So——the so-called argument that he is a great liar of a century only exists in the descendants of those Death Eaters...and only among them, this argument has a market...

But——the feeling of being in trouble like this is so unpleasant...

Or it should be said that Zhou Ye's life in peace is enough to make many people happy. It seems that he is really too kind, and it is time for some guys to enter Azkaban...

But——the most important thing in front of me is obviously not this...but——the duel of my own woman tomorrow.

To be honest - Zhou Ye is not optimistic about Margaret's duel...

After all—how long has she been exercising... She just wants to use her body to avoid magic? Isn't that a bit too much?

What did you say? ? Margaret didn't say to win the duel in Zhou Ye's way? ? What's the point of that-

Some things, if you don't do it, don't do it, if you do it, you must do your best...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly at Margaret and said, "Baby, do you want to win more beautiful tomorrow??"

"Think!!" When Margaret heard her man's words, her eyes suddenly lit up... her little head kept nodding. "Dear, what can you do?"

"Of course... I have!" Zhou Ye definitely gave up on his wife... "But it takes a little time, fortunately... Time is the least of the problems for me!"

"That??" Margaret looked at her man expectantly: "What are we waiting for?? Dear..."

"Uh—are you sure you can still stand up now??" Zhou Ye asked back with a strange expression.

"Of course I..." Margaret stubbornly wanted to get up—but she didn't get up—she just half-pulled her body with her arms, then instantly softened and fell into her man's arms again... "Can't get up..."

"Haha..." Looking at the pitiful appearance of his own woman, Zhou Ye laughed unscrupulously in a low voice.

"Help me... my dear!" Margaret had no choice but to ask her man for help... In her opinion, her man is omnipotent and can definitely do anything for her...

And Zhou Ye did not let her down either... With a light snap of his fingers...

Margaret felt that her body was instantly rejuvenated... There was even a feeling of inexhaustible energy - it was just her illusion. "Awesome, dear...what have you done??"

"It's just a little backtracking on your body time..." Zhou Ye said with a slight smile, "But—I seem to have messed up something...Baby!"

"What's the matter??" Margaret asked curiously.

"I seem to have turned you into a first daughter again..." Zhou Ye revealed a sinister smile in his corner. "So—you have to feel a different kind of pain again..."

"...Bastard...I'll bite you to death..."

Chapter 1485

Chapter 1485

Friday - Afternoon...

there is no class...

However, almost all the students gathered in a large abandoned classroom on the first floor...

This classroom was originally used for those big classes during the glory days of Hogwarts... but—now it's deserted too.

There is no way, there are fewer and fewer wizard seeds... You can see that there are only two or three kittens every year.

And, from time to time, there are cases of wizard couples giving birth to a Squib... so, it's not unusual.

Maybe it has something to do with the reasons for increasing global industrialization, maybe something else... but so what? It is impossible for wizards to declare war on the whole world...they number less than the standing army of a small country...

When the mystery is no longer mysterious... it's the end of the wizard...

You have to admit that the emergence of new spells is not keeping up with the speed of technological development... After all, spells depend on talent, and technology... ahem, depends on hundreds of millions of ordinary people effort……

So far... let's get back to business.

Today - this large abandoned classroom, once again restored its former glory...

Almost no matter which house Hogwarts is, students of any age gather at the door of the large classroom, waiting for the opening of this incomparably magical duel room.

There were groups of three or five gathered at the door to discuss what the dueling room would look like, and there were also the entire academy gathered together, chattering about the topic of the dueling room...

Like Ravenclaw.

Originally, the number of Ravenclaw was not large, plus they were all girls... and—this time the duel room was opened for the first time, their pride, the president of Ravenclaw's female student union had already issued a challenge notice early.

As an academy with a strong sense of community, how could they not come to cheer on Margaret Simmons of their own academy?

Of course, come on, come on... In Ravenclaw, it's not completely monolithic...

For example, right now - Margaret Simmons is chatting with her best friend Debbie Elise, while Nymphadora is staying with her best friend - there is a slight gap between the two groups distance.

"Margaret...Are you really confident??" The worry on Debbie's face could be seen by a blind man.

"Of course!" Margaret Simmons said confidently: "You know, Zhou Ye

The professor gave me special training..."

"...But..." Debbie's hesitant expression made Margaret Simmons ask curiously, "But what??\

,""I know that Professor Zhou Ye is very much can it make a difference with only one night of special training??" Debbie was really worried about her friend Margaret...even if Zhou Ye No matter how amazing it was, she didn't think that her friend's idol could make her reborn by training her friend for only one night.

If it was like before, if everyone used a spell to shoot at her, Debbie wouldn't be very worried about her friend, after all—Margaret's academic performance was also excellent... Otherwise, she wouldn't be in the schoolgirls council. the position of chairman.

But——when Margaret challenged that guy, she swore that she would win the duel without any controversy by using the actual combat method taught by Professor Zhou Ye——this made Debbie worried.

After all - Professor Zhou Ye's actual combat method is new to many students, and many of them have not even reached the entry level. How could Debbie believe that her friend can use it freely after a night of special training? ?

Of course, Margaret is well aware of her friend's worries... But she can't tell her friends... The so-called one-night special training, in fact, is that she spends the whole time in her man's mirror space over a month...

This includes not only the special training for that kind of warfare, but also the cheating device given to him by his own man-x gene.

To put it simply - she now has the genes of Quicksilver in the X-Men... The ability to control the flow of time around her makes Margaret full of confidence.

To put it bluntly, she believes that even if she challenges Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school, she has the certainty of victory.

Of course... Her training ability is how to control Quicksilver's ability more convincingly...

After all--you can't just slap people on the ground when they get an offer--well, all fools know that Margaret cheated.

So, for a whole month, she was training the ability to slow down, not fast.

Although these can't be said—but, Margaret still smiled and hugged her friend's a4 waist, and said confidently: "Don't worry, I will definitely win... because I love Zhou Ye, my The professor has absolute confidence..."

It's so dangerous, I almost blurted out - saying my dear...

Margaret thought with some fear...

But—obviously Debbie Elise is not as confident as she is...or should be said, the more confident Margaret said, the more worried Debbie was.

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