At this time, what mother's orders, what disputes in the world, in Ling's mind, are far less important than Zhou Ye's safety-because-he is her man.

Why is Ling, who has lived for thousands of years, always alone? Because she was influenced by her mother and attached too much importance to her feelings, she didn't want to watch her man go away before her...

So——she has been deliberately keeping a distance from all the opposite sex.

But——this is the first daughter who has been maintained for thousands of years, but in the end, it is still cheaper than Zhou Ye...

"Are you worried about me??" Zhou Ye turned to look at Lingnu and smiled...

"I, I..." Ling Nu didn't know what to say for a while... Although she didn't want to admit it, she was really worried about this villain who wanted to play with herself...

"Okay, you don't need to explain!" Zhou Ye smiled and hugged Lingnu's waist, "I'll be nicer to you in the future..."

"Hmm..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Ling couldn't help but feel a trace of happiness in her heart...

But when she saw that Zhou Ye didn't care about her reminder at all, and then walked forward, she shouted in a panic: "Don't go... Master, there is an agency there..."

"What agency can do anything to me??" Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hand...

The metal chains of the sharp-toothed hammer mechanism hanging on both sides snapped apart, and then—two extremely heavy sharp-toothed hammers instantly fell to the ground on both sides, causing a rumbling suffocation. ring.

Everyone went straight down the stairs...

Before arriving at a seemingly normal step, Zhou Ye stopped, he turned his head and looked at Lingnu with a half-smile...

"I, I know..." Ling Nu instantly understood what her unscrupulous master was thinking... She walked gently to the steps and deliberately stepped on the inconspicuous movable slate on the steps. superior……

With her actions—

The ventilation organs of the entire underground palace were all turned on... A streak of sunlight flowed into the underground palace along with the sand.

And everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them...

Countless terracotta warriors and horses stand in the square below the steps of the underground palace, either holding swords or bows...

These terracotta warriors are neatly arranged in a square array, and almost none of the terracotta warriors' faces are repeated.

Zhou Ye looked at the Terracotta Warriors and Horses in front of him and couldn't help muttering: "I haven't been to Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum in another world, but in this world, I saw the Terracotta Warriors... I really want to move one home. …”

However—he quickly gave up on this unreliable idea.

These guys are all terracotta warriors who have been cursed by living people. It's not disgusting enough to bring this thing home... There are so many women in the family, how inconvenient.

And General Yang, who was originally standing behind Zhou Ye, also walked over slowly, looked at the rows of terracotta warriors and horses, and sighed: "This is the invincible army of the Dragon Emperor to destroy the six kingdoms... …”

"That's right..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Okay, it's time for us to wake up that emperor!"

A group of people walks through the Terracotta Warriors...

Of course, with this little tomb guard Lingnu, all the traps here are not a problem, after all—she doesn't know how many times she has come in.

In terms of the level of familiarity, it is estimated that Ling Nubi is familiar with her own home here.

After avoiding several traps, everyone stopped in front of the feng shui roulette...

Under the command of Lingnu, the general's guards started——

After correcting the position of the compass on the feng shui roulette, the final resting place of the Dragon Emperor finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Of course, there was also one unlucky guy who was so startled by the break into the open floor that he didn't dodge at all and fell down, but he was only slightly injured...

Looking at the burial pit of the Dragon Emperor, Zhou Ye smiled and walked to the bronze coffin cart. "It's time to wake up, Dragon Emperor!"

"But, but we haven't found the divine eye yet..." General Yang looked at the dragon emperor's coffin on the carriage in front of him, and said with a dejected expression: "I don't know which bastard smuggled the divine eye to England... Our people are here. The message of the divine eye is completely lost there... wait... why is the divine eye in your hands!"

"Because, I went to England to snatch the God's Eye back!" Zhou Ye said, smiling slightly, dipping the God's Eye in his hand.

His actions almost scare General Yang's heart attack out... "Be careful, sir, be careful, there is no second divine eye in this world that can revive the Dragon Emperor..."

Chapter 1451

Chapter 1451

"Sir... Be careful..." General Yang looked at the tossing eyes in Zhou Ye's hands, sweating all over his body... If he fell, he wouldn't be able to find a way to cry.

"Don't worry!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "In my hands, God's Eye is absolutely fine..."

According to the urination of ordinary movies, when Zhou Ye set this flag, his hand should shake, and then his eyes would fall, and he would shatter with a slap...

The general was dumbfounded, Zhou Ye was dumbfounded, and everyone was dumbfounded... The whole play ended.

Of course, this is absolutely impossible...

A strong man who is enough to swallow the sky and the earth can't hold a gem, which is too nonsense. Unless Zhou Ye did it on purpose...

"Sir... Also please untie the inscription on the base of the god's eye... That is the only way to resurrect His Majesty the Dragon Emperor.

what! "The general said eagerly.

"I've read the inscription... I need a drop of blood from a person with a pure heart!" Zhou Ye said, waving at Lingnu, "Come, Lingnu, give the master a drop of blood!"

Regarding Zhou Ye's decision, the general didn't say anything... A girl who has guarded the imperial mausoleum for thousands of years because of her mother's life, if she hadn't had a pure heart, she would have been infected by the world and turned her back on this mission... Obviously , Ling is qualified for this.

"Hmm..." Ling Nu really didn't want to go, but being controlled by the slave collar, she walked over to Zhou Ye's side completely involuntarily, took out the dagger she was carrying, and stabbed it lightly on the belly of her fingers ...a drop of blood fell on the divine eye in Zhou Ye's hand.

Although she had already realized Zhou Ye's position in her heart, she couldn't easily let go of the responsibility of a thousand years and her mother's instruction, so Lingcai seemed so entangled.

But there was no way—the bondage collar around her neck made it impossible for her not to obey her man.

In fact, she didn't realize it herself - this time, she would walk up to the god's eye so obediently and drop the drop of blood that unlocked the god's eye. The enslavement collar only played a coercive role at the beginning - she was behind her. Subjective consciousness is at fault.

In other words, Ryo, has already been tamed.

Zhou Ye looked at Ling's actions, she didn't pay attention, but as the owner of the collar, how could he not notice? This is a rhythm that is about to be tamed.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, lowered his head and whispered in Ling's ear: "You've done a good job, Ling slave, tonight - let you truly be my woman!"

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lingnu raised her head in surprise and looked at Zhou Ye... She had seen Zhou Ye and all the girls these days. She was a little strange at the time. Entering your own place is different...

Fortunately, one of the girls saw her pitifully answering for her... That's why Ling knew that her bad master had been deliberately teasing her... Although she was almost infatuated with that feeling now.

Now—— Zhou Ye's words gave her a feeling of being recognized by her master... "Thank, thank you, master..."

Seeing Ling's surprised face, Zhou Ye really wanted to laugh - taking away the most important thing from a woman, and getting a thank you, this is really -

However, this also proves from the side that the adjustment these days have not been in vain... It also shows that the purer the mind, the easier it is to be adjusted successfully. Well, this is also a new discovery. ——Zhou Ye thought of this, smiled slightly, stopped talking, but paid attention to the magic eye gem in his hand.

I saw-

As a drop of Lingnu's blood fell on the gem, the originally dark blue gem turned bright red in the blink of an eye, and emitted a dazzling red light.

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