Due to the venue of the dueling arena, Stephanie's voice spread throughout the hall.

The students of Hogwarts, some know, some don't know... Those who know do science popularization for those who don't know, and those who don't know indicate that they are more interested in this duel.

"Of course it works!" Margaret saw through Stephanie's plan at a glance...but so what? She didn't think that she would lose to this fat woman after being driven by her own man...

And I don't know when, Albus Dumbledore, who had already reached the referee's seat, stood up and said loudly: "I announce that in this duel, apart from their own wands, no magic tools shall be used - whether the two sides of the duel are not allowed to use any magic tools. Any objection?"

"No objection!" x2

Hearing the shouting of the two, Dumbledore nodded and said, "Then—I declare... the duel begins!"

Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487

As Dumbledore announces the duel—

Stephanie took out her wand immediately, but instead of attacking Margaret first, she used magic on herself...

【Armor and body protection...】

With the sound of her spell, an invisible barrier opened in front of her...

Then, she raised her wand calmly and shouted to Margaret: "Oolong out of the hole, Oolong out of the hole, Oolong out of the hole"

Three vipers appeared on Margaret's path in a row, hindering Margaret's approach.

To be honest - seeing this situation, many people broke a cold sweat for Margaret.

Including those seventh graders who believed in Zhou Ye's practical combat skills, they were all in a cold sweat.

How should I put it... Stephanie doesn't look ugly, but——she is very smart. First, she used the Iron Armor Charm to make herself invincible, and then used three Viper Charms in a row on Margaery who approached her. cause hindrance...

Next—— I'm afraid it's offensive magic, right? ?

Sure enough - next, Stephanie pointed her wand at Margaret: "Passed out"

A green light shot towards Margaret...

And what about Margaret? ?

To be honest, Stephanie's so-called small moves are useless to her...

To put it simply - that is, she can easily dodge those little tricks, and then go around Stephanie's back without the protection of the Iron Armor and attack her...

However, in order not to be so exaggerated, Margaret deliberately made a thrilling look to avoid Stephanie's three poisonous snakes and magic...

Those thrilling actions caused bursts of exclamations from the students on the stage...

However, no matter how thrilling it is... In short, Margaret avoided those attacks and troubles... Creatures like poisonous snakes, although the speed of attack is very fast in an instant, but-they can't keep crawling fast for a long time. move...

So—Margaret easily got rid of those venomous snakes...

How far is the distance of forty meters? ? Hmm - generally speaking, for provincial athletes, that's about six or seven seconds...

And what about Margaret? She is definitely faster than this.

So - when Stephanie cleverly used a few spells - she found that Margaret was almost rushing to her.

At this time, it shows the importance of psychological quality...

"Fainted to the ground..."

Zilla squeaked—a magical lightning bolt from the front of Stephanie's wand, and then—the Squib...

Of course it's going to be a Squib... Because she was in a hurry and even read the spell wrong, how could she not be a Squib...

At this time, Margaret was a few meters closer to her, and she was about to rush in front of her.

Stephanie panicked even more... She waved her wand desperately... She wanted to attack Margaret, but it didn't work, sometimes it's like this - the more anxious you are, the more mistakes you make...

In the end, without even chanting a decent spell, Margaret bypassed the protection range of the Iron Armor spell and walked to her side...

When Margaret pointed her wand at Stephanie's neck, she tried to resist one last time, but—it was too late.


Stephanie tap dances to the tune of Margaret's Tarantella spell...

Can you imagine what a short, fat woman looks like when she tap dances? Tell you... it's just a kind of mental pollution.

And everyone on the stage also endured the discomfort and threw the boos to the loser.

"Looks like you're going to save a lot of trouble... Mrs. Pomfrey!" Zhou Ye smiled and said to Mrs. Pomfrey, the medic next to him.

"Well, I like this little girl... At least she's very kind and knows not to cause me trouble..." Madam Pomfrey also nodded with a smile.

Mrs. Pomfrey finds this dueling room more meaningful than the guys on the Quidditch team...at least, he's only going to trouble himself one day a week, and the guys who practice Quidditch Woolen cloth? ? It's just trouble from morning to night...

Especially at the start of the new season... that's even more of a hassle...

"If only everyone was as sensible as Simmons!" Dumbledore also said happily, brushing his beard.


, Dumbledore really thought that this time it was going to be a mess...

After all—the word duel is easily reminiscent of the bloodier dueling scenes in the Middle Ages... But fortunately, it is clear that the winner this time is a sensible little girl named Margaret Simmons... This is really Great.

"..." Zhou Ye just smiled slightly at Dumbledore's words.

To be honest...it's only superficially harmless...this seemingly harmless spell can be deadly to some guys.

For example - this fat girl who is dancing in front of her.

Maybe, from now on, she will get a nickname like "Fanny who can dance very well", which seems to be kind, but full of malice.

This nickname will accompany her for the rest of her academy time... I hope she won't be driven mad...

As one of the referees, Zhou Ye deliberately waited for five minutes before walking into the arena. After releasing the spell on Stephanie, he raised Margaret Simmons' right hand and shouted, "I declare— —The winner this time is —Miss Margaret Simmons…”

As his words fell, cheers erupted throughout the venue.

The loudest calls were those of the seventh-grade students...

From their point of view, this time—Margaret's victory was the victory of their ideas. Who told them that they were all supporters of Zhou Ye's actual combat techniques? ?

And the victorious Margaret Simmons gave Zhou Ye a kiss... Of course, it was just a kiss on Zhou Ye's face.

This is nothing in Europe...

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