so-called "evidence of parallel time and space" is most likely controlled by the delegation in front of them.

  Jack silently observed the strange atmosphere in the venue.

   Meteorologists and those officials seem to be in two worlds, obviously attending the same conference, but the two groups are not thinking the same thing at all.

   Finally, wait until everyone is in place.

  The climate conference officially begins.

  Different from the previous process, this year's conference agenda is unusually fast.

   After the opening speech of the UN official, Liu Chunshi came on stage.

   As soon as they saw him, the people from all over the world knew that the highlight of the conference was about to start.

   Even Baker, who was far away in North America, put on his glasses again and stared at the TV intently.

   "Good morning, everyone. You must have read a paper related to climate catastrophe recently, which is the result of the efforts of me and many colleagues."

   "We are 100% sure of the veracity of this speculation and inform everyone present about this crisis.

   But through the efforts of the past few days, we realized that due to the differences in technology and cognitive levels between each other, you cannot understand the urgency of the crisis we disclosed earlier. "

   “Therefore, we think this is the time to have a more direct dialogue with you guys.”

   Before everyone in the audience had time to think, they saw Liu Chunshi on the podium suddenly give way.

   Then a touch of black quietly unfolded in his original position...

   (end of this chapter)

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