Movie Witcher

Chapter 222: Broken Body

"It seems to be effective!"

"Throw all the gas cans in there!"

Outside the haunted house, looking at the rapidly burning fire, Serena and Christine seemed to have seen death, and they took action one after another, carrying gasoline barrels and throwing them into the haunted house to fuel the fire.

The grievance is a regular curse, and only the power of the legendary level can cause substantial damage to it.

Now the flame ignited by the mixture of holy water No. 9 and gasoline is not even a legend, not even a third-order. If it was in the past, it would be impossible to break through the protection of the curse and ignite this haunted house.

But today is different, now there is a Ronin in this haunted house, and his existence involves the main force of the Grudge.

Without the power of the curse, this haunted house is just an ordinary room, and any flame can be ignited.

If it’s just this haunted house, it’s no big deal if it burns down, but don’t forget, there’s one more thing in this house—the coconut tree!

To be precise, it was the corpse of Kayako, the dismembered corpse that was hidden in the attic and bred a curse.

That is the source of the grudge, and it is also the sustenance of the grudge. Once it is burned to ashes by the flames, the grudge will have nowhere to rest. It does not need people to destroy it, and the curse will collapse and dissipate by itself.

This is also the reason why Jiaye abandoned Luo Ning and turned around and climbed back to the attic.

As a curse, a completely inhuman existence, although the grudge is unconscious, the mechanism of self-protection still exists.

Now that its main body is in danger, it will naturally withdraw its strength to protect its own safety.

As long as the power of the curse is withdrawn, the body of Kayako in the attic will be strongly protected, and the power under the legend cannot destroy it at all.


Although Luo Ning didn't know what happened, he could feel the contraction of the grudge.

This is a great opportunity!

Looking at Kayako who retreated to the attic, Luo Ning did not chase after him, nor did he throw the No. 8 holy water under his feet as planned to create a safe environment, accumulate strength, and break through the ghosts.

He directly poured this No. 8 holy water into his mouth.


Ronin drank the holy water in the bottle,

The powerful holy power is immediately exerted, quickly dispelling the grievances and curses that have eroded into the body, eliminating the abnormal state of the grievances and eroding, and restoring his lost physical strength and magic power, providing attribute gains and enhancements.

A No. 8 holy water instantly filled up Luo Ning's physical condition, and also brought additional attributes and life magic power improvements.

After recovering his state and strengthening his combat power, Luo Ning looked at the still dead haunted house, and pulled out the Holy Prison nailed into the wall without saying a word.

There must be a reason why the power of the grudge shrunk when Kayako fled, and most likely it was caused by the outside. After all, there was only Luo Ning inside, so there was no reason to let the grudge subside.

The external cause, was it Christine or the other superhumans who rushed over?

Luo Ning didn't know, but he was sure that the outsiders had no way to cause destructive damage to the Grudge, otherwise, when he contained the Grudge, he would have directly destroyed the body of the Grudge.

Now that the Grudge's power is withdrawn, if they turn to attack them, and they can't hold on, if they are killed or forced to retreat by the Grudge, then things will return to the original point, and all efforts will be in vain.

Therefore, Luo Ning had to seize the opportunity. Before the Grudge could solve the external problems, since the inside had given it a ruthless blow, even if it could not be eliminated, it would have to pay a huge price.


Luo Ning pulled out the Holy Prison, and the fighting stars already stored in his body exploded, and the surging magic power rushed out, rushing into the limbs and bones, further strengthening his physical strength.

The fighting star exploded, Luo Ning paused, leaned over and squatted, his right hand held the Holy Prison behind his back, gathering momentum behind him, the dark red light flickered, since the continuous gushing out of his body, hundreds of rivers flowed into the sea like swords in the body.

Sword Qi Slash!

Sword heart, sword demon, sword power, sword field, sword pole, the six characteristics of the sword master's way of sword master are unfolded in an instant.


Christine ran over with the last barrel of gasoline, rushed to Serena's side, and asked, "There's only the last barrel left!"

Serena didn't speak, took the gasoline can, threw it into the haunted house, and then backed away, waiting for the development.

They have tried their best to do things the best, all they can do now is to wait for the result, life or death depends entirely on Luo Ning.


The fire was fierce and spread, submerging the old Japanese-style house. Seeing the house collapse and turn into ashes, a lot of black hair suddenly grew out of the house.

The black hair grows and spreads out. Wherever it passes, the flames are all extinguished, and even the houses that were burned, turned into coke and even ashes are restored to their original state.

Seeing this, Serena and Christine were startled. They pulled out their pistols together, locked on the black hair growing and spreading in the haunted house, and shot.

"Bang bang bang!"

The bullet flew out and fell into the pitch-black hair without even arousing the slightest ripple.

Compared to the power of the curse, the guns in the hands of the two were too weak.

The shooting didn't have any effect, but it guided the direction of the pitch-black hair, and a large number of hair rushed out of the haunted house and entangled with the two of them.

"not good!"


Serena and Christine's eyes were fixed, and they were about to retreat immediately, but just as they moved, they felt an extremely cold chill coming from their feet, making their bodies stiff in place.

The pitch-black hair wrapped around their ankles without even realizing it, and even Serena, a second-level transcendent, was not able to notice.

"Be careful!!!"

The hair became entangled, and immediately exerted force, Serena and Christine exclaimed, were dragged down by the hair, and dragged into the haunted house that had returned to death.

Right now...


An incomparably fierce dark red sword energy burst out from the haunted house, smashing the walls, cutting off the beams, and destroying everything it touched.

The sword qi slashed out, shattering the haunted house, and the hair strands that entangled Serena and Christine twisted for a while, and then broke.

"Get up!"

Serena was the strongest and the quickest to react. After the entangled hair broke, she immediately propped up her body and pulled Christine to escape.


The two had just escaped from the courtyard and came to the street outside the haunted house, when they heard a loud bang behind them, and even the ground trembled.

The two looked back, and saw that the old Japanese-style house was shaking violently, dark red light flickered inside, and the extremely fierce sword energy was raging, trying to destroy this cursed place.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

With the impact of the sword energy raging, the horrifying noise resounded in the haunted house, the old house collapsed and disintegrated, and a huge pale figure slowly emerged.

The gigantic figure was more than ten meters tall, pale all over, with distorted limbs, long black hair falling down, and a face full of resentment and a pair of horrifying eyes could be vaguely seen in the hair!

Kayako, a gigantic Kayako!

Kayako, who was not much different from this haunted house, twisted his limbs and joints in the ruins and made a series of creepy sounds, as if he was enduring extremely severe pain.

At this time, I saw another sword aura...


The fierce sword energy broke through Jiaye's body and opened a huge wound in her abdomen.

In the wound, there were entangled strands of pitch-black hair, and pale ghosts swimming, gathering together to seal the wound.

But I didn't want to, the fierce sword light appeared vertically and horizontally, tearing and smashing the entangled hair and swimming ghosts, and then a figure leaped out and landed in front of Serena and Christine.


Landing with a bang, Luo Ning shook his hair and shook off the sticky unknown liquid, then looked at Serena and Christine, who were still in shock, and said with a chuckle, "Is there some surprise?"

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