Movie Savior

Chapter 265: Can this still happen?

   Chapter 265 Can something go wrong with this?

   Hearing that these people will not be thrown directly on the side of the road, everyone's emotions eased, but they immediately pulled out the stuff in their mouths and continued to cry:


   "You can't do this, it's inhumane!"

   "I have money, I still have a lot of money, I can bring a lot of projects..."

   Zhang Tianyuan listened coldly, without expressing too much.

   Wang Lei's expression was even colder than his. He didn't even listen. He put his eyes back on the document in his hand and continued to read it at a normal volume.

   His volume was much lower than the howling of the crowd. In order to hear Wang Lei's arrangement, the foreigners in front of him had to lower their volume, and the howling quickly turned into low-pitched sobbing.

   Soon they learned that all of them would be dropped off in Washington, where evacuations were being planned, and if they were lucky, they might find a place in a military jeep.

   After hearing the news, everyone started a new round of crying.

   "I know I'm wrong, please let me go!"


  Wang Lei shook his head and was about to leave.

  Jack seized the last chance, raised his hand and said loudly, "Can we go to New York?"


   For a moment, everyone was looking at him.

  Especially those foreigners who cried, even wanted to scrape off his flesh and eat it.

   It was exciting enough to put them in Washington, yet this man proposed to put them further north in New York?

   Doesn't this send them to death?

   No, this person is also with them...

   Isn't that the intention to take them to death? !

  Jack also reacted at this time. He just made a slip of the tongue. He quickly made up for it: "Cough cough... I mean can you put me in New York?"

   Maybe he felt that his request to go through the back door was a bit too much, so Jack jumped twice on purpose and raised his hand to Zhang Tianyuan: "Mr. Zhang, we met in Antarctica before, do you remember me?"

   Zhang Tianyuan nodded.

   Of course he remembered Jack.

   After all, he is the protagonist of the movie.

   It’s just…

   "It's a pity, Jack."

   "I'm afraid your wish won't come true."

   "The rescue team is arranged to start the rescue in the Midwest first, and you may not know that the tsunami wave has just been detected. New York is expected to be hit by a tsunami in a few hours, and the sea will flood the streets there."

   Hearing this, Jack was already dumbfounded.

   And Zhang Tianyuan didn't pause, and continued: "So you should know that when a tsunami hits, it is unrealistic to carry out large-scale rescue against the turbulent waves."

   "Our most optimistic estimate is to wait until after the tsunami is over before sending a rescue team inside."

  Jack was silent.

  The most optimistic estimate…

   That is to say, there are the least optimistic estimates.

   He already had guesses about this.

   He is also involved in meteorological work, knowing that New York is likely to be on the path of North American storms, which means that New York will also have the kind of ultra-low temperature that can directly freeze people into popsicles, and at worst, there will be a significant drop in temperature.

  The tsunami coupled with the ensuing ultra-low temperature.

Under the double superposition of   , the most appropriate way is to wait until the sea water pouring into the city is frozen, and then start the rescue.

   But this most appropriate approach is the least optimistic situation for him.

   His son, can he handle that time?


   Seeing Jack's face darkening, Zhang Tianyuan could only express his helplessness.

  Jack guessed right. According to the plan of the Mutual Rescue Association, it was indeed planned to wait until the eastern part of the world cooled down in a large area and the sea was frozen before starting rescue.

   Otherwise, the demands on the rescue team are too high.

   One second before, I had to row a boat on the water to save people, and the next second I had to find a place to build a fire to keep warm and withstand the low temperature...

   Going to the rescue at this rhythm is more like giving away the head.

   "Our space station is now broadcasting to the whole of North America, and the information includes tsunami and ultra-low temperature warnings. If your son receives this information, he should be fine."

   Zhang Tianyuan calmly comforted Jack.

   Jack's son is also the No. 1 protagonist of the movie after all, and he should have a certain protagonist aura in this disaster, so he shouldn't be so easy to cool down...

Wang Lei also remembers Jack, who is Liu Chunshi's relationship after all, so he said a little more: "We will also station a rescue team in Washington, and we will enter the rescue after the situation in New York stabilizes. When the time comes, we can bring you with me, you Just follow us to Washington."

  Jack was in a trance, but instinctively said thank you to Wang Lei.

   It's not bad for him to go back to Washington first and then to New York. His wife is still in Washington.

  Jack stopped talking.

   Those who were crying and howling just now didn't dare to speak anymore.

Human nature always likes to make compromises. For example, if you say that you should send them all to Washington, they must be unwilling, but if someone stands up and advocates sending them to New York, they will come to mediate and are willing. to Washington.

   For these foreigners, Jack is the big bad guy who stands up and advocates.

   The rest of the work went well.

At the same moment when the rescue team of   Wandering Time and Space arrived in Houtian Time and Space, Wang Lei also arrived in Washington with his newly formed North American headquarters.

   also brought Jack and other strong, strong voices, and all of them full of energy, and can't wait to return to China to make a little contribution.

   As soon as these people arrived, they were handed over by Wang Lei's subordinates to the Washington Guards for disposal.

   And the guards were dumbfounded when they faced the young men in front of them. They didn't understand why these "aliens" from parallel time and space would send a group of their citizens back.

   And these people are still crying...

  Only Jack is awake.

   He revealed his identity to the guards, and the soldiers of the guards did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported to the Ministry of Meteorology.

   Soon, Tom came to lead the people in person.

"How will you be here!"

   Seeing Jack appearing in front of him, Tom was both amazed and surprised.

  Jack spread his arms and hugged his long-lost boss: "Long time no see."

   "Well, long time no see!"

   Too late to catch up, the two left the scene and went straight to the Meteorological Department, leaving the others staring at the scene.

   Soon, Jack returned to the meeting room of the Meteorological Department.

   There are multi-sector workshops going on here.

   From the meteorological department to the space agency experts, most of Washington's weather-related elites are in this meeting.

  The experts from the Meteorological Bureau saw Jack come in, and they stopped talking for a moment. When the experts from other departments saw it, they also asked strangely:

   "Who is this man?"

   "Jack Hall, the man who got into trouble at the New Delhi Meteorological Congress, was the first to publicly support the climate catastrophe theory."

   "But now this bad situation shows that he is right..."


  Tom clapped his palms twice and immediately stopped the meeting. He walked in front of the crowd:

   "I don't think we need to waste precious time anymore. Jack participated in the meteorological work in the Mutual Rescue Society. It's the organization that has just reached a cooperation with us. Let's directly let him introduce the next situation to us."

   "I don't think anyone will question their meteorological theory by now?"

  Tom glanced around, and many of the experts in the conference room bowed their heads.

   Before, most of the people here thought it was absurd to talk about climate catastrophe, and the best attitude was only that this theory had certain research and discussion value.

  After Jack publicly expressed his support for climate catastrophe in New Delhi, some people even expressed disdain for it in public.

   Result... Now it's all about retribution.

  Jack did not know the inner thoughts of these people at all. He had never returned to China after the New Delhi incident, and he had no idea what was going on in their country.

   What he cared about now was his wife and son.

   He just wants to quickly explain the situation to these confused experts and professors, and then go to his wife and children...

at the same time.

  Wang Lei had joined Carl, and Baker followed Carl to the camp.

   Boarded the cold-proof car in person, felt the technological content inside, and watched Wang Lei easily command the various rescue teams that have been deployed in the north to let them enter the city for rescue.

  Baker was a little dizzy.

Carl pointed to this, clicked that, and hummed: "Our Mutual Rescue Society has dispatched a team of more than 150,000 people from the 3rd time and space to support you. Special equipment, it can be said that there is no more suitable for this rescue than us."

   "But this is an action that shouldn't have happened. If you had listened to us earlier, the situation would have been a hundred thousand times better than it is now!"

  Karl's words stuck in Baker's heart like a knife, and he took off his glasses, his eyes full of tiredness under the lenses.

   He also knew that he was playing a big game.

   Facing Carl's accusations, he could only keep his face and say nothing.

  In the command car, only Carl's complaints were chattering. It wasn't until after a while, Wang Lei integrated the entire North American situation and ensured that all rescue teams had entered the state before he turned around and made his own suggestion:

   "You should leave Washington as soon as possible, including the people in this city should be evacuated immediately."

   He threw out an up-to-date weather report.

   "Washington is not a safe place either. It will be frozen in one to two days at the latest."

   "You must at least withdraw to the south of 30 degrees north latitude to be safe."

   Facing Wang Lei's icy tone, Baker acted like a chicken and answered honestly, "We are now organizing the evacuation, and all departments are taking action..."

  Baker told Wang Leihe the entire evacuation plan.

   After he finished speaking, Wang Lei also understood what Baker and others were going to do next. He entered the information he just heard into the system and uploaded it to assist the rescue operation. He also asked a question along the way:

   "When are you going to evacuate? If necessary, our rescue team can leave you a cold-proof car and the corresponding driver."

   For the sake of the $80 billion in supplies...

   Baker hesitated, then said, "We'll leave with Army One."

   Hearing the expected answer, Wang Lei stopped asking.

   They all left with the highest-spec team, so could something go wrong?

   With this idea in mind, Wang Lei finalized the last link of the plan: "After the Washington team stabilized in New York, all of them will advance to the northeast."

   It is also Baker's request to save as many people as possible in New York.

  Although all the richest people in New York are now gone, there are still a large number of elites left behind, which are all the heritage of a country. Baker did not want to give up these people until it was a last resort.

   The whole plan was thus finalized.


New York.

   At this time, the sky was already bright, but the rainstorm still did not stop.

  The people in the library are still standing guard, and the police officers with guns are guarding the entrances and exits in shifts, alerting the gunmen lurking in the shadows.

  From night to day, although the gunshots in the city gradually sparse, they have never stopped, and many dead bodies can even be seen floating on the streets along the stagnant water.

  In such an environment, a group of police officers were separated from the library, and they took a group of young men to wade through the waist-deep stagnant water and climbed over to other buildings to find supplies.

  Although the order in New York City is completely out of control now, it is not particularly difficult to find supplies, and everyone easily brings back a lot of food and drinks from the supermarket with broken windows.

   Some people brought back warm clothes and bedding.

  A lot of supplies were piled up in the middle of the lobby on the second floor, which was distributed by the police, and people lined up to receive them.

  Everything seems to be in order, the inside and outside of the library are like two different worlds.

   slept for two hours, and followed Sam, who went out to look for supplies, to get his own food and water, as well as a down jacket and a sweater.

  His classmate Brian was standing by the window, looking worriedly at the street outside.

  J.D is holding the radio and listening to the broadcast information of the space station without saying a word.


  Sam opened the water and took a sip, and found Laura in the crowd. She was now like a little rabbit, curled up in a corner and fell asleep peacefully.

  At this moment, Sam just hoped that disaster would not come.

  Unfortunately, just as he had this idea, he heard J.D stand up and shout:

   "Let everyone outside come back!"


"coming soon!!"

   Time seemed to stop in the hall.

   During this pause, only the radio is still working:

   "This is the Navigator space station. According to the latest monitoring results, the North Atlantic tsunami wave has reached New York. New Yorkers are requested to quickly go to a high place to avoid disasters. Please go to a high place immediately..."

  The broadcast just finished.

  The hall immediately became noisy.

  The police officers arranged for people to rush out to report the letter.

  The rest of the people rushed to the window…

   (end of this chapter)

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