Movie Witcher

Chapter 223: The True Body


Seeing that Luo Ning was unscathed, and even in the mood to joke, Serena and Christine felt relieved, and said in unison: "What's going on?"

"It's a long story, let's solve this thing first."

Luo Ning shook his head, turned around, looked at the pale ghost kneeling in the ruins, frantically twisting his limbs, and poured two more No. 9 holy water into his mouth.

This haunted house is also part of the grudge, containing the power of the grudge.

Just now Luo Ning launched the sword slash in the haunted house, which not only caused serious damage, but also directly attacked the body of the curse, the real body of Kayako, the corpse hidden in the attic of the haunted house.

Such an attack directly touched the highest defense mechanism of the curse, causing the power of the curse to erupt in an all-round way, and the haunted house also became alive, turning into this giant Kayako.

But this giant Kayako is not Kayako's real body, but a living haunted house, which is another manifestation of the power of the curse.

The real body of Gayako is still the dismembered corpse, hidden in the attic of the former haunted house, and now in the body of the giant Gayako.

This is equivalent to a Grudge version of Gundam. The giant Kayako is a fighting machine, the real body of Kayako, and the cursed corpse are the control center and energy core of the machine.

The most effective way to destroy this fighting machine is to destroy the control center and energy core.

That's what Luo Ning did just now, but it's a pity that the damage of the sword qi slash is limited. Although it successfully hit the real body of Kayako and caused a certain amount of damage, it was not able to completely wipe it out.

Sword Qi Slash failed to kill Kayako's real body, but instead aroused the power of the curse, the haunted house became alive and turned into a giant Kayako, and Luo Ning was in its body, and the pressure doubled.

Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible for Luo Ning to launch the Sword Qi Slash again to completely kill Kayako's real body.

Therefore, Luo Ning could only rush out of the giant Kayako to see if he could find a way to launch an attack from the outside and destroy the real body in the giant Kayako.

Although the strongest fortresses are often breached from within, this does not mean that external attacks are useless.

On the contrary, sometimes external attacks are more effective and safer than internal attacks.

It seems that now...

The giant Kayako knelt down among the ruins of the haunted house,

His limbs were contorted, his expression was horrified, and he seemed in extreme pain, and he couldn't make any threatening attacks for a while.

This is a matter of course. Although Luo Ning's sword energy was not able to completely kill Kayako's real body, it still seriously injured it.

Mami, the control center, and the energy core were severely damaged, which had a great impact on the giant Kayako, the "Gundam", and there was absolutely no way for her to recover in a short time.

Seizing this opportunity, Luo Ning drank the two No. 9 holy water in one gulp, and quickly recovered the magic power consumed by the sword slash before.

While the magic power was recovering, Luo Ning stretched out his hand again, activated the "Magic Defense" skill, and recalled the weapon box that had been thrown aside before to his hand.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Starting with the weapon box, the shape changes instantly, and it becomes a mechanical bow full of metal texture in a blink of an eye.

"Take it!"

Luo Ning handed the mechanical bow to Serena, and pulled out the holy flame from behind, handed it to Christine, and said to the two of them, "Hold on first, buy me some time."

After all, no matter how the two of them reacted, they held the Holy Prison in their hands and re-gathered their strength.

Serena and Christine looked at each other, and then said nothing, holding a weapon to block Ronin behind, watching warily at the giant Kayako with distorted limbs in the ruins of the haunted house.

"Clack cluck!"

In the ruins of the haunted house, the giant Kayako knelt down on the ground, its limbs twisted due to pain, and it made a very weird sound, which made people's scalp numb and shudder.

Fortunately, it still has no way to launch an attack. Luo Ning's sword energy is too terrifying, and the damage suffered by the curse body and Kayako's real body cannot be recovered now.

The heavy injuries restricted the exertion and control of the power of the grudge, so that the giant Kayako could only fall down in the ruins of the haunted house and twist its limbs. Although it looked terrifying, it actually did not pose any threat.

According to Luo Ning's thinking, it is best when he has finished charging and the giant Gayako has not resumed his action, so that he can directly launch the sword energy to attack the main body of the curse in the giant Gayako.

It's a pity that the actual development is not satisfactory, but after a while, the giant Kayako made a move.

The damage caused by Luo Ning's sword energy was disappearing, the power of the main body of the curse began to recover, and the giant Kayako that fell in the ruins of the haunted house barely moved.

She was lying on the ground, her body more than ten meters tall slowly crawling, her jet-black hair spread along with it, forming a black wave, sweeping towards Luo Ning and the others.

"I come!"

Serena pulled the bowstring of the Blacklighter, and a holy flame grenade arrow appeared, and the string burst out through the air, shooting at the raging black tide.

The weapons and equipment that Luo Ning obtained by dismantling the loot can also be used by others, and the Black Light One is no exception.

After Serena got the Blacklighter, she found that she could use her mental power to open the storage space of the Blacklighter to store items, or select the grenade arrows stored in it to shoot.

In the past month, Luo Ning's main work has been combat training, improving skills, training assistants, and making extraordinary items.

Among these supernatural items are the grenade arrows used by the Black Lights.

Luo Ning stored 50 grenade arrows of dark blue quality in the storage space, and when used with the black light warrior in the form of a mechanical bow, it can explode with impressive power.

Now this holy flame grenade arrow made of No. 9 holy water and dragon flame flower is the best among them.

The arrow pierced through the air and shot into the raging black tide, instantly bursting into an incomparably blazing holy fire dragon flame, engulfing a large amount of black hair and burning it into ashes.

It is said that the dragon flame flower can only grow where the blood of the red dragon drips, but it is only a rumor. Compared with other supernatural materials, this dragon flame flower is very common, and its grade is only one grade.

However, this ordinary first-order material, combined with No. 9 holy water, can be prepared in a special way to produce an astonishingly powerful extraordinary explosive. Not only is it similar in nature to dragon breath, but it also has sacred attribute damage.

Luo Ning wasted a lot of Dragon Flame Flowers and No. 9 Holy Water, concocted three of these grenade arrows through hard work, but he didn't expect Serena to use one for him as soon as she made a shot.

Although it was a bit of a prodigal, the effect was also very good. The bursting dragon flames not only burned a lot of hair strands, but also partly splashed onto the giant Kayako's body, attaching and burning, intensifying the damage.

This is similar to the nature of dragon's breath. Dragon's breath is not a flame, but a liquid, mostly strong acid or magma, and even liquid elements.

Therefore, the lethality of the dragon's breath is extremely terrifying, and it can also cause continuous corrosion damage to the target like tarsal maggots.

Although the explosive made by the Dragon Flame Flower and No. 9 holy water was not comparable to the real dragon's breath, its power was also extremely terrifying. It stuck to the body of the giant Kayako, and even her skin melted.

However, behind the melted skin are not flesh and bones, but pale faces of resentment, pain, and twisting. The sticky flames have not melted a few, and disappeared in them.

Not only that, these pale faces also crawled out from the wound melted by the flames, and rushed towards Luo Ning and the other three with a very strange posture.

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