Moreover, compared to other warlords, General Yang has done a very good job. At least he gave him money... and he didn't rob him. If he changed other warlords, he might have been here again, and it would be cleaner than bandits.

The mayor who received the ocean did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly called up the whole family, young and old, plus his own cook and servants, slaughtered pigs and sheep, and prepared all kinds of food...

While everyone at home was busy, the mayor carefully slipped out from the back door of his house, passed through an alley, and stopped in a small courtyard... After knocking gently on the courtyard door, the courtyard The door opened... The mayor looked at the left and right and no one was following, and hurriedly ducked in.

Chapter 1446

Chapter 1446

"Miss Ling..." The mayor, who was over fifty years old, was saluting a little girl who looked eighteen or nineteen years old.

"What happened??" Ling, wearing a black suit, sat in the room and asked calmly, "Didn't I tell you not to come to me when you're fine??"

"I'm sorry... Miss Ling, this time is really bad!" The mayor said in a panic, "There are a lot of troops outside, and they seem to be talking about the tomb of the Dragon Emperor..."

"Don't panic..." Ling sighed and said, "No one can find the tomb of the Dragon Emperor..."

"No... Miss Ling, this time is different..." There was a trace of anxiety on the mayor's face, "They seem to have found a powerful man. From the few words they talked, I heard their opinions on this powerful man. The reverence of the scholar, it definitely doesn't look like a fake..."

"Huh??" Hearing the mayor's words, Ling also had to get serious... There are so many strange people in Haohao Shenzhou, and no one can guarantee that no one has any strange ability and can be extremely accurate. The one who found the tomb of the Dragon Emperor...

What's more, she and her mother are also strange people, who have lived for more than 2,000 years. What are strange people? ?

"Is there a way to arrange for me to meet this strange person??" Ling still trusts the words of the mayor, because—the mayor is also on their side for the time being. , down here...

Although he also had a big dream of rebuilding the Yan Kingdom after the death of the Dragon Emperor, but in the end, it was a complete failure and almost died.

Fortunately, when Shion, the witch who was stabbed by the Dragon Emperor at that time, came out to travel, she saw them pitiful and saved them...

And placed them in the town closest to the Dragon Emperor's Tomb to act as the tomb keeper here.

And this family does not forget the old kindness, and the family motto has been left for generations.

Therefore, they also held the ceremony of master and servant to Ryo, the daughter of the shrine maiden.

Cough-cough - far away...

"This... Miss Ling, isn't it a bit too risky to do this?" The mayor said hesitantly when he heard Ling's words: "In case that strange person finds out what you said..."

"What are you afraid of..." Miss Ling smiled slightly: "He doesn't know me, so what if he finds me? Besides, with my skills, if I don't get involved in danger, there is absolutely no problem... "

"This... Okay!" After hesitating for a while, the mayor said, "Just now, the general's soldiers came over and forcibly lost more than a dozen oceans, and asked me to prepare two rooms for the upper room, saying that their general wanted to borrow mine. The house entertains distinguished guests... that is a good opportunity to get close to them... Miss Ling, please feel wronged at that time, pretend to be my maid, and serve the wine bureau... This way, you can see them..."

"Well—that's fine!" Ling had no objection to the mayor's idea, just pretending to be a maid...

"Then ask Miss Ling to go back with me, and I'll find some maid's clothes to put on for you..."

"Well, let's go!" Ling does not have any clothes for servants here. Although two thousand years of time cannot make her a peerless master, it at least makes her wealth unimaginable to ordinary people...

The two of them left this small courtyard one after the other like this...

Under the leadership of the mayor, Ling entered the yard from the back door, and then arranged for a maid to help Ling change clothes, while he himself went to the front yard to welcome the upcoming General Yang and his guests...

On the other side, after Zhou Ye and General Yang strolled around this town, General Yang, who received his guard's report in a low voice, said uneasy, "Sir, there is really no good place in this backcountry. Mr. entertainer, but my men have already arranged a banquet at the mayor's house... we might as well..."

General Yang was a little uneasy because he was afraid that his arrangement would annoy Zhou Ye... After all, what is comparable to the ability of a talented person is their eccentric temperament...

And General Yang definitely didn't want to make Zhou Ye angry...

"Haha...don't look at me like that!" Zhou Ye smiled when he saw General Yang's cautious appearance, "I'm not one of those pedantic people. Since General Yang has arranged it, let's go!"

"Haha, Mr. really is a generous person..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, General Yang was really happy, he smiled and said, "Then please..."

"General please..."

The two of them walked side by side under the leadership of the general's guards and walked in the direction of the mayor's house... and the girls also followed behind their man with a giggle.

The town is not big, and soon - everyone came to the mayor's house...

The mayor was standing at the door early, waiting to be greeted.


"The general can come to the villain's house to be a guest, it really makes the villain's house full of brilliance..." Seeing Zhou Ye and his group approaching, the mayor hurried a few steps, greeted him, and saluted.

"Hehe... Mayor is polite!" General Yang smiled and waved his hand and said: "Today is really helpless, so I borrowed the treasure to use it to entertain the distinguished guests, and please don't mind the mayor..."

"This is the honor of the villain..." The mayor made a gesture of invitation to everyone with a smile on his face, "Please, please, this lord, please..."

Under the leadership of the mayor, everyone walked into the courtyard...

The whole yard is a large courtyard with three entrances and three exits...

The front yard is where the living room of the main family and the servants live, the middle yard is the place where the main family welcomes guests and relatives and friends, and the backyard is where the family members of the main family live, as well as the residence of the maids.

On weekdays, servants and servants are not allowed to enter the backyard.

And the place prepared by the mayor to entertain General Yang is in the middle courtyard...

Although there is a living room in the front yard, but——the guards have said that two rooms are needed to go to the room. The mayor thought that General Yang wanted to entertain more people, and one could not sit down... So he arranged it in the middle courtyard. ...there are two adjoining study rooms and living rooms...the study rooms have all been tidied up and temporarily serve as small living rooms.

However, when Zhou Ye and the others arrived, the mayor didn't know why...two rooms were needed...

Because there are so many women...

There are ten female family members, which is enough for one table... Moreover, in China since ancient times, female family members have not been allowed to sit at the table... This means that female family members are not allowed to sit with male guests...

Therefore, he hurriedly signaled to his maidservants and asked them to lead the female family members to another room...

However, this annoyed Juana... For her, her position must be next to her own man...

In the end, it was all the women who comforted them in unison before letting Juana submit...because they said-this is a Chinese custom to show women's respect for their men...

When it comes to Zhou Ye's affairs, Juana is always very talkative... Otherwise, she would probably let everyone know what kind of princess temperament the daughter of the Iron Queen of Spain has...

Chapter 1447

Chapter 1447

"Then the villain will retire..."

When everyone was seated in the room, the mayor gave General Yang and Zhou Ye three glasses of wine before resigning.

In the whole room, apart from General Yang and Zhou Ye, there were only two maids in plain clothes left. They were left by the mayor to serve the wine bureau.

"This mayor is really interesting..." After watching the mayor saluting and exiting the room, the general said with a smile: "Being the mayor here is really a condescending talent!"

"Haha... I guess, even if you made him a county magistrate, he wouldn't be willing..." Zhou Ye smiled.

General Yang didn't find it, but how could Zhou Ye not find it? The mayor is always taking every opportunity to look at himself...

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