Movie Savior

Chapter 266: tsunami

   Chapter 266 Tsunami


  The stagnant water on the street has had tidal fluctuations since when, as if it was really connected to the sea, the water waves kept beating on the surrounding houses.

   Everyone in the library held their breath and watched nervously as those who went out to search for supplies were brought back by the police.

   Until everyone returns indoors, everyone sticks to the window and maintains the same posture, until everyone feels tired, and there is no new change in the standing water outside.

   "Has the tsunami really arrived?"

   "Is there anything wrong with the broadcast?"

   Everyone was talking about the radio that was still broadcasting.

   At this time, Brian, who had been staying by the window, suddenly shouted:



  Everyone turned their heads immediately.

  Sam also squeezed into a position and looked out on tiptoe.

  Blood and Corpses…

   This was the first sight he saw.

  The blood-colored stagnant water had terrifying dead bodies floating in it, or not floating, but those corpses were being swept by the "waves" of the stagnant water and slapped towards them.

Sam looked at one of the corpses inadvertently for a moment, the emptiness and despair in his eyes, the huge wounds on his chest and throat that had been blistered to white, such a terrifying sight made him immediately instinctively move. Eyes open.

   He clenched his fists uneasily, knowing that those were the people who were killed in the commotion yesterday, and if they weren't smart at the time, they might be one of them now.

   "Okay, everyone."

   "Now the tsunami has happened without a doubt."

   "A lot of sea water is coming towards us, with leaves and twigs in it, and gasoline... and corpses."

   The person by the window trembled and explained what he saw to the person behind him.

  The sea water tens of meters high is pouring into the city, forming a water wall, submerging all the streets, and the cars on the road, the signs outside the buildings and other debris are wrapped in the waves and rush forward together.

   In those low-lying streets, in just a split second, the sea flooded several floors…

   The sound of water coming in from the outside was louder than the waterfall, and even those who couldn't see the outside scene at this time could imagine how exaggerated the tsunami was.

   "Will someone come to rescue us?"

   "Didn't the radio say that someone would come to save us?"

   "Whoever it is, please show up soon..."

   Many people can't hold it anymore. It's been too scary from last night to now. This "freedom" that may die in a gunshot or disaster at any time is really unbearable.

   The people by the window had no other distractions at this time, and the rising water level outside made them tremble with fear.

   If it wasn't for the high enough terrain of the library, this place would have become a swamp country long ago.

   But even so, the ground floor area of ​​the library couldn't stay any longer.

   "For safety's sake, we are going to a higher level now," said a police officer.

  Sam took his supplies, and his little friends kept up with the big army and prepared to evacuate upwards.

  Suddenly he stopped, and then hesitantly said loudly: "I... we need to move all the wood up!"

  Everyone looked at him.

  Sam boldly pointed to the surrounding wooden tables and chairs:

   "According to the broadcast, there will be a terrifying cooling down soon, we have to make a fire..."

  To make a fire, you must use wood.

Laura next to him also remembered something, and hurriedly took out a piece of paper from his arms: "According to the broadcast, the thermal insulation performance of glass is very poor, we must at least seal these floor-to-ceiling windows with wooden boards, and then pay attention to Carbon dioxide poisoning…”



  The barrel of the machine gun overheated again.

   Simon, who was wearing an exoskeleton, looked at the wall in front of him that was densely covered with bullet holes, and began to change the magazine with a cold face.

   "That guy is dead, I saw his blood spurting out." The companion next to him held a rifle and walked slowly towards the wall.

   Simon reminded later: "Be careful, these perverted guys may have different brains than us."

The companion calmly took a look around, and then shrugged nonchalantly: "I can't die anymore, like a broken stick, even if he is infected with the legendary KV virus, he will definitely not be able to stand up. ."

   "It's good to die."

   Simon also calmed down a bit, and followed his companions back to the transport carriage behind him.

  This is actually a long-distance transport bus.

   is just a bus from wandering time and space.

   So naturally it is different.

   The structure of this bus is very simple. It is composed of the front of a high-speed surface transport vehicle, that is, those vehicles that pull stones, and then a few train-like cold-proof carriages.

  The advantage of this kind of bus is that it is strong and durable, cold-proof and moisture-proof, and suitable for multiple terrains.

Because of this, it is widely used in this cross-time and space rescue operation. It is the standard vehicle of all rescue teams. Each of them basically has more than four buses. If you try to squeeze it, it can accommodate thousands of them. people.

   Simon has only the transport carriage in front of him, and the front of the car has been replaced with an empty carriage to go out to save people, otherwise it would be impossible to travel in the city with a few carriages.

   Back to the car, just opened the door of the car is a car of panic eyes.

  Simon moved his gun and said, "We have dealt with the people outside, and it's safe now."

   Born in a wandering time and space, he didn't quite understand why someone always came to attack his camp, which made him nervous and immediately emptied the magazine.

   Hearing that the thugs outside had been dealt with, the residents in the car felt relieved, and some expressed their gratitude to the soldiers in the carriage.

  Thanks to these people, Simon responded one by one, and chatted with these "old antiques" in 2002 to exchange views and opinions with each other.

   And his companion was sitting on the side, checking the surrounding weather conditions through the connection with the space station.

   After checking, his companion frowned, then took off his headphones and said, "Simon, the latest situation shows that due to the storm in Canada, the temperature here will continue to drop to at least minus 50°C."

  Simon glanced at the outdoor thermometer in the car, which showed that it was now minus 20°C outside.

   "When will the cooling begin?"

   "Half an hour later."

   "Then notify the surrounding units in action, so that they all stop the rescue, try to gather as much as possible, just in case."

   The colleague didn't look back, and after the ok gesture, he started shaking people in the communication channel.



   After a meeting with the experts, Jack met his wife Lucy again.

   They both cried and hugged each other and talked to each other. Lucy shared her fears and misses for a while, and Jack also expressed her thoughts and worries.

After    finished speaking, the two held hands tightly and did not let go for a long time.

   Until there is a knock on the door outside:

   "Jack, we're leaving."

   Lucy glanced at the door.

  Jack said: "It's Frank, he and Jason want to go with me to rescue Sam, it's time for us to go..."

   "Jack!" Lucy subconsciously grabbed her husband's hand tighter.

   "Lucy!" Jack also grabbed his wife's hand tightly.

   The two stared at each other affectionately again.

   Then the knock sounded again.

  Jack had to say, "Wait for me, I'll bring Sam back."

After    explained everything to his wife, Jack finally walked out of the room when he knocked on the door for the third time.

   Then he found that it was not only Frank but also Jason outside, the young man was complaining to Frank that he knocked on the door and interfered with the couple's affairs...

  Jack can only give this one a blank eye.

   The three of them headed for the assembly area of ​​the rescue team together.

   After arriving at the place, if there was nothing left, the three of them were stuffed into a protective suit, and then kicked into the carriage of the transporter.

   Fortunately, the three of them are already familiar with the use of protective clothing in the wandering time and space, otherwise they probably don't even know how to wear clothes.

the other side.

   Baker is meeting Wang Lei.

   "New York has now been hit by a tsunami, and a small cooling is expected to follow, followed by ultra-low temperatures."

   "After a little cooling, the sea water will freeze. This is the best time for us to rescue. If we pass now, we should be able to catch up..."

  Baker's face was dignified and a little sluggish, he nodded and sighed and said, "I look forward to your success."

  Wang Lei looked out the window, the sky was already snowing heavily, and he kindly reminded: "The climate in Washington is also deteriorating rapidly. Finally, I recommend Mr. Baker and others to evacuate sooner or later."

   "Thank you for your reminder, the situation is still under our control, and we will evacuate before the climate in Washington deteriorates completely."

  Wang Lei nodded, that's fine.

   Don't worry about no one checking out in the future.

   "Then let's go now."

  Baker got up and prepared to get out of the car. Before getting out of the car, he turned around and said, "After this disaster, we will thank Captain Wang again at the state banquet."

  Wang Lei still had a cold face, he simply responded with a gesture and closed the door.

  Then the rescue team started slowly, and the whole crew headed towards New York.

  Jack looked at the heavy snow falling on the car window and silently prayed for God's blessing in his heart.

  Baker also watched the team leave, bemoaning how unlucky he was, until the secretary reminded him that there was still a meeting to open, and he set off to return.

  After recognizing the situation, he knew that after this disaster, his fate would not be very good, and every speech he gave on TV before could become his incriminating evidence.

   So in order to make his future not too miserable, he is now actively performing, trying to take on more work, even if his boss wants him to go to the south to preside over the overall situation first, he will not go.

   Just to gain a reputation for advancing and retreating with Washington!


   The days in the shelter haven't changed much, and the days are not too good, but there is no danger to life.

   Zhang Tianyuan is a bit more relaxed now, as long as he handles emergency evacuation events in various places and opens a time-space tunnel.

   In addition, several other time and space paid attention to this event.

  Among them, Tan Mingda from Finch Time and Space is the most famous.

   After hearing the news that the world was entering an ice age, the old man applied to send a team to observe it.

   "2012" time and space is also the same. I want to use this natural disaster in the acquired time and space as a model to observe and speculate about the disasters that will occur in my own time and space in the future.

  Although Zhang Tianyuan believed that the disaster levels between the two time-spaces were completely incomparable, he still agreed to their request.

  Legendary Time and Space, as always, is not interested in other time and space things, and no one is sent here.

   As for the space-time ring, a group of delegations were sent here, but they were just here to discuss cooperation with Zhong Ruijin.

  People like Ning Jihua are probably the most fascinated by economic construction in all time and space. Seeing that Wandering Time and Space took Baker's order and made a lot of profits, they immediately came up.

Originally, they also wanted to take a share of the rescue operation in North America, and even Taylor said that their soldiers understood the people of this time and space better than the soldiers who wandered in time and space, and they were also proficient in American-style living, so they were sure to manage this time and space docilely. It's so, so, so loud...

   almost moved Zhang Tianyuan to heart.

   It's a pity that when they asked how they were going to fight the freezing cold of one hundred degrees below zero, Tyler suddenly pulled his hips...

   So Taylor could only take the next best step like Ning Jihua, aiming for cooperation after the disaster.

   Don’t look at the time and space of the day after tomorrow will enter the ice age, but the temperature is only lower, and it cannot destroy the industrial society.

  Since there is still industry and agriculture, then cooperation must be discussed!

   Zhong Lao and the others were also very interested in the cooperation intentions thrown by the space-time ring.

  The first stop of the time and space journey of the representatives of various countries was the circumspace time and space. The cutting-edge technology of this time and space left a deep impression on them, second only to planetary engines and refusion technology.

   Being able to cooperate with this kind of object, objectively speaking, even just doing OEM, can push the technology of the entire country forward.

   Zhong Lao and others can be said to be dealing with disaster-related matters, while holding meetings overnight to adjust future development strategies.


New York.

   Now Sam and the others don't have the heart to discuss the future of any country, they are discussing their own future.

  After the tsunami at noon, the interior of the city has become a water city of Venice, and the buildings have become tall islands, and it is impossible to pass through the city without ships.

   Until now, those lurking murderers have finally stopped.

  Sam hasn't heard a gunshot in a long time.

   But unfortunately, a bigger disaster is slowly coming.

   "It's starting to cool down..." J.D folded his arms and suddenly shivered.

   He holds the plank in his hand and works with others to seal the windows and keep them warm.

  The world outside the window.

   The heavy rain that had been raining for several days has stopped, and instead, fine snowflakes fluttered in the sky, swirling in circles and then falling on the stagnant water, causing ripples.

The    radio was broadcasting the disaster prevention broadcast of the space station over and over again.

   While listening, everyone numbly followed the instructions above to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, seal windows, seal windows, chop wood, and make fires, fire stoves, and make braziers…

   Until the radio, after a murmur, announced a new message:

   "The Mutual Rescue Society has sent a rescue team to New York City. Residents in New York City are requested to stay inside and not go out..."

  People's eyes immediately turned to the radio.

   (end of this chapter)

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