So... everyone is still on the bright side, it's better to pretend to be a gentleman, and when you don't need to pretend to be a gentleman - ahem, then come to a show of affection that will shock all the guys at Hogwarts. chant.

Chapter 1482

Chapter 1482

The learning environment at Hogwarts is actually very relaxed-

There are two big classes in the morning – an hour lunch break and lunch, then another big class in the afternoon, and a weekly astrology class in the evening.

So, a lot of times, the students at Hogwarts have nothing to do around three in the afternoon.

They either go to the library and find books they like to read, or they call friends and find some games that they are interested in to play.

For example - wizard chess or training Quidditch.

Of course, as the graduating seventh grade students, their tasks are even more onerous.

After all - they are about to leave the academy and enter the society - first they will fill in their employment intentions before the start of the last semester, and then - according to these employment intentions, the teachers will give them some guidance as adults...

For example, if they want to do work related to magical animals, teachers will remind them to read more books on the habits and characters of magical animals, and sometimes even take them to take part in some social practice classes.

And if some students are aiming to become righteous masters, teachers will focus on cultivating their methods of attacking magic and defending against black magic.

This is what Hogwarts has done for its students.

As for research-oriented employment intentions, it is even simpler... Potions and Magic Plants Society open the first and second training rooms of the academy to them, so that they can learn more about the disciplines they want to apply for.

Therefore, in general, the seventh grade study is not only not easy, but more busy.

It's just—the students at Hogwarts recently discovered something, it seems that the seniors in the seventh grade have been very busy recently...

What are you busy doing? ?

Cough-cough-busy-running laps.

"Andre...don't be left behind...come on!" Roy in sportswear shouted to his teammates while running...

Almost all the seventh graders are running circles around Hogwarts... The boys are led by the boy student council president, Roy. As for the girls, the female student council president, Margaret, led the team...

They ran so intently... they didn't care at all about the searching glances in the eyes of their juniors.

"What are they doing??" Ravenclaw fifth grader Nymphadora Tonks, holding her book, asked curiously, "Have you been running for more than a week?? "

"It seems that Professor Zhou Ye set up a training plan for them!" Celine, as a well-informed person in the academy, had heard of this matter. "It is said that this will help improve the actual combat ability of magic?? Don't you know? Nymphadora..."

"Call me Tonks..." Hearing her friend's words, Nymphadora said with a bit of dissatisfaction - she resented her name, because - her name is in English, it's a bit unsightly - so she Hate people calling her name.

Celine hurriedly apologized: "Ah... I'm sorry, I forgot... I'm sorry, Tonks!"

"Okay, I forgive you!!" Nymphadora Tonks rubbed her head helplessly. She didn't mean to blame her friends. This kind of thing happened from time to time, but—for her daughter Named Nymphadora or something, the mother who named her is really a fool mother-because-the word nympha in her name nymphadora is really not very elegant in English... [Interested buddies Look up this word. 】

After letting go of those little entanglements a little, Nymphadora asked curiously: "Magic combat ability?? Just kidding?? Can running improve magic combat ability??"

"I don't believe it either..." Celine sighed and said, "But—the seventh-grade seniors obviously admire that Professor Zhou Ye very much, so—they are so obedient...and, I heard that today a sixth-grade senpai has been challenged by Margaret Simmons, the president of the female student union, because she laughed at their training methods, and asked to resolve the conflict in the duel room... …”

"What?? Challenge book? Duel room??" Nymphadora asked curiously: "What's going on?? Quick - tell me!"

In the boring study life, some small events that can be used as concoctions happened, and for Nymphadora, it was simply something not to be missed.

"Professor Zhou Ye seems to have suggested it..." Celine thought for a while and said, "It is said that an abandoned large classroom was cleaned out...and then used as a place to resolve conflicts between students...only every week. It is held once every five nights. All students who have conflicts can go to the duel room to solve their conflicts. The loser can no longer provoke the winner, or they will be severely warned by the school... and the duel room can only be used by three professors at the same time. It can only be activated when it is in!"

"It sounds like it's interesting..." Nymphadora heard this, her eyes were shining with gold... "Today is Thursday? Tomorrow is Friday... God... That doesn't mean that there will be a good show tomorrow. Did you see it??"

"It seems... something interesting happened..." Nymphadora murmured as she looked at the seniors and sisters running around Hogwarts...

she made

For Ravenclaw students, of course—sometimes Simmons gets caught and preached...

It's just that she has no interest at all in what Simmons said about the legendary mage Zhou Ye... Instead of listening to her preaching, she might as well find something interesting to do.

After hiding from Simmons a few times, it seems that Simmons has also completely lost interest in Nymphadora... and never came to her deliberately again.

Nymphadora still knew about Simmons' admiration for Professor Zhou Ye...

Even when she first heard Professor Dumbledore's introduction at the opening ceremony, she was looking forward to something interesting happening between Chairman Simmons and the professor she admired...

as predicted--

At the school opening banquet, Nymphadora saw that Simmons questioned the authenticity of Zhou Ye's identity, and was even mocked by Zhou Ye for this.

But——the subsequent development made Nymphadora unable to see it.

Normally speaking, shouldn't it continue without fighting or not knowing each other? Why is there no show after that?

The two of them looked as if nothing had ever happened, even--when they were in the dormitory recently, Simmons had done very little missionary work, which, in Nymphadora's view, was simply unimaginable. ...

Nymphadora knew about the fact that Margaret Simmons was Zhou Ye's stubborn fan. It can be said that this matter is not a secret in the whole of Ravenclaw.

Regarding Margaret's light-hearted way of handling... Although many girls have doubts in their hearts, but—— they didn't think too much. Only Nymphadora Tonks will find out... Who is it—she's Disguise Magus, who has caused headaches for the entire grade?

Perhaps it was because of her restless nature and her strong curiosity. In the eyes of everyone - Nymphadora Tonks is a girl who likes to mischief.

Now—her curiosity seems to have shifted to Margaret and Zhou Ye... For her, the more normal the relationship between the two is, the more abnormal it seems... Who sees Ever been a fan of the brain who doesn't scream when he sees his idol? ?

It's time - to find the truth - let's start with this duel...

Nymphadora Tonks stared at the figure running with the girls downstairs... There was a strange brilliance in her eyes.

Chapter 1483

Chapter 1483

Just as Nymphadora Tonks was spinning all kinds of thoughts in her mind.

In the headmaster's office at Hogwarts——

"I'm starting to wonder if I made a wrong decision to invite you to serve at Hogwarts!" Albus Dumbledore rubbed his increasingly aching head, looking at Zhou Ye sitting in front of him... ...and said helplessly: "Ye... can't you be quiet for a few days??"

"I didn't do anything outrageous, did I??" Zhou Ye took a cigar and asked, "It's just a duel room. Are you being questioned by the school board again??"

" didn't do anything outrageous..." Albus Dumbledore's beard straightened. "You're just setting a precedent that's never been done before by moving the ring into Hogwarts... do you know what the directors said? They said—what's the difference between us and the dark wizards if we go on like this? ??"

"But you can't deny it... I can't open a duel room. Every year there are many private magical fights between students due to various things..." Zhou Ye said, from Albus Dumbledore's desk Shang picked up a thick book, which recorded the records of the deductions of points from various colleges due to various brawls over the decades. "Come on... let's see... huh, in 1977, fourteen cases... resulted in more than 20 students entering the hospital... Hey, look here, more happened in 1980, There are more than 30..."

"Okay... that's enough." Listening to Zhou Ye's record... Dumbledore's head froze for a while, this is really not something to brag about, "Tell me what you think... Ye, I know you are definitely not I made such a decision in a moment of confusion!"

"Professor Dumbledore... Whether you admit it or not, not every child is a good baby... Am I right??" Zhou Ye smiled slightly, put down the information in his hand, and asked.

"Well..." Dumbledore had been the headmaster of Hogwarts for so many years, but he still agreed with Zhou Ye's words.

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