"Of course... I won't be here anymore. After those guys go out, let's go to the backyard to rest tonight..." Zhou Ye said and stretched... For Ling's adjustment effect, he kept Not going the right way...

So——strictly speaking, this girl is still a first girl...

Cough-cough - even the ancient thaumaturgical spring wind and rain will never be able to never take the right path. That girl in the glue, so ah - now Ling, still does not love Zhou Ye... She is still an adjusted one. little girl...

After a while - when the mayor ran out of his ancestral house with his family and his family, Zhou Ye walked directly into the backyard with the girls...

After replacing the bedding on the kang in the east wing with a new set, the girls jumped on it chatteringly... For the southerners, the kang in the north is still very novel...

No words for a night...what to do, what to do, the adjustment that should be adjusted.

The next morning, when General Yang sent someone to invite Zhou Ye, only to find out that the mayor's family had already absconded overnight...

However, after listening to Zhou Ye's explanation, he said angrily: "Sir, you are still too kind, if it were me, I would definitely take away all the remnants of the Six Kingdoms left over from ancient times, not a single one of them. Killing them all...for the so-called ancestral grievances, to actually disregard the suffering of the common people, guarding the Dragon Emperor's tomb and refusing to open it, what a bunch of scumbags!"

After he finished speaking, the general glared at Ling, who was standing behind Zhou Ye... Although he also hated this woman, but—since he was already Zhou Ye's person, he couldn't say anything else...

At this time, Ling lowered his head, and patiently endured the voice that he couldn't say...

It wasn't until Zhou Ye took the girls into the car again and followed the troops to set off...she couldn't help begging bitterly: "Lord, Master...Please...No, don't...don't press that again. something..."

"What?? Is it this??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and a remote control appeared in his palm...

"Yes, yes... the master... just, this is..." Ling pleaded incomprehensibly: "Please... Ling slave, please, please, don't, don't press - ah!!!!!! "

With a scream, Ling collapsed into Zhou Ye's arms.

Looking at Ling like this, Juana Gujiao, who was driving, let out a smile.

At this moment, in the whole car, only Zhou Ye, Juana and Ling...

After all—the slave girl is also his own, Zhou Ye didn't want other men to see his slave girl look like this...

Of course, Zhou Ye didn't use any high-end toys. It was nothing more than a fox's tail and a butterfly toy. For Ling, it was already super taste... Zhou Ye didn't want to throw himself at once. The toy is broken, you have to take it slowly.

The troops marched for two days, and Ling took the toys for two days...

It wasn't until the third day that Zhou Ye took down her toy. At this time, Ling was almost unable to walk... She had to rely on Zhou Ye's support to be able to walk reluctantly.

Of course, she couldn't walk not because of pain, but because her feet were weak...

The troops stopped beside a section of the ancient Great Wall.

As the troops stopped marching, General Yang also walked to Zhou Ye's car and said, "Sir, we have already arrived at the place. Do you need me to let the guys from the engineer battalion start to excavate and prepare?"

"No need..." Zhou Ye said, and got out of the car. Immediately behind him is Lingnu, who walks like stepping on cotton.

As Zhou Ye got out of the car, the women in the convoy behind him all got out of the car and came behind him.

Looking at the barren Gobi Desert, Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Who would have thought that the Dragon Emperor, the first emperor of the ages, was actually buried here!"

"It's time to reveal your true appearance!" Zhou Ye said, raised his hand and patted it lightly.

"Crack!" A crisp sound.

The applause, which was not loud, spread throughout the wilderness, and the ground shook violently like an earthquake...

"Is there an earthquake?"

"Help me..."

"What are you panicking about, it's the gentleman who is doing it!"

"All line up for me!"

In the army, after a short period of panic, the soldiers returned to silence again under the scolding of the officers... Gradually, they were attracted to all the attention by the vision that appeared in front of them, and they could no longer be shaken. .

I saw—the sand on the ground, as if alive, poured out of itself... Soon, a huge bust appeared in front of everyone, and then, a tomb entrance was revealed on the ground.

"Okay, General, bring our things, it's time to see this Emperor of the Ages!"

Chapter 1450

Chapter 1450

As the door of the Dragon Emperor's tomb was opened, Zhou Ye walked in with the girls...


As soon as everyone entered the underground palace, the partitions above were automatically opened... A ray of sunlight, carrying sand, came out of the ventilation opening above the underground palace and slipped down...

The girls themselves like to be clean, and they can't help screaming when they see this situation...

"Okay..." Zhou Ye helplessly turned his head to look at the girls, "Baby, take your sisters and wait outside. Although there is no danger here... but it is really dirty..."

"I also want to see Dragon Emperor... Young Master!"

"Yeah yeah, I

I want to see too..."

Before Juana could speak, the girls in the dance group shouted one by one.

Zhou Ye said with some humor: "What's so good about it, the Dragon Emperor who hasn't been fully resurrected is ugly and ugly, just like a mummy... Are you sure you want to see it?"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the girls suddenly became quiet. Although they wanted to see what Emperor Qiangu looked like, they were a little afraid of seeing dead people. "Young, young master, Dragon Emperor...is it really ugly??"

"Well—it's ugly!" Zhou Ye nodded solemnly and said, "Just think about how beautiful a corpse that has been sitting for thousands of years would look..."

"Then...then we won't watch..."


After all, it was a little girl. Hearing this, one by one immediately changed their minds...

"Darling, be careful!" Juana walked to her man with a smile, stepped on her feet, and walked out with the girls. "Okay, girls, we should go... Since you don't want to see the corpses, we can go to the ancient Great Wall to have a look..."

With the departure of the girls, in the entire ancient tomb, only Zhou Ye and his Ling slaves were left, as well as General Yang and a guard class he brought!

"Okay... It's time for us to take a look at the emperor who accomplished the great unification for the first time in history!" Zhou Ye said, turned his head and walked towards the depths of the underground palace, Lingnu followed his step by step. behind...

"Let's follow Mr.!" the general hurriedly ordered and followed.

After walking through the ninety-eighty-one steps, everyone came to a platform. Before Zhou Ye could speak, Lingnu suddenly said: "Lord, master... There is a mechanism here, be careful..."

"Hmm...?" Zhou Ye was stunned when he heard Ling's words... Of course he knew that there was something here, but——Ling Nu didn't know he knew, could he win a woman's heart without going the usual way? ?

In fact, Zhou Ye had underestimated his own charm, and he had also forgotten the importance of a man who got his own body to this woman in this era.

In this era - there is no so-called divorce, abandoned women will only be reviled by thousands of people. It is precisely because of this that Zhou Ye has not followed the normal path to Ling, and Ling has not been subjected to the double rest exercises. Influence, but——Zhou Ye is already Ling's man, and he is the only man who will accompany him all his life.

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