In particular, the maid serving the wine bureau by my side is a little familiar...

This counts as—uninvited?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye's face suddenly revealed a wicked smile... It seems that it would be interesting to tease this daughter for a while, and then take down her mother when the Dragon Emperor was resurrected...

And General Yang, who heard Zhou Ye's words, asked curiously, "Why would you say that, sir? Is there anything unusual about this mayor?"

"You'll find out later...Come on, let's not talk about anything else at the wine table..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and diverted the matter...

"Then I will honor Mr. Three Bowls first, and thank the people who have suffered from the war in China for his profound righteousness!" General Yang said, stood up, and held up the wine bowl in front of him. ...

"Hehe, you don't need to thank me general... I'm just an ordinary person who doesn't want to see his compatriots suffer!" Zhou Ye smiled and drank three bowls of wine.

To be honest, there isn't any good wine here, it's all home-brewed rice wine... The wine is not very strong, and the aftertaste is sweet... Zhou Ye still prefers it.

"Haha... I'm from the same country, and my husband is much better than those who make a fortune in the country!" The general said as he gave way: "Come on, eat vegetables!"

There are peanuts and dried fruits on the table of the Eight Immortals, as well as some cold dishes... Generally speaking, it is a bit like a home-cooked dish, but it is also very rich.

And Ling, who was standing behind Zhou Ye, started to look at Zhou Ye carefully from the moment Zhou Ye entered the door...

What should I say, except that he could see that the mayor was different at a glance, she was completely in this young and handsome boy, and she couldn't see any ability in him...

However, after the incident, Zhou Ye refused to tell the general that the mayor was different, which made Ling completely take his actions just now as a charlatan who was trying to confuse him.

But—since the general in military uniform respects him so much—maybe, this person has some other abilities... Let her observe for a second.

With this thought in mind, even though Ling had already met Zhou Ye, she didn't find any reason to leave the room and walked away, but followed the same pattern as the maid behind General Yang, serving as a maid serving the wine bureau. things to do.

After three rounds of drinking—General Yang has almost finished drinking.

"First, sir...I, I'll give you a toast...Ah, thinking that the great rivers and mountains of our country have been shattered by a group of bastards, I want to kill people..."

"General, you're drunk..." Zhou Ye smiled at the general who couldn't say anything in front of him, and raised his voice, "Come here!"

"Sir..." The two guards standing at the door hurried in, and stood at attention: "What are your orders?"

"Take your general back...he's already drinking too much..." Zhou Ye pointed to General Yang, who was lying on the table and was about to fall asleep, and said to the guards.

"Yes, sir..." The two guards responded and walked to their general's side, each of which was about to walk out while holding up his general.

When they approached the door, they suddenly stopped... "Sir, do you need me to leave a guard squad for you..."

"No need, take it all away... No one in this world can do anything to me!" Zhou Ye waved his hand carelessly.

"Yes, sir!" The guard was also someone who had seen Zhou Ye's might, and he had no doubts about Zhou Ye's words...

After driving those few people away, Zhou Ye turned his eyes to the opposite side of him again, and the maid who had just served General Yang said, "You too!"

"Yes..." The maid didn't dare to say anything, she bowed slightly, and was about to walk out...

As for Ling, she also bowed like she did, and wanted to go out...

As a result, before she walked out the door, Zhou Ye grabbed her hand... "Sir... You, what are you doing..."

"I let her go, but I didn't let you go!" Zhou Ye revealed a sinister smile on his face... "If you leave, where can I find your mother, the witch, Shion??"

"W-what...I don't know what you're talking about...Let me go..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Ling only felt panic in her heart... This guy actually knew his mother, and even knew that his mother was still alive. Alive, who is he... "You, you're drunk..."

"I'm drunk or not, no one knows better than me..." Zhou Ye clicked his tongue, "However, should I say that I'm a martial artist? This body... is it really good??"

"Let go of me..." Ling said, a dagger slipped from the cuff in her hand, and stabbed at Zhou Ye's throat...

"Ah—!" Seeing this situation, the maid who was hesitantly standing at the door suddenly screamed and rushed out...

However, Zhou Ye didn't care at all in the face of Ling's sudden attack. He just waved his hand lightly at the door... In an instant, the door of the entire room was more than slammed shut.

Seeing that Zhou Ye ignored her surprise attack, Ling's face couldn't help revealing a hint of joy, however—when the dagger pierced Zhou Ye's throat, she was dumbfounded...

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stab the dagger in her hand even half an inch into Zhou Ye's throat...

"Are you surprised?? Aren't you surprised??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and said to Ling, whose face was full of horror, "Well - the little wild cat needs to be adjusted to become well-behaved, just like a pet, let me give it to you first. You put on a collar to let you know... who do you belong to!"

Following Zhou Ye's words, Ling found in horror that she couldn't move...

He watched helplessly as a circular collar that looked like gold but not gold, like wood but not wood suddenly appeared in Zhou Ye's hand...

As for the front end of the collar, after Zhou Ye swiped it with his hand, there were two more characters written in Xiaozhuan. ——【Lingnu】

What is Lingnu? ? Is this to make himself his slave? ?

don't want--

I will never be anyone's slave—


, However——Although Yu Ling's mind was full of thoughts, she couldn't move. In this way, she did not resist, and let Zhou Ye put that thing like a dog collar around her neck...

"Well - I found that this collar is quite suitable for you!" Zhou Ye looked at Ling who was wearing the collar with a smile.

"I fought with you..." Ling found that while wearing the collar, she regained control over her body again, however—when she shouted a slogan and planned to die with Zhou Ye... …

But she found that she couldn't do it at all...because, her body couldn't move again...

Zhou Ye said that this time it wasn't his own cauldron, it was the cauldron of the slave collars made by Guanguan.

"Come on... Kneel down!" Zhou Ye sat on the stool, looking at Ling with a wicked smile. "Let me, your master, realize your love for your master!"

"You're dreaming..." Ling cursed in her mouth, but her body knelt down on her own in front of Zhou Ye... Then she did something that made her look so beautiful, she actually...

After half an hour...

"Cough cough... cough cough..." Ling coughed desperately, she felt her throat hurt so much at the moment... That silver thief... actually trampled her like this.

Looking at Ling, who was kneeling on the ground, coughing desperately, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, "Okay...I feel your love, but—it still needs more practice... Now, kneel on the chair..."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu of it now, but she can't help her body.

"Thorn—" The sound of fabric tearing, followed by Ryo's panicked cry, "What are you doing...don't...don't..."


Chapter 1448

Chapter 1448

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou..." The mayor slapped the door of the wing anxiously.

After he heard the reply from the maid who was kicked out by Zhou Ye, he ran over immediately...

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