Roy was not ashamed of his defeat. Instead, he was like a child who discovered treasure, with a curious look in his eyes.

"Professor Zhou Ye..." Roy stood up, walked quickly to Zhou Ye who was chatting with the girl, bowed his head respectfully, and asked, "Excuse me, how can I become as strong as you..."

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Of course I'm exercising my body... As for the specific reason, I'll tell you when everyone wakes up!"

"Yes..." Roy nodded, then stood aside...

Ten minutes later, the boys all woke up and sat there dejectedly...

They, without a doubt, lost, and——when they used magic to face someone who didn't use magic, they lost...

This made them a little frustrated.

After all, when facing ordinary people, although they didn't say it, but——that kind of high-mindedness still exists, otherwise there would be no Muggles, Mudbloods and other slightly insulting terms.

However - today Zhou Ye taught them a lesson. When a Muggle has a strong physique and has a certain understanding of magic, their group of self-proclaimed noble wizards are like a group of rookies, being attacked by others. Killed easily.

This discovery has to make them feel depressed.

As if years of pride were a joke...

They finally understand why wizards still follow the principle of escaping the world - that's because - they are the weaker party.

"Now—do you still think a strong body is unnecessary??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile, looking at the group of dejected students.

"..." xn

Although I don't want to admit it, but - almost no one brings up this topic anymore.

Wizards don't need exercise? ?

Ha ha……

"There is a very interesting law in the Muggle world, I think it is necessary to tell you!" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "How much water a wooden barrel can hold does not depend on how much the longest piece of wood in the barrel is. Length... but depends on how long the shortest board is..."

Everyone thought about the meaning of Zhou Ye's words...

"Then the same!" Zhou Ye looked at the contemplative crowd, smiled contentedly, and continued: "How strong this wizard is, it is not his strongest side that depends on him, but his shortest side..."

"Then..." Zhou Ye said loudly, "In order not to become a wizard who is easily killed with bare hands, now—you all run around for me, the first goal, go around Hogwarts and give it to me. Run ten laps..."

Run ten laps around Hogwarts? ? That's going to kill people...

However, none of these guys dared to say a word, because—Zhou Ye had already taken out his golden wand, and there was a lot of [you guys have a way of saying why don't you run and give it a try? 】…

Forced by Zhou Ye, the students started to run...

However, a weak chicken is a weak chicken... These guys read books when they are free, and they are all like little chickens...

Many people are too tired to run after less than one lap...

But it's okay, Zhou Ye will call them up, add the weight-bearing spell he carefully prepared for them, and then use the transformation spell to conjure a few polar bears, chase them behind, and help them become a real man in this form. .

Of course, in order to prevent them from doing anything that would hurt the little run-ups, Zhou Ye also confiscated their wands, and at the same time stipulated that the last place should run three extra laps.

As for girls...

Of course, there will be preferential treatment. Although you have to run laps, you can take a break when you are tired from running. Moreover, some girls can also enjoy Zhou Ye's intimate massage techniques to reduce physical fatigue... For example— —Margaret and her best friend, Debbie.

You ask - why did Zhou Ye do this? ? Because it's interesting... It's boring to be a teacher and give lectures every day. You can be a passionate teacher. When you have nothing to do, using various names to abuse this group of cute little guys is such a joy.

Moreover—these tired little guys like dogs reminded Zhou Ye of the time when he trained the captain of the United States. I have to say—that time was really the happiest time for Zhou Ye... Besides, Zhou Ye also wanted to take a look. When a group of wizards were in a duel, the wizard on the opposite side suddenly gave up chanting the spell and rushed over. It's interesting to think about the feeling of fighting against his opponent...

Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478

On that day, all the seventh grade students who had taken Zhou Ye's class were all listless in the following classes.

And—at noon lunch, the busy house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen were surprised to find that the amount of food they ate today had increased significantly, could it be—that their cooking skills were unknowingly, increased a lot? ?

At this time, Zhou Ye was in Dumbledore's office... ahem, talking.

"Ye, can you tell me what you think?" Albus Dumbledore was not angry, although he saw how Zhou Ye made the seventh-grade students practice life rather than death...

However, Albus Dumbledore believed that Zhou Ye would definitely give him a satisfactory explanation.

"Ah...? I just feel that the actual combat ability of the students who graduated from our academy is a little too weak!" Zhou Ye sat casually on the chair

, this time he didn't even touch the toffee on Dumbledore's table. "So, before graduating, train them on their survivability... Although they may never use these abilities for the rest of their lives, I still think that giving my students more survivability is far better than telling them. Some spells that will never be used are strong!"

"Why do you say that??" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Professor Dumbledore should remember how I killed Voldemort, right?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "A wizard as powerful as Voldemort, after being approached, is just a pitiful bastard who is tormented by others. What about these little guys? I just want to teach them not to rely too much on wands, but to rely more on their own bodies!"

"..." After hearing Zhou Ye's words, Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking...

He remembered how Zhou Ye had trampled Voldemort to death with one foot...

And Zhou Ye continued: "Also, the seventh grade students have almost finished what they should have learned, so I just used this time to teach them, don't worry, I won't know about the students in other grades. taught them that..."

"Huh..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Dumbledore sighed deeply, "Okay, if you need any help from me, just tell me, I will try my best to help you..."

"Okay..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and his figure gradually disappeared in front of Dumbledore, leaving only his words in the room: "Goodbye, Professor!"

"Goodbye...Little guy..." Dumbledore shouted, rubbing his temples lightly... Dumbledore can still somewhat understand what Zhou Ye meant.

Just like Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, their academy pays more attention to the physical training of their students due to the colder area.

Even though it is called the cradle of dark wizards, the strength of wizards who came out of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is recognized by the entire European magic circle.

Otherwise, why would Durmstrang School of Magic have such a bad reputation that those pure-blooded families still send their descendants there?

Just because they are strong enough.

"Hey, I just hope that little guy doesn't turn Hogwarts into a second Durmstrang..." Although he was worried, Albus Dumbledore didn't stop Zhou immediately. Ye, because—he also wanted to see what the changed Hogwarts would be like.

At this time, in the dining hall—

Charlie Weasley looked at his elder brother strangely and asked, "Bill? Are you all right? Are you so tired after a morning of class??"

"..." Bill Weasley glanced at his brother and sighed. "You'll know when you get Defence Against the Dark Arts, now—don't mind me, I want to eat... I'm starving to death!"

"..." Charlie was speechless for a while, he really didn't understand why he was so tired from the last Defence Against the Dark Arts class? ?

At this moment, Charlie suddenly felt an unusual silence around him, as if everyone was looking at him? No, looking behind him...

This made him unable to help but turn his head and look behind him...

I saw a tall, silver-haired boy standing behind him with a smile, looking at him and his brother... "Professor Zhou Ye, is something wrong??"

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