"So... those students who like magical duels, and even say--like bullying, are not bad children. Maybe they just want to gain some recognition? Right??" Zhou Ye asked again.

"That's right!" Dumbledore agrees with this point - in his opinion, no child is inherently evil...including Voldemort, he just didn't give Voldemort normal guidance at the most critical moment, so That put him on a path of no return.

"And among the students, it is impossible for everyone to be friendly and harmonious, and there will be contradictions between them... Even some contradictions cannot be vented, and they accumulate more and more, causing them to commit unforgivable sins in the end... I Are you right?" Zhou Ye asked again.

"Uh—are you talking about the [Mitchell] incident??" Dumbledore asked rhetorically.

"That's right..." Zhou Ye smiled.

The so-called "Mitchell", in fact, is a pure-blood supporter of Slytherin named Mitchell, who always looks down on mixed-blood wizards and Muggle-born wizards, so on weekdays, in speech Often taunting and even insulting them...

In the end, during an extracurricular internship in the seventh grade, those guys killed Mitchell... The unlucky guy just died.

This incident was very big at the beginning, and even caused a confrontation between pure blood families and Muggle-born wizards and half-blood wizards in the magical world... In the end, the Ministry of Magic used coercive means to suppress the two sides...

Otherwise, it would have been a real mess.

It can be said that the [Mitchell] incident was, in Dumbledore's view, the second black history after Voldemort when he was the headmaster of Hogwarts.

But—now, this black history has been brought out by Zhou Ye again.

"Tell me... what you think!" Dumbledore said solemnly: "You know, Ye, I support you... don't go around in circles for me!"

"Okay..." Zhou Ye looked at the serious Dumbledore, sighed and said, "Professor, you know, in the age group of students - impulsive, aggressive, longing for recognition... that's their label. , Sometimes, maybe we adults think it doesn't matter, but in their opinion, it is a great insult... Therefore, there are all kinds of conflicts that are difficult to adjust..."

"..." Listening to Zhou Ye's words, Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

"Moreover, they are actually reluctant to tell the teacher a lot of things... After all, our identity is opposite to them to a certain extent - for them, telling the teacher is tantamount to admitting their own failures, Admit that I'm a coward..."

"Well, I don't deny that the things you said do exist." Dumbledore nodded and asked, "But - what does this have to do with the fact that you are opening a dueling room every five weeks?? "

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, "The duel room was set up to allow the students to put these private struggles on the bright side... Even, we can set up group duels and individual duels... …”

"Wait... What if the duel in the dueling room didn't get the results it should have??" Dumbledore pointed to the point. "Those students' contradictions were not resolved through duels, and the contradictions even deepened. What should I do?"

"I didn't plan to let them resolve their conflicts through the duel room at all..." Zhou Ye blinked his eyes at Dumbledore, looking like I was innocent.

Dumbledore was almost amused by Zhou Ye's words, "Then what is the purpose of your dueling room??"

"The purpose is to let them change their private fights into open-face duels..." Zhou Ye smiled and said, "When they were fighting in private, without the presence of the teacher, why would you think it's a little bad?? What if something big happens... What if we can't rush over? You know—a teenaged child is the age to be reckless when he's impulsive..."

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Dumbledore was speechless for a moment.

He knew that Zhou Ye was right—

Children of this age are at an age where they are very impulsive and even very much want to gain a sense of identity, and the biggest difference between them and ordinary people is that they are wizard seeds and have more powerful spells than ordinary people...

Uh - to use a not very appropriate term - it's the equivalent of every student in an academy taking a class with a weapon.

While strength gives people a sense of security, it also gives people a desire to express - which makes these children very difficult to discipline... Although Hogwarts Castle is full of portraits and ghosts - but - the rules are established, It's just people looking for loopholes - no matter how strict the inspection, there are always places that can't be taken care of.

But——does Zhou Ye's method really work? ?

Just when Dumbledore was thinking about the gains and losses... Zhou Ye's next sentence made Dumbledore decide to support Zhou Ye's approach.

"The opening of the duel room may not be able to completely resolve the contradictions among the students, but it can turn this kind of secret struggle into an open struggle, and make some losers feel ashamed and brave, and turn grief into strength for learning , maybe—how many more practical geniuses can be produced?" Zhou Ye's words instantly made Dumbledore's eyes light up.

"Okay, I will support you... Ye, I hope this is not the last time I support you-because, once something big happens, maybe I will take the blame and resign like you!"

"Don't worry, Professor..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, "Trust me, nothing will happen!"



Chapter 1484

Night - in Ravenclaw's boys' dormitory.

With a scream - a certain female student council president was completely sunk, and he couldn't get up again.

Half an hour later - Margaret Simmons woke up faintly...

As soon as he turned over, he hugged his man tightly... He murmured, "I came so late today... and made me like this... The sisters at home, didn't they feed you well?? "

Today is the day of the monthly family reunion. Of course, Zhou Ye will go back to feed his women first, and—by the way, he also brought back Narcissa and played with the two Black sisters. Super fun.

Whoops—it doesn't matter...

The important thing is that Margaret didn't go to the family party this time, in her words - that is, she is not mentally prepared... It's one thing to know the woman of her man, but - really need to meet Right, it's another story.

So - this time Zhou Ye had to come back early to accompany Margaret - newcomers always have preferential treatment, right?

Zhou Ye, who held Margaret in his arms, just smiled when he heard her question... Just kidding, there are only a few thousand people, and he just wanted to drain him... Believe it or not, he can get them all in minutes? ?

Just like when he got Hera in one second...

Hearing Zhou Ye's laughter... Margaret felt that her man was just laughing at her, she turned her face angrily, and sipped her man's neck...

Of course, she is reluctant to push hard... That kind of cat-like nibble, which made Zhou Ye slap the thickest part of the fat somewhere, just a slap... "Do you still want to go to class tomorrow? ??"

"Bad..." Margaret understood the meaning of her man in seconds, and begged for mercy with some fear: "I really can't do it... my dear... I have to fight someone tomorrow..."

"You? Duel with someone??" Zhou Ye was stunned when he heard Margaret's words...

Today, in addition to class, he spends almost a day in the office with Dumbledore, discussing the specific implementation of the dueling room. At dinner, he ran back to the party... He never heard of Margaery at all. The thing about a duel with someone...

"What the hell is going on??" Zhou Ye asked, "Why are you going to duel with someone as soon as I turn my head??"

"In the afternoon..." Of course Margaret wouldn't hide this from her man. "As we were about to start running the lap, a guy from Slytherin stood beside us and laughed loudly at us...what to say - this is simply the cutest thing, if running the lap can win the magic battle, Well, let's all wizards become distance runners...why come to Hogwarts to learn magic??"

"Such a person, you don't need to pay attention to her..." Zhou Ye smiled slightly and said, "The future life is just a loser..."

"I know..." Margaret, biting her tongue lightly, said indignantly, "But—she insulted you, saying that you were the biggest liar in the wizarding world, and that it wasn't Voldemort that you killed at all. ...that's why I angrily proposed a duel to her..."

"Haha..." Zhou Ye knew that Margaret wouldn't lie to himself... let alone lie to himself, he also occasionally heard about the so-called liar of the century...

Those rumors came from the pure-blooded families who were implicated in the Voldemort incident... After all, more than ten years have passed, and their lives are getting worse and worse...

From Zhou Ye's point of view... Destroying himself is only their first step. If they don't fight back, maybe they will have a second step - like washing the ground for Voldemort...

This kind of thing hasn't happened...

The so-called justice, history... In front of the vested interests, they are worthless.

It's just—the descendants of these Death Eaters have misestimated Zhou Ye's strength in the magic world, more than public opinion—who can surpass Rita Skeeter's Magic Media Group? And——with Rita's stubbornness as a horse, coupled with the powerful media group behind her...

The counterattacks of those guys were suppressed by Rita's pen - even, Rita published several biographical novels in a row - the Death Eaters and Voldemort were nailed to the pillar of shame in history, Do not turn over.

This proves once again that literati don't need a knife to kill...

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