This made Zhou Ye froze there, and then he couldn't help but chuckle, "Don't be nervous... We have time to relieve your nervousness..."

"No...Come on!" Margaret threw the wine glass on the ground casually...and wrapped her hands around Zhou Ye's neck..."Did you know that I've been waiting for this day for six years., finally let me me..."

For Zhou Ye, Margaret's words sounded like a charge horn...

As soon as he lowered his head, he ruthlessly kept his mouth shut. As Margaret went from being jerky to being able to fight with Zhou Ye, her armament had been taken over by Zhou Ye. Ye got rid of it all...

With a scream—

On the [Compulsory Magic Tool], a blood-colored flower bloomed... And Margaret finally understood what kind of compulsive effect this [Compulsory Magic Tool] thought she had...

Chapter 1481

Chapter 1481

The Ravenclaw common room was busy in the early morning, because if they didn't want to miss breakfast - then they had to get up and wash up as soon as possible.

Moreover, because girls are usually more troublesome than boys when they wash up, so-Ravenclaw girls have the habit of getting up early.

You ask? Why do girls spend more time washing up than boys? ?

The person who will ask this is definitely not running away... Because girls need to use all kinds of skin care products, although they are invincible by their own youth, they can not use those cosmetics, but - all kinds of moisturizing things, still need some .

Of course, they will do this. Most of them are girls in grades five, six, and seven. As for girls in grades one, two, and three? ? They can't be called girls yet, or girls who haven't left the shelf life of loli...

Furong was awakened by the movements of these senior school sisters getting up.

Little Furong, who opened her eyes, rubbed her eyes, looked at the busy seniors, and shook her head speechlessly...

Little Loli disapproves of the actions of the senior sisters, because—at home, no matter which mother she is, she has no habit of putting on makeup... After all—a woman's biggest enemy is time, for them who are immortal and immortal , you don't have to care about maintaining your appearance at all - at most, you can paint some light makeup occasionally.

"Ah...ha..." After opening her arms, Little Furong yawned cutely, jumped off her couch, and slipped into the bed of her friend Penello Crevat next to her. Without hesitation, his hands slipped into Debbie's armpits...

"Hahaha... Don't be like this, Furong..." Penello, who was sleeping, was woken up by his friend's tickle attack...

"It's time to get up, Pepe, otherwise we won't be in time for breakfast..." Furong said, her hands kept moving... Continuing to attack Penello.

"I know... I know... I'll get up now..." Penello raised his hands and surrendered... Only then did he gain temporary freedom.

After the two little loli changed out of their pajamas and washed up...

But I found one thing... It seems that they don't know the way...

Some people say that it's already the second day, how could it be impossible to remember the way? ?

Well, let you try the damn stairs at Hogwarts, and you will find that the memory that you are proud of turns out to be so sad.

"Furong...what should we do??" Penello asked anxiously after seeing that there was no one in the dormitory.

"Don't worry!" Furong said confidently, "Margaret will come to pick us up..."

"But... Senior Sister Simmons is gone..." Looking at the empty Ravenclaw common room, little Pepe was about to cry...

At this moment, there was a sound like a door opening, and then a figure came out from the door of Ravenclaw's boys' dormitory, which had been abandoned for more than ten years...


"Sister Simmons..."

The screams of the two little loli made Margaret, who sneaked out, froze immediately, and then... she said with an embarrassed smile on her face: "Furong, Pepe... you guys Why didn't you go to the restaurant??"

"Didn't you say you were afraid that we would get lost, so let's wait for you here??" Furong had a smile on her face, but her eyes looked a little weird.

What to say?

Furong felt that Margaret's expression was like those of those mothers who were smashed by themselves at home...

"Ah... I'm sorry, I completely forgot about this..." Margaret said, looking apologetically at the two little loli, "Let's go to the restaurant now..."

"Hmm!" x2

The two little loli followed Margaret and walked out.

While walking outside with the two little loli, Margaret secretly rejoiced in her heart. Fortunately, when she just woke up, her man used dressing magic and cleansing to save herself the trouble of washing up. And there's Sister Black's healing potion to help ease the pain.

Otherwise - as soon as she walks out, it is estimated that these two little loli will see through...

Now it seems that these two little guys have no doubts at all...

Thinking of this, Margaret's footsteps couldn't help but lighten up a lot.

However - one of the two little loli who didn't doubt anything in her opinion

One, is quietly approaching her, waving his cute little nose.

[Familiar smell... This is the smell of my father... No wonder I walked out of the empty boys' dormitory early in the morning. It seems that Dad has already eaten and wiped Margarita...]

Xiao Furong had a smile on her face, but she was secretly thinking about it.

In fact, these things are very easy to guess...

In Hogwarts, except for Little Furong and Dumbledore who learned the portal magic, Zhou Ye is the only one who can move at will...

Little Furong wouldn't do this, and Dumbledore was gay, so she would do it, except her father, Zhou Ye, there seemed to be no one else.

[Alas, another one...] Little Furong looked at Margaret with some worry, one after another... Then wouldn't her mother be getting more and more? ? God, she never called Margaret's mother...

It seems that it is time to find an opportunity for Pepe to develop a relationship with her father. As long as... Pepe is succeeded by her father, then she will also have a chance to sneak in... From now on, to improve her seniority, she will no longer have to call others. woman mother...

I'm a little excited to think about it...

- Of course, Furong definitely didn't want to counterattack Zhou Ye just to improve her seniority - the relationship between father and daughter is really good.

Sometimes it's good to make all the girls jealous.

Otherwise, at that time, Little Furong didn't have the guts to clamor for such nonsense that she wanted to marry her biological mother.

It was really the time when Little Furong was the only child in the family and was well-loved.

Just when Little Furong was thinking to herself, how to push her friend Pepe onto her father's couch, the three of them had already come to the restaurant.

As soon as she walked into the restaurant, Little Furong saw her father, Zhou Ye, sitting with Professor Black, eating breakfast leisurely.

Seeing her father smiling at Margaret, and Margaret's happy face, but a little guilty, Xiao Furong couldn't help but want to roll her eyes... After she has done it, what are you afraid of? ? ?

If Zhou Ye knew what his daughter was thinking, he would probably want to complain...

Of course I'm afraid. I originally wanted to be a teacher, but I ended up soaking my students... This matter, it's not good to say it...

Moreover, Zhou Ye still wanted to wait at school for a certain school tyrant little loli, how could he just leave?

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