
Aside from the seemingly sarcastic remarks of the third, Bill and Charlie couldn't find a way to refute the other two.

If Zhou Ye really wanted to threaten them, he could.

Don't say stupid things like there is no evidence - some people, their own status means that what they say has absolute credibility, just like Zhou Ye in front of him - a legendary wizard, one-handedly pacified The legendary figure who is the source of chaos in the wizarding world, the words spoken by such a mouth are enough to be believed by all wizards.

"What if... I mean, what if our brothers don't accept your kindness??" Bill took a deep breath and said.

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled and said casually: "My world is very simple - either my friend or my enemy... Don't let the friendship in my hands fall to the ground, otherwise, Maybe next time it will be magic..."

"..." x2

The two Weasley brothers really wanted to yell [My friend, p, aren't you forcing us? ? ] impulse.

But—they didn't dare, because Zhou Ye really had the capital to force them, as well as the ability to force them.

After taking a few deep breaths, Bill said, "Okay, we accept your kindness, Professor Zhou Ye... I wonder when the Ecstasy will be given to us??"

"Ah? That ah... I'll give it to you when you go home. After all - when you were at school, you both needed a younger brother!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "Look, I'm a younger brother. What a person who thinks about his friends... I'm almost moved by myself..."

"...!!" x2 In the face of Zhou Ye like this, the Weasley brothers no longer wanted to struggle. They knew that they would never be able to escape the control of this guy in front of them for the rest of their lives.

Chapter 1480

Chapter 1480

In the Ravenclaw lounge at night, it was pitch black—

Here, there are no nasty living portraits outside, nor those ghosts who like to visit...

Because everyone knows -- everyone needs some privacy, and no one can stand being noticed 24/7.

Therefore, in the dark Ravenclaw lounge, it seems extremely peaceful... After all, even if the girls snored, it was the kind of soft snoring, not like the boys' dormitory-like war drums. movement.

At this moment, a dark figure crept out from the corridor of the girls' bedroom...

Why use the word slip? ?

Ahem—because this figure really looks like a thief...

I saw the dark shadow flowing out of the corridor, and carefully closed the corridor door... Then, like a thief, I walked towards the male bedroom door at the corner of the statue...

Coming to the door of the men's bedroom corridor, the dark shadow twisted the handle and opened the door... After turning around, he got in.

Under the silvery-white moonlight at the end of the corridor, the black shadow's blond hair turned into a dream-like color with a hint of silvery-white reflection in the gold.

The person who didn't sleep in the middle of the night and sneaked to the door of Zhou Ye's former bedroom was none other than Margaret Simmons.

To be honest, because Zhou Ye said in class this morning [Go to Ravenclaw's boys' dormitory at night, I want to talk to you about punishment], Margaret was in a tangled state for half the night. middle……

She really wanted to come to the boys' dormitory, and she even wanted to do something with Zhou Ye here...

But——she was afraid that it was just a joke from Zhou Ye...

I want to come - but I'm afraid of disappointment, if I don't come - I'm afraid of missing out.

In this tangle, Margaret Simmons tossed for a long time without falling asleep...

But - in the end she chose - to come here.

Because, she didn't want to miss any of Zhou Ye's invitations, even if it was just a joke.

Come -- there's a 50% chance of being disappointed, but if you don't -- it's 100% hopeless.

So, Margaret still came here...

Standing at the door of Zhou Ye's former bedroom, Margaret took a few deep breaths... She wanted to reach out and knock on the door.

However, just as she raised her hand, she changed her mind - if Professor Zhou Ye was inside, she would definitely leave the door for her, right? ?

With this thought in mind, Margaret put her hand on the door handle and gently twisted the door lock.

Click - the sound of the machine spring driving the door lock is always so loud in this silent space.

The frightened Margaret's heart couldn't help beating faster... She took a deep breath, then gently opened the door and walked in...

As soon as she walked into the bedroom, what happened inside made her stupid on the spot...

I saw that on that super luxurious couch, two figures were fighting back and forth—ahem, a fight between men and women.

Margaret also knew both sides of the fight—one of them was Zhou Ye, and the other was Teacher Narcissa Black.

Although it was a bit miserable to see Teacher Black, and it seemed that she was still shouting something, but——she didn't hear the slightest sound...

However, just when she was in a daze, Zhou Ye turned around and smiled at her, then waved...


She couldn't help but walked into the bedroom... As soon as she entered the bedroom, Margaret felt as if she had passed through an invisible barrier... Then, she could finally hear Teacher Narcissa's shout...

"I can't do it... my dear... let me go!"

Margaret was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do at this time...or rather, what to say...

To be honest, normally speaking, she should go up to give Zhou Ye a slap, then turn her head and leave... But, for some reason, she just couldn't move...

"Okay... I'll let you go for the time being..." Zhou Ye turned around with a smile, jumped off the bed, and stood directly in front of Margaret. "See? This is the real me, the perfect man in your mind is not me... Now, I will give you the right to choose, turn around and walk out of this room, and I will use the oblivion spell to make you forget what happened tonight , from now on... we still have a normal teacher-student relationship..."

"Isn't it about giving me the right to choose?" At this time, Margaret actually asked: "What is the next choice? What will be the result? Tell me!"

"Um--!" Zhou Ye smiled, he liked this kind of straightforward girl, "The next choice is to stay and become my woman... From now on, it will be my woman..."

"I... can I choose not to be on this couch??" Margaret pointed to the big couch with a strange face and said, "It's the first time for me, I don't want... I don't want to be with another woman and lose it... …”

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, he really felt very cute about Margaret's character - for the first time, it means that she is not a messy girl and she is willing to stay, it means that she knows her own What do you want in your heart, never feel confused about it...

Such a girl - so much fun.

"Of course... I'll give you a perfect first time!" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, stretched out his arms, and hugged Margaret... Then he gently placed her on the sheet, 【Compulsory Type】 Magic Tools] on..."Want...some roses??"

"If you can, of course..." Margaret felt a little nervous... "Better—let's have some red wine..."

"No problem!" Zhou Ye smiled and snapped his fingers in his hand. Suddenly—the whole room turned into a sea of ​​roses... Then, two glasses of red wine appeared in his hands.

He casually handed one of the cups to Margaret, and Zhou Ye clinked the glasses with her, "Cheers..."


After Margaret said these words, she raised her neck and let out a sigh.

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