"Of course!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, then looked at Bill who was gobbling his food and said, "If you are interested, find a place to chat about your brother Percy..."

...... Hearing Zhou Ye mentioned Percy, Charlie and Bill were stunned at the same time, and then an ominous premonition rose from their hearts.

Let's be honest - Charlie and Bill both feel a sense of remorse after losing their brother Percy there...

But——the feeling of breaking the ban level made them have an urge to stop...

The brothers even discussed that they would call out their younger brother Percy when they were free one day for everyone to have fun.

But now - they have a feeling of immense regret.

Percy had told them his guess, and they had listened.

Now—Zhou Ye came to the door, it seemed—some things needed to be done.

Thinking of this, the Weasley brothers looked at each other and nodded, "Okay, Professor Zhou Ye... Then where are we going??"

"Come with me!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, stopped talking, turned around and left...

The two brothers didn't dare to delay, they stood up directly and followed behind Zhou Ye...

Along the way, Bill and Charlie finally followed Zhou Ye to an abandoned classroom.

When noticing that there was no one around, Charlie quietly took out his wand, and then shouted at Zhou Ye, "Forget it!"

Charlie wouldn't dare to kill Zhou Ye...

He only dared to use the Forgetting Curse to make Zhou Ye completely forget about this matter - then the two of them would even be clinging to their own reputation.

However - when he raised his wand, he found that his elder brother didn't do anything at all... But at this time he had no time to think about other things, because the arrow had to be fired on the string, and he didn't have time to go. Remind my brother.


The forgetting spell he was bound to get didn't hit Zhou Ye at all, but was directly avoided by Zhou Ye...

Standing aside, Bill, who didn't do anything, was not surprised at all about this...

You know, during class, there were more than 30 people around Zhou Ye casting magic, so Zhou Ye avoided them, not to mention his brother alone.

Compared with his younger brother, Bill knew more about the power Zhou Ye possessed, even though those powers were only superficial in Zhou Ye's eyes. "Professor Zhou Ye, may I ask you to call us here, what's the matter?"

Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479

"Ha, a good spell, but the sound of the spell is louder!" Zhou Ye waved his hand, not caring about the forgetting spell that Charlie threw himself just now.

For Zhou Ye, this pair of Weasley brothers was an important part of his plan, and it was not impossible to be a little kind to them.

"This...how is this possible??" Charlie looked at Zhou Ye with a look of surprise. He had never seen anyone who could turn their backs on them and avoid magic...

"Nothing to make a fuss about!" Bill glanced at his brother lightly and said, "Professor Zhou Ye walked through the magic of more than 30 people this morning, and no magic could hit him..."

"…………" Charlie had a strange feeling in his heart when he heard his brother's words, is this- is he still a person? ?

"Okay, Bill! I didn't call you here to talk about magic evasion skills!" Zhou Ye smiled and said, "I want to talk to you about your brother, Percy..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Bill and Charlie both looked at Zhou Ye with serious expressions and said, "I'm sorry, Professor Zhou Ye, we don't know what you're talking about, Percy? What happened to Percy? Is something wrong??"

"Haha..." Zhou Ye had expected the two brothers to act stupid.

"That day on the train, your brother Percy harassed my sister, so I gave him a little lesson!" Zhou Ye said indifferently, "Actually, I was just on Percy's lap. A little bit of a mischief spell is added, which is also a spell [cupids arrow] invented by myself, this spell will slightly increase the favorability of the person who is in contact with the person being cursed..."

"..." x2

Bill and Charlie's faces were blue and purple, and there were tens of thousands of words MMP wanted to say in their hearts, but they didn't dare...

"I didn't expect... to actually implicate your brothers..." Zhou Ye said, and apologized insincerely: "I'm so sorry!"

"No, nothing..." Bill said with a stiff face, "For example, if Professor Zhou Ye has nothing else to do, then we will leave. After all, there are other classes to be taught in the afternoon!"

"Don't worry..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Actually, my magic is only valid for ten minutes...but—I found out that you...cough...your little brother has nearly three hours...could it be? you……"

"I'm sorry... We don't want to discuss this matter with you!" Charlie couldn't help it, he said directly: "This is a private matter between our brothers, so I don't bother Professor Zhou Ye!"

"No, what I'm actually trying to say is..." Zhou Ye said here, with a faint smile on his face: "Don't you think a younger brother is not enough?? You have two

Personally... I remember you guys seem to have three younger brothers besides Percy? ? Do you want me to help you? I still have quite a few ecstasy pills here...though I never use them! "

"..." x2

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Bill and Charlie fell silent... They really wanted to say, "What do you think our brother is? 】…

But—they couldn't say it.

Because, they found sadly that in their hearts, Zhou Ye's suggestion was just around the corner... Especially the feeling of being overwhelmed, gave them a feeling of breaking through the urgency... That feeling—really...

Looking at the two with hesitation on their faces, Zhou Ye smiled slightly...

In fact, with his spiritual ability, he can completely rewrite the feelings of these two people, but——isn't this still a long time? If it changes all of a sudden, it will always give people a boring feeling...

Besides, Zhou Ye didn't want anyone to discover the changes in the Weasley brothers and think of something else.

So—— as expected, it's interesting to do it little by little and then gradually change it.

Bill and Charlie were silent...

They wanted to accept Zhou Ye's gift, but they didn't dare...

Because, they didn't know what Zhou Ye's reason was for doing this, and why he wanted to help himself, and even gave him a forbidden drug and ecstasy...

Although they didn't know the purpose, but in order not to be controlled by others, they finally decided to say no to the sugar-coated cannonball given by Zhou Ye.

However, just when they were about to speak, Zhou Ye spoke again: "You don't have to be afraid that I will hold such a secret in my hand and threaten you to do anything for me."

"..." x2

This sentence brought out what Bill and Charlie were most afraid of, so—they decided to continue listening to Zhou Ye talk about his reasons...

"Because—first, with my strength, I really can't think of what I need you to do for me??" Zhou Ye said, gently waved his hand back, and a sofa appeared behind him out of thin air. .

Zhou Ye sat down calmly, took out a Havana cigar, cut it with a cigar cutter, and lit the cigar.

"Secondly, even if I really need to threaten you - just because you did those things to your brother Percy on the train..." After saying this, Zhou Ye took a sip of his cigar and spit it out. "It's enough to ruin your reputation and make the entire Weasley family a laughing stock in the magic world. -- These things are enough to use them as a handle to threaten you!"

"..." x2

Can't refute, absolutely can't refute. Bill and Charlie stood in front of Zhou Ye blankly, not knowing what to say.

"Thirdly, I am a kind person, and I don't see the existence of such a thing as a lover eventually becoming a brother... That's why I help you!" Zhou Ye said here, smiled slightly: "Do you think my reason is enough? full??"

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